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时间:2022-12-31 13:27:24 英语四级 我要投稿


  Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)


  Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A),B) ,C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

  Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:

  Increasingly, over the past ten years, people—especially young people—have become aware of the need to change their eating habits, because much of the food they eat, particularly processed foods, is not good for health. Consequently,there has been a growing interest in natural foods: foods which do not contain chemical additives and which have not been affected by chemical fertilizers widely used in farming today.

  Natural foods, for example, are vegetables, fruit and grain which have been grown in soil that is rich in organic matter.In simple terms, this means that the soil has been nourished by unused vegetable matter, which provides it with essential vitamins and minerals. This in itself is a natural process compared with the use of chemicals and fertilizers, the main purpose of which is to increase the amount but not the quality of foods grown in commercial farming areas.

  Natural foods also include animals which have been allowed to feed and move freely in healthy pastures. Compare this with what happens in the mass production of poultry: there are battery farms, for example, where thousands of chickens live crowded together in one building and are fed on food which is little better than rubbish. Chickens kept in this way are not only tasteless as food; but also produce eggs which lack important vitamins.

  There are other aspects of healthy eating which are now receiving increasing attention from experts on diet. Take, for example, the question of sugar. This is actually a nonessential food! Although a natural alternative, such as honey, can be used to sweeten food if this necessary, we can in fact do without it. It is not that sugar is harmful in itself. But it does seem to be additive: the quantity we use has grown steadily over the last centuries and in Britain today each person consumes an average of 200 pounds a year! Yet all it does is provide us with energy, in the form of calories. There are no vitamins in it, no minerals and nofiber.?

  It is significant that nowadays fiber is considered to be an important part of a healthy diet. In white bread, for example ,the fiber has been removed. But it is present in unrefined flour and of course in vegetables. It is interesting to note that in countries where the national diet contains large quantities of unrefined flour and vegetables, certain diseases are comparatively rare. Hence the emphasis is placed on the eating of whole meal bread and more vegetables by modern experts on “healthy eating”.

  ? 21.Which statement best expresses the main idea of this article?

  ? A) People should eat any food to keep themselves healthy and strong.

  ? B) People should eat natural foods to keep themselves healthy and strong.

  ? C) People should eat fiber foods to keep themselves healthy and strong.

  ? D) People should eat vegetables to keep themselves healthy and strong.

  ? 22.“Particularly processed foods” means ____.

  ? A) foods which are particularly processed by adding chemical additives

  ? B) foods which are particularly made by commercial farms

  ? C) foods which are specially produced by commercial factories

  ? D) foods which are not specially made by adding anything

  ? 23.Natural foods means ____.

  ? A) foods good for health

  ? B) foods not good for health

  ? C) foods such as vegetables, fruit and grain from rich organic matters soil

  ? D) crops from rich organic matters soil and meats of animals from healthy pastures

  ? 24.There are no vitamins, no minerals and no fibers in ____.

  ? A) natural foods C) sugar

  ? B) animal meats D) fruit

  25.“Yet all it does is provide us with energy, in the form of calories.” It means ____.

  ? A) processed food provides us with energy

  ? B) natural food furnishes us with vitamins and minerals

  ? C) sugar gives us enough energy in the form of calories

  ? D) fiber helps us to digest food?

  Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage: ?

  With a tremendous roar from its rocket engine, the satellite is sent up into the sky. Minutes later, at an altitude of 300 miles, this tiny electronic moon begins to orbit about the earth. Its radio begins to transmit an astonishing amount of information about the satellite's orbital path, the amount of radiation it detects, and the presence of meteorites. Information of all kinds races back to the earth.No human being could possibly copy down all these facts, much less remember and organize them. But an electronic computer can. ?

  The marvel of the machine age, the electronic computer has been in use only since 1946. It can do simple computations—add,subtract, multiply and divide—with lighting speed and perfect accuracy. Some computers can work 500,000 times faster than any person can.

  Once it is given a “program” — that is, a carefully worked?out set of instructions devised by a technician trained in computer language — a computer cagather a wide range of information for many purposes. For the scientist it can get information from outer space or from the depth of the ocean. In business and industry the computer prepares factory inventories, keeps track of sales trends and production needs, mails dividend checks, and makes out company payrolls. It can keep bank accounts up to date and make out electric bills. If you are planning a trip by plane, the computer will find out what to take and what space is available.

  Not only can the computer gather facts, it can also store them as fast as they are gathered and can pour them out whenever they are needed. The computer is really a high?powered“memory” machine that “has all the answers”—or almost all.Besides gathering and storing information, the computer can also solve complicated problems that once took months for people to do.

  At times computers seem almost human. They can “read” hand?printed letters, play chess, compose music, write plays and even design other computers. Is it any wonder that they are sometimes called “thinking” machines?

  Even though they are taking over some of the tasks that were once accomplished by our own brains, computers are not replacing us at least not yet. Our brain has more than 10 million cells. A computer has only a few hundred thousand parts.

  For some time to come, then, we can safely say that our brains are at least 10,000 times more complex than a computer.How we use them is for us, not the computer, to decide.

  ? 26.In the first paragraph, the author thinks an electronic computer can ____.

