我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-06-18 18:47:11 英语四级 我要投稿




  Part IV Translation (30 minutes)

  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.


  Father's Day is a festival of thanking our fathers. About started in the early 20th century, originated in the United States, it has been widely circulated around the world, but its date is different because of the differences of the regions. The date of the most popular is on the third Sunday of June each year, and there are 52 countries and regions in the world celebrating the father's day on this day. They have various ways of celebration, most of which is related to gifts and family dinner or other activities.



  随着生活水平的提高,保健品(health care products)日益受到中国人的喜爱。人们花费大量金钱来购买能量饮料、维生素药片和美容饮品。这些保健品宣称含有抗氧化物(antioxidants),能使人增强体质、延缓衰老。 然而,最近有研究表明抗氧化物可能只是一个医学童话。几乎没有什么数据可以证明抗氧化物可以预防疾病。 专家认为,要打抗氧化作用(oxidative stress),就要多运动,多吃水果和蔬菜。


  1.第1句中,“随着生活水平的提高”是状语,可语为状语从句as the living standards improve,也可译为介词短语with the improvement of the living standards;“保健品H益受到中国人的喜爱”是句中的主体,翻译时,可沿用汉语句中的表达结构,译为health care products become increasingly popular with Chinese people,也可将主语转换为中国人(Chinese people),将保健品转换为宾语,译为Chinese people tend to welcome health care products。

  2.第2句中的谓宾结构“花费大量金钱来购买……”可套用英讲常用表达spend time/money (in) doing sth.,译为spend quite a large sum of money (in) buying。

  3.第3句“这些保健品宜称古有抗氧化物,能使人......”中包含3个动词,如果逐字对译为These health care products claim that they contain... and make people...则稍显生硬。分析该句可知,“能使人增强体质、延缓衰老”说的是抗氧化物(antioxidante)的作用,故在翻译时,可将其转译成抗氧化物的定语从句。

  4.第5句的前半部分的“几乎没有什么数椐”可处理成There be结构,“几乎没有”用little表达;可以证明抗氧化物可以预防疾病”是补充说明“数椐”的情况,可用分词短语supporting...表达,其中的“抗氧化物可以......”说的是抗氧化物的作用,译作名词短语the use of antioxidants to...简洁明了,“可以预防疾病”表目的,用不定式短语to protect against diseases 来表达。

  Chinese people tend to welcome health careproducts as the living standards improve. Theywould spend quite a large sum of money buyingenergy drinks, vitamin pills and beauty drinks. Thesehealth care products claim that they contain theantioxidants which could build bodies and slow aging.However, recent studies show that antioxidants may be just a medical fairy tale. There is littledata supporting the use of antioxidants to protect against diseases. Experts say that to fightoxidative stress, people need to do more exercise and eat more fruits and vegetables.



  过去十年中国房地产(real estate)行业高速发展。但是,对很多人来说,买房却不是一件容易的事情。高昂的房价甚至使一些年轻情侣推迟了结婚的'计划。鉴于此种情况,近年来政府采取了一系列的措施来抑制房价过快增长,包括整顿和规范房地产市场、提高房贷利率(mortgage rate)、增设房产税(property tax)。目前,这些措施在部分城市取得了初步成效。


  1.第1句可直译为 For the past decade, China's realestate developed rapidly,但如果以时间“过去十年”作为句子主语,套用句型time + see/witness + sth.则表达更加生动形象。此时see/witness表“经历,以……为特点”之义。本句可译为The past decade has witnessed...。

  2.第2句中的“买房却不是一件容易的事情”可译为buying ahouse is not an easy thing,但套用 it is + a. + to dosth.句型来翻译“做某事是怎么样的”会更符合英文的表达习惯,故该句宜译作it is quite difficult for manypeople to buy a house。

  3.在第4句中,“鉴于此种情况”既可直译为In view of the situation,也可译为Given this situation,或是根据上下文转译为For this reason。“来抑制房价球快增长目的,故用不定式短语作状语,译作to preventthe housing price from rising too fast;“包括整顿......”起补充说明的作用,可译为 includingregulating...。

  4.在翻译最后一句时,应转换主语为“初步成效”,用被动语态译出更符合英文表达习惯,译作preliminaryeffects have been achieved...。状语“在部分城市”表达为in some cities,置于句末。

  The past decade has witnessed a high-speeddevelopment in China's real estate. But it is quite formany people to buy a house. The high housing priceeven makes some young couples their plan formarriage. In view of the situation, the governmenthas adopted a series of measures in recent years toprevent the housing price from rising too fast, including regulating and the real estate market,raising mortgage rates, and introducing property tax. At present, preliminary effects havebeen achieved in some cities.









