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时间:2024-05-27 12:35:36 海洁 英语四级 我要投稿




  英语四级作文 1

  As is known to all, psychological health is as important as, if not more important than, physical health for a student during his/her growth. However, its quite worrying that nowadays some students are not quite psychologically healthy.

  Undoubtedly, schools and universities should take great account in the responsibilities of students psychological health. Relevant courses and activities should be introduced to students so that they would be more aware of the significance of psychological health and find appropriate ways to maintain and improve it. For example, there should be a psychological counseling hotline or office for students to turn to when they need some psychological aid.

  Of course no psychological health can be obtained without the efforts from the students themselves. From my perspective, what they can do is trying to stay positive, optimistic and follow the right guidelines from their schools. To be more specific, they can partic ipate in some activities such as voluntary work to cultivate an opening and caring mind. Meanwhile, harmful impacts from the cyber space should definitely be avoided.

  英语四级作文 2

  Nowadays, going abroad for studies is enjoying a striking popularity among adolescents. Importance should be attached to studying abroad.

  There are a great many advantages of studying overseas. First and foremost, living and studying abroad offers students a different perspective of the world. On a university campus, international students are likely to encounter their counterparts from various countries and areas and are exposed to diverse ideas and values. What is more, overseas experience is the best opportunity for the real-life use of foreign languages. There is no better opportunity to improve second-language skills than living in the country in which it is spoken.

  Generally peaking, it is my view that although going abroad is expensive and perhaps painful, the payoff is worthwhile. In the first place, in addition to knowledge, overseas students can gain precious experiences that those who stay at home will never have. Furthermore, overseas experience, frustrating and painful as it may be, is conducive to the growth of adolescents.

  英语四级作文 3

  Nowadays a large number of universities encourage and organize students to take part in social practice activities. During the holidays, students in mounting numbers choose to be the volunteers, take part-time jobs, or take part in other practical activities alike. It is obvious that social practice is playing an increasingly essential role in China’s college education.

  Undoubtedly, college students have benefited a lot from social practice. Above all, they are provided with more opportunities to contact the real world outside campus. What is more, in social practice activities, students can apply their theoretical knowledge to the solution to the practical problems. So their practical skills are improved greatly. Besides, social practice helps strengthen students’ sense of social responsibility.

  Considering the above-mentioned, it is necessary for college students to participate in social practice. However, social practice may bring some problems. For example, some students spend too much time in taking part-time jobs so as to ignore their study. Hence, we should try to balance the relationship between social practice and study.

  英语四级作文 4

  Charity is of utmost importance to us humans. While following a spate of scandals, some individuals and institutions involved in this field have encountered criticism in recent months.

  There are several reasons for this phenomenon. Above all, compared with those of developed countries, the charity awareness in our country is backward. Some people equal charity with donation, and therefore they believe that charity is the rich’s responsibility and has nothing to do with the middle-class and the poor. The second thing that must be taken into consideration is that a number of individuals and charitable organizations lack a sense of social responsibility, which results in the declining social credibility.

  For my part, I believe the following steps can address this situation. Firstly, people’s awareness of how profound influence charity can bring to our society should be heightened. Secondly, rigorous supervision must be carried out by the administrations involved, so that the charity activities will become more transparent.

  英语四级作文 5

  It is universally acknowledged that college students should be guided correctly to face frustrations in life. Frustration is inevitable during our life, and frustration education should be carried out among colleges and universities. The truth of it is deep and profound.

  A great many remarkable illustrations contribute to this argument. A case in point is that there are an increasing number of college students committing suicide each year when confronted with some kind of frustration. This is close to suggest that strengthening frustration education allows of no delay. As a matter of fact, it seems that successful people tend to be good at dealing with frustrations. Moreover, most of the students are often annoyed and discouraged by frustrations instead of drawing lessons.