  ? A) copy down all the facts

  ? B) remember all the facts

  ? C) organize the facts and everything

  ? D) copy down, remember and organize all the facts

  ? 27.“Program” means ____.

  ? A) a plan of what is to be done

  ? B) a complete show on a TV station at a fixed time table

  ? C) a scheduled performance

  ? D) series of coded instructions to control the operations of a computer

  ? 28.The computer is a high powered “memory” machine, which ____.

  ? A) has all the ready answers — or almost all to any questions

  ? B) can remember everything

  ? C) can store everything and work for you

  ? D) has all the answers — or almost to all the information that has been stored

  ? 29. “Thinking” machines suggest that ____.

  ? A) they can “read” hand printed letters etc

  ? B) they really can think and do many other jobs

  ? C) they even design other computers

  ? D) they can't think, but can do something under human control

  ? 30.Can computers do whatever they want to do?Why?

  ? A) Yes, because some computers can work 500,000 times faster than any person can.

  ? B) No, because they normally have a few hundred thousand parts.

  ? C) No, because human brains are at least 10000 times more complex than any computers.

  ? D) No, because how a computer works is decided by human.

  Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:

  No one expressed this attitude more strongly than Noah Webster (1758?1843).

  Born near Nartford, Connecticut, he received his education at Yale College and later began to practise law. But business in this profession was slow, and he was forced to turn to teaching. As a teacher, he soon discovered that the English school books then in use were unsatisfactory, and the American Revolution reduced the supply of such books as there were. Webster therefore began to work on three simple books on English, a spelling book, a grammar, and a reader, and these were the first books of their kind to be published in this country. The success of the first part was surprisingly great. It was soon issued again under the title THE AMERICAN SPELLING BOOK, and in this form about 80 million copies were sold during the next hundred years. From a profit of less than one cent a copy, Webster got most of his income for the rest of his life. Not only did the little book have great influence on many generations of school children, but it also had the effect or turning its author's attention to questions of language. In 1806 he produced a small dictionary,and this was followed by his greatest work, AN AMERICAN DICTIONARY OF

  THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, published in two volumes in1828. In both of these works and in many smaller writings he had one purpose: to show that the Englsih language in his country was a truly American thing, developing in its own special way and deserving to be considered from an independent, American point of view. As he himself wrote,“ It is not only important, but in a degree necessary, that the people of this country should have an AMERICAN DICTIONARY of the English language; for, although the body of the language is the same as in England…some differences exist…. No person in this country will be satisfied with the English definitions of the words congress, senate, assembly, court, and so forth, for although these are words used in England, yet they are applied in this country to express ideas which they do not express in that country.” By giving American meanings and American pronunciation, by adopting a number of American spellings, and especially by introducing quotations from American authors beside those from English literature, he was able, to a great extent, to justify the title of his work. If, after a hundred years, some people still doubt the existence of a separate American language, his efforts, nevertheless, have left a lasting mark on the language of his country.

  ? 31.Webster first tried to earn his living in the field of ____.

  ? A) education C) law

  ? B) journalism D) medicine

  ? 32.Webster earned most of his money from the sale of his ____.

  ? A) dictionary of 1828 C) grammar

  ? B) spelling book D) reader

  ? 33.Apparently Webster published his first books while he was a____.

  ? A) teacher C) lawyer

  ? B) student D) doctor

  ? 34.This article could be entitled ____.

  ? A) Noah Webster and American English Spelling

  ? B) Noah Webster, the author of An American Dictionary of the English Language

  ? C) Noah Webster

  ? D) Noah Webster and American English Grammar

  ? 35.According to the article, Webster ____.

  ? A) had created American English and its usages

  ? B) had discovered American English and improved it

  ? C) had tried his best and left a milestone on the language of his country

  ? D) had left a language which was not used in England.

  Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:

  ? Once upon a time, the United States seemed to have plenty of land to go around. Plenty of rivers to dam and plenty of rural valleys left over. Plenty of space for parks and factories. Plenty of forests to cut and grasslands to plow. But that was once upon a time. The days of unused land are over.Now the land has been spoken for, fenced off, carved up into cities and farms and industrial parks, put to use.?

  At the same time, the population keeps growing. People need places to work and places to play. So we need more sites for more industries, more beaches for more sunbathers, and more clean rivers for more fishers. And it isn't just a matter of population growth. Our modern technology has needs that must be met, too. We need more coal for energy, and we need more power plants; cars must have highways and parking lots, and jets must have airports. ?

  Each of these land uses swallows up precious space.Highways and expressways alone take some 200,000 acres each year. And urban sprawl — the spreading out of cities — is expected to gobble up vast areas of land by the year 2,000. But there is only so much land to go around. It is always hard to decide. Take, for example, a forest. A forest can be a timber supply. It can provide a home for wildlife. It is scenery and a recreation area for man. It is soil and watershed protection.

  ? 36.“…the United States seemed to have plenty of land to go around ” means that ____.

  ? A) the United States seemed to have vast land for its people to walk around

  ? B) the United States seemed to have enough land for sharing with everyone

  ? C) the United States could provide whatever its inhabitents' needs

  ? D) the United States was not able to allow its people to do what they wanted to

  ? 37.The sentence of “Plenty of rivers to dam and plenty of rural valleys left over” suggests that ____.

