我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-03-04 10:07:28 轻松职场 我要投稿


  1. "Here's what I'm thinking."1. “我是这样想的。”


  You're in charge, but that doesn't mean you're smarter, savvier, or more insightful than everyone else. Give reasons. Justify with logic, not with position or authority.Authority can make you "right," but collaboration makes everyone right--and makes everyone pull together。你是负责人,但这并不意味着你比别人更聪明、精明、或更有远见。给出理由。用逻辑证明,而不是用职位或权威。权力可以让你“正确”,但协作让每个人都正确——也让大家齐心协力。

  2. "I was wrong."2. “我错了。”

  When you're wrong, say you're wrong. You won't lose respect--you'll gain it。当你犯错时,说你错了。你不会失去尊重——反而会得到尊重。

  3. "That was awesome."3. “这太棒了。”

  No one gets enough praise. Pick someone--pick anyone--who did something well and say, "Wow, that was great how you..."Praise is a gift that costs the giver nothing but is priceless to the recipient. Start praising. The people around you will love you for it--and you'll like yourself a little better, too。再怎么赞美别人也不为过。选一个人——挑任何人都可以——他做了件好事然后你说:“哇,你做了……是多么棒啊”赞美这个礼物不需要成本,但对接受者来说是无价的。开始赞扬吧。你周围的人会因此喜欢你——你也会多喜欢自己一点。

  4. "You're welcome."4. “不客气。”

  Think about a time you gave a gift and the recipient seemed uncomfortable or awkward. Their reaction took away a little of the fun for you, right?Don't let thanks, congratulations, or praise be all about you. Make it about the other person, too。想想你送了别人礼物,对方却表现得不太舒服或尴尬局促的时候。这样的反应让你没了些乐趣,是吗?别只想着得到感谢、祝贺或赞美。也跟别人说这些吧。

  5. "Can you help me?"5. “你能帮我吗?”

  When you need help, regardless of the type of help you need or the person you need it from, just say, sincerely and humbly, "Can you help me?"I promise you'll get help. And in the process you'll show vulnerability, respect, and a willingness to listen--which are all qualities of a great leader。当你需要帮助,不管你需要哪种帮助或者你需要谁帮忙,只要真诚谦恭地说:“你能帮我吗?”我保证你会得到帮助。在这个过程中,你会表现出脆弱、尊重和倾听的意愿——这些都是伟大领导的品质。

  6. "I'm sorry."6. “对不起。”

  We all make mistakes, so we all have things we need to apologize for: words, actions, omissions, failing to step up, show support.。.我们都会犯错,所以都有需要道歉的事:言语、行为、遗漏、没有跟进、表现支持……

  Say you're sorry, say why you're sorry, and take all the blame. No less. No more.Then you both get to make the freshest of fresh starts。说对不起,说感到抱歉的.原因,承担所有责任。别偷工减料或画蛇添足。然后大家都重新开始。

  7. "Can you show me?"7. “你能做给我看吗?”

  Advice is temporary; knowledge is forever. Knowing what to do helps, but knowing how or why to do it means everything.Don't just ask for input. Ask to be taught or trained。建议是暂时的;知识是永远的。知道要做什么能帮上忙,但知道怎么做或为什么做最有用。别只要求把事情做完。多学习、多尝试。

  8. "Let me give you a hand."8. “让我帮你一下。”

  Many people see asking for help as a sign of weakness. So, many people hesitate to ask for help.But everyone needs help.Find something you can help with. Say "I've got a few minutes. Can I help you finish that?"Offer in a way that feels collaborative, not patronizing.许多人认为寻求帮助是弱者的标志。所以,很多人不知道该不该寻求帮助。但每个人都需要帮忙。找到你可以帮忙处理的事。说“我有几分钟。我可以帮你完成吗?”提供帮助时要让别人觉得你在协助他们,而不要表现出态度傲慢。

  9. "I love you."9. “我爱你。”

  No, not at work, but everywhere you mean it--and every time you feel it。不,不一定要在工作时说,而是你真心实意想说的时候——每次你感觉到爱的时候。

  10. “Nothing。”10. “没什么。”

  Sometimes the best thing to say is nothing. If you're upset, frustrated, or angry, stay quiet. You may think venting will make you feel better, but it never does.You'll never recover from the damage you inflict on an employee's self-esteem.Be quiet until you know exactly what to say--and exactly what affect your words will have。有时最好的话是沉默。如果你难过、沮丧或生气了,保持安静。你可能认为发泄会让你感觉好些,但事实从来不是这样。你永远无法弥补你给员工自尊带来的损害。保持安静,直到你知道该说什么——也知道你的话会有什么影响。