  Judging from the evidence offered, we might safely draw the conclusion that frustration education is essential to the college students. But what is worth noting is colleges should also provide psychological service for the students while giving frustration education. To conclude, college students should be guided in the right path when facing setbacks in life.

  英语四级作文 6

  As a product of modern computer and the Internet, online games have become very popular among college students. A great many students have enjoyed great pleasure and satisfaction from these games. But as we see, some students lacking self-discipline are too much indulged in these games so that their health and academic performances are affected. This phenomenon has caused much worry from the teachers and parents.

  However, some others argue that online games are not always harmful. They can train the ability of youngsters to respond to things quickly. Moreover, they can stimulate their imagination and their interest in computer science. More importantly, it does bring college students much pleasure and release their pressure greatly.

  From my point of view, online games are a wonderful entertainment if college students play them in a reasonable way. When they interfere too much with their study, it is better for to give them up at once. Yet if youngsters have enough self-control over them, they can certainly obtain real pleasure and benefit a lot from them.

  英语四级作文 7

  According to a survey, in recent years the monthly expenditure of a college student has been on the sharp rise. Many college students have no concept of thrift in their mind. They take it for granted that they spend money from their parents before they enter into the society. This extravagant spending is primarily caused by the following factors.

  First of all, nowadays most of the students are the only children of their families. They are the apple in their family’s eyes and naturally get more care and pocket money. In addition, with the improvement of living standards, parents can afford higher expenditure of their children. Moreover, some students like to pursue fashion and trends, which tend to need more money. Finally, campus love is also a possible factor causing extravagant spending.

  From my point of view, a college student, as a pure consumer, should learn to be thrifty. We should limit our expenditure on daily necessities but not buy whatever we want regardless of their prices. The habit of thrift can help us form right values and is favorable to our future development.

  英语四级作文 8

  Job hunting has always been a headache for college students. Though many graduates are employed right after graduation, some are not. Most serious of all, some still have no idea where to go working even a long time after graduation.

  The reasons for this phenomenon are various. On the one hand, a few years ago colleges and universities eolled so many students in popular majors, such as economy, finance and so on that the number of graduates was greater than the need in the market. On the other hand, most graduates would rather stay in large cities without suitable job to do than go to the country.

  I reckon this problem can be solved if both colleges and students take measures. First, they should research the market and develop special skills to suit its need. Second, students’ attitude towards employment should be changed. They should go to small cities and country. There they can also give full play to their professional knowledge. In a word, if we pay much attention, the situation can be improved.

  英语四级作文 9

  At the picture depicts, a father told his son that he should read deeply rather than merely pursue the quantity of reading materials. It reflects that people tend to browse and scan e-books without stopping to ponder even one question. The way we read is so superficial that it arouses great concern in modern life.

  To be a better reader, we had better do as follows. For one thing, take notes about crucial details as we used to do. Taking notes can avoid the phenomenon that the more we read online or on smart phones, the less we seemed to memorize. For another, classics deserve to be savored by the contemporary people. For example, some classical novels can be read free on Kindle, which makes them popular among youngsters again. Whats more, if we did not make summaries from time to time, nothing that we learnt from e-books would truly be ours.

  In conclusion, when we enjoy digital reading, we should consciously conducts deep reading. Try our best to keep those good habits which are acquired in the process of paper reading, such as intensive reading and deep thinking.

  英语四级作文 10

  Can money buy happiness? Various people have various answers. Some people think that money is the source of happiness. With money, one can buy whatever he enjoys. With money, one can do whatever he likes. So, in their minds, money can bring comfort, security, and so on. Money, as they think, is the source of happiness.

  But there are still a lot of others who think that money is the root of all evil. Money drives people to steal, to rob, and to break the law. A lot of people became criminals just because they were in search of money. And in the Western countries, there is nothing that can’t be bought by money. Many people lose their own lives when hunting it.