  ? A) the United States had a lot of rivers to dam and many rural valleys, too

  ? B) the rivers could be damed later

  ? C) rural valleys would be considered in the future

  ? D) people needn't think of the rivers and valleys

  ? 38.“Now the land has been spoken for, …” tells us that ____.

  ? A) today, land has shown its values

  ? B) now, people have said something about land

  ? C) nowadays, land has been claimed by human beings

  ? D) recently, people spoke for the land

  ? 39.The phrase of “swallows up” informed us that ____.

  ? A) these usages of land have good results

  ? B) these lands must be used totally

  ? C) the precious space was taken completely

  ? D) the precious space were eaten up

  ? 40.The word “sprawl” indicates that ____.

  ? A) cities are developing very fast to meet the people's demands

  ? B) urban areas are diminishing smoothly

  ? C) urban areas are enlarging steadily in a planned way

  ? D) cities are spreading out without any plans

  Part Ⅲ Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes)

  Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A),B),C) and D). Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

  ? 41.So frightened ____ in darkness that she did not dare to move an inch.

  ? A) was the girl C) such a girl was

  ? B) the girl was D) that the girl was

  ? 42.The students ____ the exercises, the teacher went on to explain the text.

  ? A) doing C) having done

  ? B) did D) to do

  ? 43.They talked about things and persons ____ they remembered in the school.

  ? A) who C) that

  ? B) which D) what

  ? 44.Such an obvious error ____ this would be avoided, if you were more careful.

  ? A) like C) as

  ? B) with D) of

  ? 45.They remained full of hope and determination ____ their repeated failures.

  ? A) instead of C) because of

  ? B) in search of D) in spite of

  ? 46.The car ____ seventy miles per hour until it reaches the riverside at about ten o'clock tonight.

  ? A) goes C) went

  ? B) will go D) will be going

  ? 47.He kept rubbing the child until ____ he fell asleep.

  ? A) long after C) before long

  ? B) soon after D) long before

  ? 48. ____ his youth and inexperience, he is not suitable for the job.

  ? A) Seeing C) Having seen

  ? B) Seen D) To see

  ? 49.When you ____ the test, check your papers before you hand them in.

  ? A) will finish C) will have finished

  ? B) are finishing D) have finished

  ? 50.I am interested in ____ you have told me.

  ? A) which C) that

  ? B) all what D) all that

  ? 51.No other quality is more important for a scientist to acquire____ to observe carefully.

  ? A) as C) and

  ? B) than D) but

  ? 52.They were just about to give up the question, ____ suddenly they found the answer.

  ? A) as C) when

  ? B) while D) the moment

  ? 53.It was ____ then that I came to know that knowledge comes from practice.

  ? A) until C) till

  ? B) not until D) since

  ? 54.The world's supplies of petroleum ____.

  ? A) have been gradually being exhausted

  ? B) have gradually exhausted

  ? C) are gradually exhausted

  ? D) are being gradually exhausted

  ? 55.Everything depends on ____ we have enough time.

  ? A) if C) whether

  ? B) when D) that

  ? 56.I'd just as soon ____ rudely to her.

  ? A) you not speak C) you didn't speak

  ? B) your not speaking D) you hadn't spoken

  ? 57.The concert was so interesting that we all felt it ended ____ soon.

  ? A) but too C) very

  ? B) only too D) too

  ? 58.The roar of the crowd finally ____ to a murmur.

  ? A) reduced C) decreased

  ? B) diminished D) cut down

  ? 59.It's very discourteous to ____ during some one's conversation.

  ? A) inspect C) interfere

  ? B) interrupt D) instruct

  ? 60.Sometimes even the smallest thing will upset an ____ person.

  ? A) annoyed C) irritable

  ? B) irritated D) angry

  ? 61.The conversation was so interesting that we were ____ of the lateness of the hour.

  ? A) negligible C) irrelevant

  ? B) inattentive D) oblivious

  ? 62.The rainbow is one of the most beautiful ____ in nature.

  ? A) phenomenon C) appearance

  ? B) phenomena D) experience

  ? 63.It is ____ that nowadays fiber is considered to be an important part of a healthy diet.

  ? A) serious C) significant

  ? B) great D) vital

  ? 64.The performance will begin ____ at eight?thirty.

  ? A) precisely C) accordingly

  ? B) consequently D) exceedingly

  ? 65.Mr.Smith, a chemistry teacher, never stops ____ new and better ways to improve his teaching.

  ? A) discovering C) searching for

  ? B) looking for D) finding out

  ? 66.People greatly differ ____ their views of life.

  ? A) from C) at

  ? B) to D) in

  ? 67.The geographical location of Hubei is quite favorable for agricultural production. It's ____ the land of fish and rice.

  ? A) famous for C) known as

  ? B) known by D) known to

  ? 68.The officials called for an immediate ____ to determine the cause of the accident.

  ? A) investigation C) notification

  ? B) preparation D) obligation

  ? 69.People usually ____ certain foods by keeping them in a refrigerator or freezer.

  ? A) store C) keep

  ? B) hold D) preserve

  ? 70.The girl carefully ____ every mispelled word on the page.

