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  2015年5月12日 农历 三月廿四 护士节

  Florence was born in 1820sintosa wealthy, English family who were, at the time of her birth living in Florence, Italy. She and her sister had all the advantages that money could provide. This included private tutors and a superb education which was not generally available to girls at that time. Florence excelled in Science and Maths; however there was little opportunity for her to use her knowledge. Women of her position in life were expected to get married and arrange all the domestic affairs that were important to wealthy families. But, Florence had a dream to become a nurse and when her father refused to allow her to train as a nurse, she was so upset that she became very ill. Eventually, her father relented and Florence started on her journey. She volunteered to work in hospitals in France and Germany and even travelled to Egypt to have formal training. Nurses were not considered to be important or valuable in those days and hospitals were generally places that only poor people would go to out of desperation. The standards of hygiene and medicine were very low. Florence began to change all that. In every hospital that she worked in she made sure that everything was clean and that the patients themselves were washed and well nourished.

  Florence had become well known for all the wonderful improvements that she had made and for the way she had trained other young women to be good nurses. When the British army was fighting in the Crimea against Russia, the soldiers were in desperate need of medical attention. The British commander in the Crimea had heard of Florence and asked her if she would come and help. So Florence collected some of her best nurses and went to the Crimea. Conditions there were terrible. There was no water and no medical equipment. Florence and her team organized a kitchen and a laundry and worked incredibly hard to improve conditions for the injured soldiers. At night she would carry a lamp as she went round the hospital and the soldiers started to call her "the lady with the lamp". They would often kiss her shadow as she passed by. Florence and her team saved thousands of lives and earned the love and admiration of her countrymen and women.

  In 1860 Florence started the Nightingale Training School. The Nightingale nurses were in demand all over the world. She advised the American President how to look after his soldiers who were injured in the Civil War. She was a guiding influence behind the founding of the International Red Cross. In 1907, she was honoured by the King of England, Edward V11 and given thesgroupsof Merit. She was the first woman to receive this award. She died at the age of 90 on August 10, 1910. Florence could have lived a life of luxury and comfort. She saw a need for someone to help the poor and the sick and she did everything in her power to improve the situation and to make a change. She thought little of her own comfort and she inspired thousands of young women to become nurses.



  1854到1856年之间,为争夺巴尔干半岛的控制权,土耳其、英国、法国先后向沙俄宣战,进行了有名的克里米亚战争。一开始,法国陆军医院就有护士护理伤病员;而英国的战地医院管理不善,条件极差,又没有护士护理伤病员,士兵死亡率高达50%多。弗洛伦斯·南西格尔主动提出申请志愿前往战地担任看护工作。在英国政府的邀请下,她率领护士38名抵达前线,在四所战地医院服务。当时前线有品匮乏,水源不足,卫生极差,医生还怀有敌意,但她毫不气馁,竭力排除种种困难,为伤病员解决必需用品和食品,组织士兵家属协同工作,增加他们的营养,从而使战地医院面目改观,在半年左右的时间里,伤病员的死亡率下降到了 2.2%。她的功绩顿时传播四海。士兵们都以亲吻她的身影来表示对她的崇高敬意,并一致亲切地尔呼她为"提灯女士"。她一时成了英国传厅式的人物,美国著名诗人朗费罗,还特地写诗赞颂她的功绩。