  I think that money is essential to life and we cannot do without money. But even though money is necessary to life, it can’t buy happiness. Happiness is not something that can be measured by money. It is a state of mind. One can have plenty of money, with which he can buy whatever he wants, and at the same time he is not happy because he is never satisfied or he is troubled by various kinds of problems. Therefore, although money is necessary for a happy life, it can’t buy happiness.

  英语四级作文 11

  The population on earth is increasing rapidly, and with the developmcnr of modern industry, more and more people are flowing into cities. So, the housing problem in big cities is becoming more and more serious.

  There have been many suggested solutions to this problem. And Im in favour of the idea of building satellite cities in suburbs. The fresh air and beautiful scenery will attract people to leave the overcrowdedcity. With many people leaving the city, more space will be available for those remaining. We can find a lot of successful examples in other coun tries which solve the housing problem by building satellite cities.

  Meantime, I dont think developing to the underground will help solve the problem. I can hardly imagine that people will like to live under the ground, withoul the sky and the sun. It will make people feel totally uncomfortable.

  The building of satellite cities is a good way to solve the housing problem. It will not only relieve the burden on the big city, but also provide a much better environment for people to live. Of course, there is no perfect way to solve the problem. The housing problem is very complicated, involving many other problems such as traffic, you cannol rely on one way to solve the problem completely.

  英语四级作文 12

  Along with the improvement of living standards,people are no longer content with being fed and clothed adequately.They are more concerned about how to enhance their sense of happiness.

  To a large extent,happiness depends on individuals’understanding about it.For some people,happiness relies on material basis.without which they can’t live comfortably and decently.For others,they believe that happiness has nothing to do with money.Thus to enhance the sense of happiness is not equal to improving one’s material living standards.Instead,people are supposed to confront their life with right attitude,to be active and grateful in order to have a happy life.

  For my part,money does buy happiness.but only up to the point where it enables one to live comfortably.To boost one’s sense of happiness not only needs the material but also the spiritual enrichment. It encompasses living a meaningful life,utilizing your gifts and your time,living with reflection and objective.

  英语四级作文 13

  Do you need books? Here are a sea of books waiting for you!

  You will find the course books useful for your major, for your examinations and for your certificates like CET-4 or CET-6. You will find the books that you are looking forward to. The books will be helpful when you are preparing for some examinations or when you are busy with your dissertation. These used books are all in a good condition, which ensures pleasant reading experience for you.

  If you are really interested these books, and if you are expecting a good price for the books, just come and find what you are looking for. You won’t be let down. Please call me at xxx. Let’s make things better together.

  英语四级作文 14

  With the popularity of the Internet, network columns in which celebrities such as pop stars, atheles show off their wealth become prevalent.

  Opinions on this issue differ from person to person. An army of people, especially youngsters today are fond of these activities. Not only can they know about the latest information of these celebrities but also they can get their shopping desires stimulated by copying what the rich do. On the contrary, a number of people hold the negative attitude towards this phenomenon. They maintain that the show-off may mislead the public’s value of consumption that erode people’s outlook on life.

  For my part, despite the continuous improvement of people’s living standard, in China where the gap between the rich and the poor is increasingly widening, the rich should play at least a small role in helping those in povertity instead of flaunting their wealth.

  英语四级作文 15

  It is reported by the World Luxury Association that by 2012 China will have been expected to be the biggest trade and consumer center of luxury goods. And this provokes a heated discussion.

  There are many factors that have stimulated this great change of consumption value. First of all, the rising of living standard enables people to afford the luxury goods. Secondly, owing to the high quality and famous designer, consumers prefer luxuries as long as the goods meet their needs in terms of aesthetics or collection value. Last but not least, it is vanity that derives more and more people to buy luxury goods. Consumers prefer so much to imitate their idols like pop stars that they just blindly pursue the trend and label themselves as rich.

  As a college student, I am supposed to buy what I can afford. I’ll take the factors like style , quality and design into consideration, regardless of whatever the brand is.