  ? A) surrounded C) encircled

  ? B) draw D) place

  Part Ⅳ Translation from English into Chinese (15 minutes)

  Directions: In this part, there are five items which you should translate into Chinese, each item consisting of one or two sentences. These sentences are all taken from the Reading Passages you have just read in the Reading Comprehension of the Test Paper. You can refer back to the passages so as to identify their meanings in the context.

  ? 71.Increasingly, over the past ten years, people—especially young people—have become aware of the need to change their eating habits because much of the food they eat, particularly processed foods, is not good for health.(Passage 1,Paragraph 1)

  ? 72.It is interesting to note that in countries where the national diet contains large quantities of unrefined flour and vegetables, certain diseases are comparatively rare.(Passage 1,Paragraph 5)

  ? 73.Not only can the computer gather facts, it can also store them as fast as they are gathered and can pour them out whenever they are needed.(Passage 2, Paragraph 4)

  ? 74.For some time to come, then we can safely say that our brains are at least 10000 times more complex than a computer.How to use them is forus, not the computer, to decide.(Passage 2,Paragraph 6)

  ? 75.From a profit of less than one cent a copy, Webster got most of his income for the rest of his life. (passage 3)

  Part Ⅴ Writing (30 minutes)

  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic “Advertising”. You should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below.

  ? 1. 广告的目的。

  ? 2. 为什么要做广告。

  ? 3. 厂商做广告的真实原因。


  Part Ⅱ




  ? 21.答案B。

  ?【参考译文】 下面哪一项最好地表达了本文的主要内容 ?

  ?【试题分析】 此题考查对全文主旨的理解。

  ?【详细解答】 根据文章内容 ,健康食品应该是一切天然食品,而不仅仅是蔬菜,纤维食品和其它的食品。

  ? 22.答案A。

  ?【参考译文】 “特别是加工食品”,意思是“特别是加了化学添加剂的食品”。

  ?【试题分析】 此题考查细节理解。

  ?【详细解答】 加工食品实际上是加了化学添加剂的食品 ,它既不是商业农场,商业工厂生产的食品 ,也不是其它未作特殊处理的食品。见文章第一段。

  ? 23.答案D。

  ?【参考译文】 天然食品是指……

  ?【试题分析】 此题考查对文章主题的范围及定义的理解。

  ?【详细解答】 天然食品是指从有丰富有机物的土壤里生长出的农作物和生活在有益于健康的牧场上自由觅食 ,自由奔跑的动物的肉类。文章第二段第一句及第三段第一句提供了此案。

  ? 24.答案C。

  ?【参考译文】 不含维生素、矿物质,也不含纤维的是……

  ?【试题分析】 此题考查细节。

  ?【详细解答】 糖既不含维生素 ,矿物质,也无任何纤维。参见文章第四段最后两句话。

  ? 25.答案C。

  ?【参考译文】 “然而糖所能做的就是以卡路里 (热量单位)的形式,给我们提供能量”。

  ?【试题分析】 本题为结合上下文理解细节题。

  ?【详细解答】 由上下文可知,句中的“ it”指代的是“糖”,而非其他。?



  火箭将卫星发射到天空,几分钟之后,在 300英里的高度上,这一微型电子月球就开始绕地球运行,并迅速地向地球回送各种信息。人类本身没法复制所有这些信息,更不能记住并整理这些信息,而电子计算机却能,电子计算机自 1946年开始运用,可以以光的速度进行精确的计算,比人的速度快50万倍。一旦输入某种程序,计算机可以收集大范围的信息,科学家可利用它获得太空或海洋深处的信息;在商业,工业,银行等部门,计算机能提供各种不同的服务。计算机不仅能收集信息,还能尽快地储存信息,一旦需要,就能输出这些信息,还能解决复杂的问题。有时计算机几乎跟人一样,可以辨认手写的字,可以下棋,作曲,写剧本;甚至设计别的计算机,有时被称为“有思维的机器”也不奇怪。尽管如此计算机还是代替不了人类,人类大脑比计算机至少复杂上万倍,如何使用计算机是由我们而不是由计算机决定。

  ? 26.答案D。

  ?【参考译文】 第一段中,作者认为电子计算机能够……

  ?【试题分析】 此题为段落大意理解题。

  ?【详细解答】 计算机既能复制 ,又能储存,还能排序。由文章第一段最后两句话可以选对此题答案。

  ? 27.答案D。

  ?【参考译文】 文中“ program”一词的意思是……

  ?【试题分析】 此题考查对长句子信息的把握。

  ?【详细解答】 program可作“电视节目”讲,但本文中意为“程序”,即一连串的用来控制计算机操作的编码指令,而不是电视台要播出的节目。参见文章第三段开头一句不难得出答案D。

  ? 28.答案D。

  ?【参考译文】 计算机是一种大功率储存器,它……

  ?【试题分析】 此题为细节理解题。

  ?【详细解答】 计算机是大功率储存器 ,它能提供一切有关它所储存了的信息的答案。另外,由第四段第二句话可以找出此题的答案。

  ? 29.答案D。

  ?【参考译文】 “善于思考”的机器,意味着……

  ?【试题分析】 本题为细节理解题。

  ?【详细解答】 “善于思考”的机器 ,并不能思考,而是能在人们的控制下完成一些指定的任务。见文章倒数第二段。

  ? 30.答案D。

  ?【参考译文】 计算机想做什么就能做什么吗 ?为什么?