  英语四级作文 16

  this cartoon is silly, and yet compelling: a large customer holds a hopelessly small piece of cloth as the tailor carefully measures. such an image suggests that one needs to consider practical reality in the pursuance of goals. merely acting on ones desires, while ignoring the facts at hand, cannot lead to success.

  the fact that currently there are more graduates than jobs reminds us of the importance of rational thinking. every year approximately 3 million students graduate from universities and begin looking for work. many of them fail to find suitable employment because there are simply not enough opportunities to accommodate such great numbers of graduates. in addition, however, one might also cite flawed individual assessment as a reason.

  in order to create a realistic target for ones future, one must make rational decisions and prepare accordingly. a student who aims to be a surgeon, for example, must take care to acquire opportunities to do clinical practice and gain sufficient knowledge. in other words, customers would do well to take accurate measurements before purchasing their fabric. a small piece of cloth cannot adequately clothe a large person.

  英语四级作文 17

  The problem of well-known campus tourism has caused wide public concern over the recent years,There is no doubt that these campuses have thick artical aura .But campus is just a place for students,should we make it so economical?This issue has caused wide public concern.No one can deny the fact that a persons education is the most important aspect of his life,we should not interrupt its quietness,The reason why we have to make our campuses is that they can provide us with elits for society. Just like our old idioms says,While there is life,there is hope.So precious our campuses are,For a long run,we should not open the campus to public.However,some people think the advantage of making our campus open is that their special artical aura.For lack of distinct culture,some travelling places will not attract tourists any more.we should make it for all.

  Before giving my opinion,I think it is important to look at the arguments on both sides.

  each one is particial,in a nother word any one has its own advantages.i think No one can deny the basic fact that it is impossible for students to master make their study in a noisy campus .so i agree with the first important.education is the most important problem for our nation.We cant get a better education,we get nothing.

  In conclusion,we must take into account this problem rationally and place more emphases on the problem.This phenomenon should be given more concerns.but in any word the education is forever on the first place.

  英语四级作文 18

  Appearance was once regarded as something we were born with and fixed. However, it is a different story now. Thanks to the advanced medical technology, people are able to change their original faces or other body parts, and plastic surgery now enjoys great popularity around the world.

  People take plastic surgery for different reasons. Some spend a great deal of money on the plastic surgery because they dream of becoming a film or TV star but they are not beautiful by birth. Some, however, have to take the surgery because of certain birth defects, such as harelip and lameness, and injuries in accidents. There emerges a new group nowadays - college fresh female grads who insist that a beauty will land a job much more easily.

  In my view, it’s not necessary that people try to beautify themselves. What we should bear in mind is that being natural is being beautiful. What’s more, people should judge others by their capacity instead of their appearances.

  英语四级作文 19

  The Internet has penetrated every aspect of daily life and exerted a huge impact on our work and study. For example, Microblogs and Wechat are two forms of new media. Various people, regardless of their age, gender or background, are involved in creating their own microblogs and using Wechat.

  There has been much controversy over whether the new technology is a boon or a bane. Some people believe that the Internet is a great asset. Modern technology considerably alters the way people communicate with each other. Also, people can now acquire useful information online with a click of the mouse. However, there is a growing concern about the potential drawbacks of the Internet, especially in terms of personal security. For example, WeChat may expose one’s location to strangers by positioning function, cheat one’s friends by faking identity, and lose one’s money in the electronic wallet.

  Owing to the accelerated pace of contemporary life, people’s work and life are increasingly confined to a narrow space. However, in face of new technology, we should be prudent. One should make sensible use of technology, being a master rather than a slave of it.

  英语四级作文 20

  Probably some years ago, good college students simply meant students good at academic work. They worked very hard just to be top students; they spent most of their campus time in classrooms, reading-rooms or laboratories. They thought about nothing but their studies. But the criteria for good college students are changing now. It is true that god marks continue to be some students dream, yet there is a growing number of students who are concerned much more about things other than academic achievement. They try some other subjects like art and music. They are also involved in such activities as speech contests, argumentation on current problems. Moreover, some students even become businessmen.