  ?【试题分析】 本题为判断题。

  ?【详细解答】 计算机不是为所欲为的 ,因为人类决定它能做什么不能做什么。见文章最后一段话,而且根据常识我们也可以判断。?



  本文是一篇人物介绍。 Noah Webster(1758—1843)出生于美国康涅狄格州,曾就读于耶鲁大学,后来开始从事律师工作,因这一行业不景气,所以改行教书。教书过程中,他发现所使用的课本不令人满意,而且由于美国革命而减少了课本的发行,所以他开始编写有关拼写,语法和阅读书籍。这在美国是最早的也获得了巨大的成功。《美国拼写法》,这本书在十九世纪售出 8千万册。Webster因此而获得了一笔收入作为他后半生生活的主要来源。这本书不仅对一代又一代学生产生了巨大影响,而且也使Webster自己将其注意力转向研究语言的问题,后来他编写了他的巨著《美国英语词典》共有两卷,1828年出版。其目的是表明英语在美国是真正的美国货,应该以美国人自己独特的角度来看待。他写道:“美国英语不仅重要,而且必要,美国人应该有自己的美国英语词典。尽管语言形式大体相同,但依然存在区别…”他采用美式拼法,注上美式发音和美国意思,还特别引用美国作家们的语言,这在很大程度上使他这部作品名副其实。如果多年后有人依然怀疑独立的美语的存在的话,无论如何他的贡献在美国英语发展史上树了一个里程碑。

  ? 31.答案C。

  ?【参考译文】 Webster开始是靠当律师维持生计的。

  ?【试题分析】 此题为细节题。

  ?【详细解答】 见文章第二句话,他就读于耶鲁大学,后来开始从事律师工作,这里 began to practice law是关键。

  ? 32.答案B。

  ?【参考译文】 他大部分的经济收入来源于他的拼写书的销售。

  ?【试题分析】 此题为寻找具体信息题。

  ?【详细解答】 见文中“ From a profit of less than one cent a copy, Webster got most of his income for the rest of his life.”这句话,联系上下文得知,Webster的生活来源主要是靠出售《美国拼写法》一书所得收入,而不是靠出售他编撰的字典,语法和简易读物。

  ? 33.答案A。

  ?【参考译文】 显然当 Webster还是教师的时候就出版了他的第一批著作。

  ?【试题分析】 此题为直接推测题。

  ?【详细解答】 此题可用排除法。文中没有提到 doctor一词,所以很容易排除。文中也没提到他在当学生期间的贡献或成就,他开始是律师,但后来改行当了教师,是在执教期间写的书。

  ? 34.答案C。

  ?【参考译文】 本文的标题可能是……

  ?【试题分析】 此题考查文章内容的范围。

  ?【详细解答】 N.Webster只有这个题目能包含和反映全文的一切内容。

  ? 35.答案C。

  ?【参考译文】 根据本文所述, Webster付出了最大努力,在美国英语发展史上树立了一个里程牌。

  ?【试题分析】 此题为判断题。

  ?【详细解答】 此题可用排除法。 A不对,因为文中并没有提出 Webster创造出美国英语及其用途,他只是想表明美国英语与英国英语存在着区别。 B也不对,因为文中没提及他改进了美国英语。 D在文中也没有提到,而且根据常识也可判断D错。



  从前的美国似乎有足够的土地让人们分享利用,但现在一切土地都有其主了;同时人口不断增长,所以需要更多的场所,工作和娱乐。但问题不只包括人口增长,还包括满足现代技术的需要:更多的煤提供能量,更多的电厂,有汽车又须有高速公路,停车场,有飞机须有机场。宝贵的空间完全被占用了。仅公路就每年占用 20万英亩的土地,城市向郊区的蔓延侵吞了大面积的土地。尽管如此,但是有那么多土地可供利用,因此很难决定该如何利用。例如森林,可以提供木材,也可以是野生动物的活动场所,可以作为人类娱乐场所和风景点,还可以有利于保护水土流失。

  ? 36.答案B。

  ?【参考译文】 美国过去似乎有足够的土地让人们分享意指……

  ?【试题分析】 此题考查难句的理解。

  ?【详细解答】 句中关键词组“ go around”意为“be enough for everyone”,而不是“walk around”的意思,所以选B。

  ? 37.答案A。

  ?【参考译文】 句子“还有很多河流和峡谷”意指……

  ?【试题分析】 此题考查对上下文的理解。

  ?【详细解答】 这实际上是由两个名词短语 plenty of rivers和plenty of rural valleys组成,“ to dam”和“left over”分别是动词不定式和过去分词短语修饰前面的两个词组,这里所表达的意思是美国还有很多河流可以在其上筑坝还剩下有许多峡谷可以利用。

  ? 38.答案C。

  ?【参考译文】 “现在一切土地都有其主了”告诉我们……

  ?【试题分析】 此题考查难句的理解。

  ?【详细解答】 句中词组“ speak for sth.”常用于被动语态,意思是“get the right to sth. in advance; reserve”,另外,根据上下文,运用排除法,可以确定选C。

  ? 39.答案C。

  ?【参考译文】 通过词组“ swallows up(完全占用)”我们知道宝贵的空间完全被占用。

  ?【试题分析】 此题考查句意理解。

  ?【详细解答】 词组“ swallow up”意思是“use up completely; cause to disappear”。

  ? 40.答案D。

  ?【参考译文】 “ sprawl”这个单词表明城市的扩张没有任何计划。

  ?【试题分析】 此题考查单词在上下文中的含义。

  ?【详细解答】 “ sprawl”意思是“spread out ungracefully over a wide area”。所以这个词在此表明城市扩张没有规划好。

  Part Ⅲ

  ? 41.答案A。

  ?【参考译文】 那女孩在黑暗中十分害怕,不敢挪动半步。

  ?【试题分析】 此题为语法题,考查倒装句。

  ?【详细解答】 以副词 so, often,always,then,now等开头的句子要用倒装词序。

  ? 42.答案C。

  ?【参考译文】 学生做完练习,老师接着讲解课文。

  ?【试题分析】 此题为语法题,考查独立主格结构。

  ?【详细解答】 分词的逻辑主语与主语 (the teacher)不一致,这种独立结构,在句中通常作状语,现在分词的完成形式主要用在状语中表示该动作在谓语动作之前发生。故 A,B和D都不对。

  ? 43.答案C。

  ?【参考译文】 他们谈论了一些他们想起来的学校里的人和事。

  ?【试题分析】 此题为语法题,考查定语从句的引导词。

  ?【详细解答】 定语从句中的关系代词 that常用于下列几种情况:1)先行词中含有人和物时; 2)先行词为anything,everything,all等不定代词;3)先行词被any,no,every,little,much所修饰;4)先行词被序数词所修饰时;5)先行词被形容词最高级所修饰时。

  ? 44.答案C。

  ?【参考译文】 像这样明显的错误,如果你仔细一点是不会发生的。

  ?【试题分析】 此题考查固定搭配。

  ?【详细解答】 such as 连用表示,像……样的,such是形容词修饰error,as是关系代词引导定语从句“as(is)this”,修饰先行词error。 with表示“和”,“跟”,不能与such连用。error前如没有such,可选A,of不能同such连用。

  ? 45.答案D。

  ?【参考译文】 尽管多次失败,但他们仍然充满希望和决心。

  ?【试题分析】 此题为词义辨析题。

  ?【词义辨析】 instead of表示“代替,充当”,后接名词,代词,动名词;in search of寻找,寻求,后接名词,代词,动名词;in spite of表示“尽管,不顾”,引出让步状语;because of因为,由于,后接名词,代词,动名词。

  ? 46.答案D。

  ?【参考译文】 汽车每小时计划行驶 70公里才能在今晚10点左右到达河边。

  ?【试题分析】 此题为语法题,考查时态。

  ?【详细解答】 将来进行时表示预计即将发生的或计划在未来将要发生的动作,含有已经安排好的意思。而一般将来时则表示将来的动作或状态。

  ? 47.答案A。

  ?【参考译文】 直到孩子入睡很久了,他还在不断地轻拍着孩子。

  ?【试题分析】 此题为词组辨析题。

  ?【词义辨析】 long after在……后很久,在句中作状语;before long是一个表示时间的介词短语,表示不久的未来;long before表示很久以前,老早。before为介词,before也可为连词,接从句,表示早在……之前,在……很久以前;soon after在……后不久其后接时间名词或从句。

  ? 48.答案A。

  ?【参考译文】 鉴于太年轻,又没有经验,他不适合做这项工作。

  ?【试题分析】 此题为语法题,考查句子结构。

  ?【详细解答】 seeing(that)=since表示“鉴于,看到”,说明一种明显的理由或原因,其后可接名词构成原因状语。

  ? 49.答案D。

  ?【参考译文】 试题做完后,上交之前检查一下你的试卷。

  ?【试题分析】 此题为语法题,考查时态。

  ?【详细解答】 现在完成时可以用在表示时间或条件的状语从句中,表示将来某时业已完成的动作,而且还表示此动作在另一个动作之前完成。

  ? 50.答案D。

  ?【参考译文】 我对你告诉我的一切都感兴趣。

  ?【试题分析】 此题为语法题,考查定语从句引导词。

  ?【详细解答】 关系代词 which, that引导定语从句,其前一定有先行词,据此可排除A,C。what引导从句时,其前不能有名词或代词,故B不可选。all that中all是先行词,that是关系代词,引导定语从句修饰all。因此只能选用D。

  ? 51.答案B。

  ?【参考译文】 仔细观察是一个科学家要具备的最重要的品格。或:对科学家而言,没有什么别的品格比观察细致更重要。

  ?【试题分析】 此题为语法题,考查固定搭配。

  ?【详细解答】 more important比较级后通常接than; as不能与more连用。and和but是连词;and表示并列,but表示转折。

  ? 52.答案C。

  ?【参考译文】 他们正打算放弃这个问题,这时突然找到了答案。

  ?【试题分析】 此题为词义辨析题。

  ?【词义辨析】 when表示“那时,这时”其前一般有逗号,并列前后两个句子。as, while,当……时候。the moment (=as soon as)都不符合句意。