  Generally speaking, the changes are not bad. As times are different now, and job market demands personnel with both intelligent and non-intelligent qualities such as creativity, the ability to apply theory to practice. Therefore, students today should be better prepared for changes and

  competition upon graduation.

  英语四级作文 21

  Do high grades imply excellent ability? Opinions vary from person to person. Some agree that high grades reflect high intelligence and are thus indicative of ones ability. Students who do well in exams are therefore always favored in class. Others hold that grades have little to do with ones ability. They point out that some students who do not work well in school may also make great achievements. They take Edison for example, saying that Edison was considered not clever by his primary school teacher, but became a very famous inventor later. In my view, grades are important for us students. When people have no other ways to assess our ability, they can decide whether we are qualified for a school place or a position only from our grades. Therefore, we must try to achieve high grades in school, even though they are not the only standard for our abilities.

  Annual Expenses for Studying English Topic 10 Money Spent in Studying English in X City

  英语四级作文 22

  As is symbolically illustrated in the cartoon, wearing a white gown and a stethoscope, a doctor is holding a medical record and speaking to his patient in a ward of a hospital. Apparently, the intended meaning of the drawing is that the desire for health is universal.

  There are numerous ways of keeping fit. First and foremost, it is most effective to do physical exercises. People respectively choose jogging, playing basketball, swimming, skating, climbing or riding as their regular exercises because exercises never fail to make us stronger and more energetic. Moreover, we should put great emphasis on forming good habits. A balanced diet and sufficient sleep are both indispensable to physical fitness. What’s more, mental health should also be taken seriously. Especially in adversity, we need to maintain an optimistic mentality to pull through life’s pain and sorrow, twists and turns.

  To sum up, all these practices guarantee a fit health and a happy life.

  英语四级作文 23

  Should Parents Decide Children’s Life?

  In this illustration, we can see that a teenage girl happily informs her mother of the news that she is admitted to the college which her mother has selected for her. The picture implies the great influence that parents have on their children’s decisions. Choosing college for them is a typical example.

  It is evident that parents’ thoughts and behaviors shape how their children think and behave. However, in my opinion, it is inappropriate for parents to make every major life decision for their children. For one thing, each child is an individual with his own character. Children’s perceptions of life may be different from their parents’, so their choices may diverge. For another, parents cannot fully comprehend what their children want or need and therefore their decision is not necessarily the best choice for their children.

  All in all, it is advisable that parents respect their children’s choices and let them be the masters of their own lives.

  英语四级作文 24

  Welcome to Our Club June 23, 2007 The Speech Club is organizing school-wide speech training and contests to be held on each Saturday at the StudentsRecreational Center.

  Five prestigious experts and professors will be invited to be speech lecturers and contest judges. For each speech contest, the first six winners will be given awards. Attending our club has substantial advantages. Firstly, it can improve your ability to deliver a speech which is of utmost significance to your future career and development. Secondly, it can help you to possess self-confidence, enrich your extra curricula activities and make your campus life dimensional, colorful and vigorous.

  To sum up, the experiences in our club will be extraordinarily unforgettable throughout your life. Students who are interested in taking part in it may sign up with the monitor of their classes before Tuesday next week (June 26). Everybody is welcome to attend our club. Speech Club。

  英语四级作文 25

  With the gloomy prospect of returning to school, many students could suffer from post-holiday syndrome, which refers to a general feeling of depression before

  returning to campus life, which is caused by irregular lifestyles during the holiday. Symptoms include fatigue, lack of appetite and concentration, irritability and a feeling of helplessness. Various reasons can account for it. But most important of all, a large number

  of students tend to overindulge themselves in eating, merrymaking and playing around during the holidays, which makes it difficult to adjust to their routine study schedule and life pace on the campus.