  ? 53.答案B。

  ?【参考译文】 直到那时我才逐渐明白知识来自于实践。

  ?【试题分析】 此题为语法题,考查强调句型。

  ?【详细解答】 这是一个 it is…that强调句型,强调部分是not until then。如果not until短语放在句首,句子则用倒装结构。此句not until未放于句首,故不用倒装句式。?54.答案D。

  ?【参考译文】 世界石油储备正在逐渐枯竭。

  ?【试题分析】 此题为语法题,考查被动语态。

  ?【详细解答】 现在进行时可以表示一种现在暂时性的动作 (即指现阶段的供应情况,以后供应情况怎样则不得而知 )。一般现在时则表示过去,现在,将来经常性的短缺。另外“exhaust”一词是及物动词。

  ? 55.答案C。

  ?【参考译文】 一切都在于我们是否有足够的时间。

  ?【试题分析】 此题为语法题,考查宾语从句。

  ?【详细解答】 if和whether引导宾语从句,通常可互换,但在介词之后通常用whether。如宾语从句置于主句之前,则也要用 whether。例如Whether he enjoys reading, I wonder。

  ? 56.答案C。

  ?【参考译文】 我倒宁愿你对她讲话不要那么不客气。

  ?【试题分析】 此题为语法题,考查虚拟语气。

  ?【详细解答】 would just as soon (=would rather, had rather或had just as soon)意为“宁愿”后接从句时,其从句谓语动词要用一般过去时表示虚拟语气。

  ? 57.答案A。

  ?【参考译文】 这场音乐会太有趣了,我们都觉得结束太快了。

  ?【试题分析】 此题为词汇题。

  ?【详细解答】 only too和very意思大体相同,但only too语气要比 very的强些,常与glad,pleased表示感情或意愿的形容词搭配。例如:I'm only too happy to assist you. but too的语气比only too更强,常常带有几分遗憾或可惜的意味。

  ? 58.答案B。

  ?【参考译文】 人群的吵闹声最终减弱成一种低嘀声。

  ?【试题分析】 此题为词义辨析题。

  ?【详细解答】 reduce指在数量,大小,尺寸,速度等级上的减少或降低;diminish指逐渐地变少; decrease使某物变得少;cut down砍倒,削减。

  ? 59.答案B。

  ?【参考译文】 打断人家谈话是很不礼貌的行为。

  ?【试题分析】 此题为词义辨析题。

  ?【详细解答】 inspect检查,审查;interrupt打扰,打断,指用打断某事或某人说话的方式来打扰; interfere干扰,妨碍,指阻止妨碍某人或某事;instruct指导,教育。

  ? 60.答案C。

  ?【参考译文】 有时即使是最小的事情也会扰乱易怒的人。

  ?【试题分析】 此题为词义辨析题。

  ?【详细解答】 annoyed指被弄得有点发怒,不耐烦;irritated指因为某事的烦扰而生气;irritable指非常容易生气的人;angry指对某事感到不愉快。

  ? 61.答案D。

  ?【参考译文】 我们谈得很投机以致于忘了时间 (很晚了)。

  ?【试题分析】 此题为词义辨析题。

  ?【词义辨析】 negligible无关重要的;inattentive不注意的,忽视的,指不能将注意力集中在某一点上;irrelevant不相干的,无关的;oblivious忘记的,不注意的,由于深思、没有注意到而忘记的,忽略了的。

  ? 62.答案B。

  ?【参考译文】 彩虹是最美的自然现象之一。

  ?【试题分析】 此题为词义辨析题。

  ?【详细解答】 phenomena是phenomenon的复数形式;phenomenon现象;appearance外表,出现;experience经验,阅历。

  ? 63.答案C。

  ?【参考译文】 重要的是现在纤维被认为是健康饮食的重要组成部分。

  ?【试题分析】 此题考查词义辨析。

  ?【详细解答】 serious严重的,严肃的,强调动作、行为对某事产生紧急或意想不到的后果;great巨大的,高贵的;significant重大的,强调重要的,有意义的,完美的;vital至关重要的,急需的,对有生命事物的至关重要性。

  ? 64.答案A。

  ?【参考译文】 演出将在八点半准时开始。

  ?【试题分析】 此题考查词义辨析。

  ?【详细解答】 precisely确切地,精确地;consequently因而,所以;accordingly相应地;exceedingly极度地,非常地。

  ? 65.答案C。

  ?【参考译文】 史密斯先生是位化学教师,他从未停止探索新的更好的办法以改进他的教学。

  ?【试题分析】 此题为词义辨析题。

  ?【详细解答】 discover发现,探索;look for采集,寻找,指寻找自己想得到的东西或想见的人; search for探求,搜寻,花费极大的气力搜寻某个特定的目标,为找到某人某物而进行的搜寻;find out查出来,显示,表示通过观察或调查找出原因或发现秘密,错误等。

  ? 66.答案D。

  ?【参考译文】 人们在生活的观点上很不相同。

  ?【试题分析】 此题考查句意理解及词的搭配。

  ?【详细解答】 differ from表示A不同意B或A与B持不同意见,还可以表示一种东西不同于另一种东西;differ in表示在某方面不同或持不同意见。

  ? 67.答案A。

  ?【参考译文】 湖北省的地理位置对农业生产是十分有利的,它以“鱼米之乡”著称。

  ?【试题分析】 此题考查词义辨析。

  ?【详细解答】 famous for表示以某事或某物而出名;known by表示根据(按照)...而得知的意思;known as 表示以什么身份而出名;known to表示为某人所知,闻名于某处,其后一般接“人”或地方。

  ? 68.答案A。

  ?【参考译文】 领导们要求立即展开调查,查明事故的起因。

  ?【试题分析】 此题为词义辨析题。

  ?【详细解答】 investigation调查,研究;preparation准备,预备;notification通知,通报;obligation义务,职责。

  ? 69.答案D。

  ?【参考译文】 人们通常把某些食物放在冰箱里或是冷冻库里储藏。

  ?【试题分析】 此题为词义辨析题。

  ?【详细解答】 store储存,指储存起来以便以后使用;hold保持,指某一物体保持在某一位置或状态; keep保持,指把某物保持一段时间;preserve保存,保藏,指安全地保存好某物或保存某物不使其被用完。

  ? 70.答案C。

  ?【参考译文】 那个女孩把那一页上的每个拼写错了的词都划上圈。

  ?【试题分析】 此题考查词义辨析。

  ?【详细解答】 surround包围,围绕,指把某物的四周围住;draw绘制,画;encircle环绕,合围,指在某物四周围上一圈;place放置,安插。

  Part Ⅳ

  ? 71.【参考译文】 过去的十年间,人们——特别是青年人——逐渐意识到需要改变其饮食习惯,因为他们吃的许多食品尤其是精制食品不利于健康。

  ?【翻译技巧】 此题需用词性转换法,并调整语序。

  ?【翻译点评】 句中 increasingly意为“逐渐地,越来越多地”,需要放在become和aware之间来翻译,另外“ the need to change…”如果译为“改变……的需要”就没有译成“需要改变……”来得直接,通畅。

  ? 72.【参考译文】 一种有趣的现象表明,只要人们的饮食含有大量的粗面粉和蔬菜,某些疾病在那些国家就相应减少。

  ?【翻译技巧】 此题需注意词序的调整,兼有条件状语从句作用的定语从句的翻译,及句子结构的分析。

  ?【翻译点评】 首先搞清楚本句结构很重要, It是形式主语,动词不定式短语to note that…comparatively rare是真正主语。但如果机械地译为“注意到在那些……的国家里,某些疾病相对少见是很有趣的”,就显得太头重脚轻了,所以译为“一种有趣的现象表明……”,动词“ note”后面的宾语从句中,名词“countries”后面带有where引导的定语从句修饰,但这里“人们的饮食含有大量粗面粉和蔬菜”,和后面的“某些疾病就相应较少见”之间有种必然的条件关系,所以加上“只要……,就……”使译文更有逻辑性。

  ? 73.【参考译文】 计算机不仅能收集信息,还能以收集信息的同样快的速度把它们储存起来,一旦需要就可以随时将它们输送出来。

  ?【翻译技巧】 此题需用增 (减)词法,长句短译法。

  ?【翻译点评】 首先注意 not only…but also这个倒装句,翻译时应还原,另外还要注意 “ can pour them out whenever they are needed”的翻译,whenever they are needed译为“一旦需要”就此译为“无论什么时候需要”更简洁、流畅。

  ? 74.【参考译文】 我们有把握地说在未来的一段时间内,我们的大脑至少要比计算机复杂一万倍。我们怎么使用它们是由我们而不是由计算机决定的。

  ?【翻译技巧】 此题需注意句子顺序的调整。

  ?【翻译点评】 此题只要弄清“ for some time to come”就不难翻译这个词组意思是“在未来的一段时间内”。

  ? 75.【参考译文】 从每一本书不足一美分的利润中,韦布斯特赚取了他后半生的大部分收入。

  ?【试题分析】 此题需注意句子顺序。

  ?【详细解答】 句中 for the rest of his life需提到most of his income之前翻译。

  Part Ⅴ



  ?在范文中,第一段指出广告的目的有的是让消费者知道其产品和服务,但大多数广告是为 了说服人们买这而不是买那。第二段指出广告是推销产品的手段,做广告让消费者清楚某种品牌比其他的更有优势是十分必要的。即做广告的必要性及原因,最后一段写厂商做广告的起初原因是因为他们发现花一笔钱对其产品做广告总的来说比降价出售更有利。

  Sample Writing


  ? A certain amount of advertising is of an informative kind, the aim simply being to let consumers know what goods and services are available—“consumer education” as it is sometimes called. Most advertising, however, is of a persuasive or competitive kind, the aim of which is to persuade people to buy one thing rather than something else.

  ? Advertising is a selling cost particularly associated with imperfect competition. Advertising is a way of marketing goods. In the sale of branded goods, advertising is essential in order to try to impress on consumers that one maker's brand is superior to all others, although in fact the only difference between brands may sometimes be in their trade marks and labels.

  ? Any producer with some degree of monopoly, however slight, will generally find it more advantageous to advertise his products widely and at considerable expense rather than cut his prices.