  My suggestions to deal with this syndrome are as follows. First, exercising and sticking to a normal schedule over the holidays will make a difference and nip

  post-holiday syndrome in the bud. Besides, it pays to return a few days earlier before the semester starts. The early return seems to have kept the holiday blues at bay.

  英语四级作文 26

  Campus activities have been organized in many universities and colleges.These activities range from academie to recreational, such as academic reports, speech contests, poet’s club, painting clubs, singing and dancing groups, etc.

  These activities provide students with two major advantages. First of all, they play a positive role in improving students’ studies. Due to their heavy schedules, students are often buried in textbooks and seldom expose themselves to a colorful life. But the various activities provide opportunities for them to relax themselves and enrich their minds. In addition, the activities also serve students living in the "ivory tower" more chances to get in touch with society. From these activities, the participants have to leave the classroom and get to know the society.

  All these offer an important means for students to broaden their horizons. By participating in campus activities, they have fulfilled university life and in turn help campus activities to grow and flourish.

  英语四级作文 27

  Nowadays the examination is used as a chief means of deciding whether a student succeeds or fails in mastering a particular subject in most colleges and universities. Although it is efficient, its side effects are also enormous.

  On the one hand, examinations lower the standards of teaching. Since teachers are often judged by examination results, they are reduced to training their students in exam techniques. Nosubjectsjcan.be taught successfullywith jjntenttojtake.examinations. On the other hand, the most undesirable effect is that examinations encourage bad study habits. A the examinations corejis the only criterion for his academic performance students driven to memorize mechanically rather than to think creatively.

  In fact, few of us admit that examinations can contribute anything really important to the students’ academic development. If that is the case, why cannot we make a change and devise something more efficient and reliable than examinations?

  英语四级作文 28

  The tape recorder is one of the most welcome and popular electronic devices ever invented. Nowadays, almost every family has a tape recorder. It can record people’s voices or popular songs or some other things that people would like to listen to more than once. Tape recorders have been warmly welcomed since the day they were invented.

  This device is useful in many ways. For example, a reporter can use it in interviews instead of the old, less accurate means of writing them in a notebook. Also, in studying foreign languages, students can use it to improve their listening ability. Moreover, they can record their own voice to improve their pronunciation in the foreign language.

  However, it can also become a nuisance. Your hearing can be seriously harmed if you listen to a recorder with the volume too high. And, if you can’t control yourself, you can waste a lot of time listening to a recorder. So, if used properly, the recorder will serve you well. If used improperly, it can do harm to you.

  英语四级作文 29

  careful and careless are as different as fire and water。 but strangely, many scientists have both these qualities, that is, they are both careful and careless。 newton, the well known english scientist, is such a person。

  once newton invited a friend to dinner at home。 when they were ready to eat, newton left to get a bottle of wine。 but after his friend had waited for a long time, newton still didnt come back。 finally his friend found newton in his lab。

  the reason was that when newton was going to get the bottle of wine, he suddenly had a new idea for the experiment he was doing, so he completely forgot his friend and the dinner。 there was another time when newton was leading a horse up a mountain holding the rein in his hand。

  while he was walking, he kept thinking of problems he had met in his studies。 when he got to the top of the mountain, he found that the rein was not in his hand and the horse was gone。

  many scientists are careless about how they live。 this is because they are too careful in their studies。

  英语四级作文 30

  Recently I have been preparing a gift for my mother’s birthday.After much careful thinking,1 finally find the gift that can bring her the most pleasure and satisfaction is nothing but me—-thein her eye.

  As we know,there is nothing in the world that can approach a mother’s selfless love for her children.She can sacrifice everythin9,including her life,for their well-

  being,while expecting little in return from them.However,she does have some expectations on them.For example,my mother hopes that I can find a good job,build a harmonious home,and live a happy and healthy life.So I believe that for my mother,the most happiness does not come from any material things,but from me,the one who tries to fulfill her expectations.

  Therefore,the best gift for my mother’s birthday should be that I begin to take all the responsibilities that a son should assume.It is high time that I grew into a man that is patient,independent,responsible,obedient and helpful.

  英语四级作文 31

  in my opinion, the driver of benz auto should be blamed on(for) the traffic accident. it was his drunk driving that resulted in this accident.

  it is not(no) doubt that the traffic accident is a high(hot) topic in the modern(modern) society, different people have different attitude (attitudes) to this.

  when it come(comes) to the accident, people think it responsible for the driver. but last sunday i see(saw) a(an) accident. a woman crossed a street when a car turn(turned at) the crossing .it is too late to stop the car ,the women was bad(badly) hurt. the people who was walking along the street took the woman to hospital, (and) the driver came with them.

  as far as(i am)concerned, the both sides have responsibility for this, begin(at the beginning), the woman shouldnot cross the street. forthemore, the driver should pay more attention. last. we should take proper measure .only (when) we take the measure and we(become)more careful can we have a colorful(life)tomorrow.

  英语四级作文 32

  Nowadays, more and more people are exchanging a great variety of imformation by using electronic mails instead of traditional ways of mailing letters.

  Some people think that e-mail makes relationships among people closer, while some others maintain that makes people drift apart. Those who hold the former opinion insist that the appearence of e-mail makes communication quicker and more convenient.

  By e-mail people can deliver more information including pictures and sounds. However, some others think e-mail with the same format and printfont includes less emotion, then traditional letters written by hand. Most people use e-mails to deliver information instead of feelings. From my point of view, e-mail does bring great convenience for people, but it is not a better way to express our feelings than traditional letters. Our hand-writing on the paper can deliver much emotion. Therefore, when you want to express your love and care to someone, writing a letter to her or him by hand is a wise choice.

  英语四级作文 33

  It is not unusual for people to be subject to criticism. Anyone may be criticised by others in his work or study. For example: workers who fail to accomplish their tasks will be criticised. Students who have poor performance in exams will be criticised. Attitudes towards criticism differ from person to person. Some people will become annoyed if they are criticised and they will try to excuse themselves by all means. Some people tend to be indifferent criticism. They just regard criticism as nonsenses. But still some people accept criticism modestly and try to find their shortcomings by others criticism. These people stand a better chance of success in their life.

  As to me, I welcome others criticism to me. I have always believed the Chinese saying,"Good medicine but taste bitter will heal ones illness". In my opinion, the criticism will make us unhappy. It can help us know our shortcomings and inadequacy. Therefore,we should take others criticism seriously, instead being annoyed with or turning a deaf ear to it.

  英语四级作文 34

  Traffic problems have become one of the major problems in cities. streets are always crowed with vehicles and pedestrains, especially in rush hours. what is more, traffic accidents have made streets become one of the most dangerous places. but why is this problem becoming more and more serious in spite of the continuous improvement of traffic facilities?

  the rapid increasing population is a goot eplanation of the answer. more people means heavier traffic. moreover, because more space has to be used to meet the needs of the housing problem, it is almost impossible to widen the streets, which makes the situ ation even worse. then, how can we solve this problem?

  more measures should be taken to deal with this problem. for eample, rigid rules and regulations of rewards and penalties should be established to make people more careful on the streets, in addition, much more efforts should be made to put the populationplanning policy into practice.

  英语四级作文 35

  The open policy means that our country is open to investment, trade and technical and economic cooperation with other countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. The purpose of open policy is to acquire advanced technology, management skills to serve our socialist construction so as to promote the realization of the four modernizations.

  We must adhere to the open policy. Because economic relations between states today have become increasingly close, and no country can possibly advance behind close doors. Only in this way, can we gradually close the gap between our country and the developed countries.

  Through the implementation of policy, we can learn advanced technology and managerial expertise from abroad; make full use of the foreign capitals to set up great enterprises; absorb useful? and healthy ideas and new knowledge of the modern civilization; and broaden our views and raise our level of competence.






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