我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-02-26 09:57:19 英语六级 我要投稿




大学英语六级作文 篇1


  1)There are three reasons for this.

  2)The reasons for this are as follows.

  3)The reason for this is obvious.

  4)The reason for this is not far to seek.

  5)The reason for this is that...

  6)We have good reason to believe that...


  There are three reasons for the changes that have taken place in our life.Firstly,people’s living standard has been greatly improved.Secondly,most people are well paid, and they can afford what they need or like.Last but not least,more and more people prefer to enjoy modern life.

  注:如考生写第一个句子没有把握,可将其改写成两个句子,[作文]大学英语四六级作文基本句式。如:Great changes have taken place in our life. There are three reasons for this.这样写可以避免套用中的表达失误。


  1)It has the following advantages.

  2)It does us a lot of good.

  3)It benefits us quite a lot.

  4)It is beneficial to us.

  5)It is of great benefit to us.


  Books are like friends.They can help us know the world better,and they can open our minds and widen our horizons.Therefore,reading extensively is of great benefit to us.


  1)It has more disadvantages than advantages.

  2)It does us much harm.

  3)It is harmful to us.


  However,everything divides into two.Television can also be harmful to us.It can do harm to our health and make us lazy if we spend too much time watching television.


  1)It is important(necessary,difficult,convenient, possible)for sb.to do sth.

  2)We think it necessary to do sth.

  3)It plays an important role in our life.


  Computers are now being used everywhere,whether in the government,in schools or in business.Soon, computers will be found in every home,too.We have good reason to say that computers are playing an increasingly important role in our life and we have stepped into the Computer Age.


  1)We should take some effective measures.

  2)We should try our best to over

大学英语六级作文 篇2

  1.强迫 coerces into(coerce means you make someone do something s/he does not want to)、compel 代替force

  2.扩大 magnify(magnify means make something larger than it really is) 代替enlarge

  3.赞扬 extol(stronger than praise)、compliment(polite and politic 代替praise

  4.刻苦的 assiduous(someone who is assiduous works hard or does things very thoroughly 代替hard-working

  5.艰巨的 arduous (if something is arduous、it is difficult and tiring、and involves a lot of efforts) 代替difficult

  6.贫瘠的 barren、infertile(used to describe the soil is so poor that plants cannot be planted on it) 代替poor (soil)

  7.易碎的 brittle、vulnerable(someone who is vulnerable is easily hurt emotionally or physically) 代替fragile

  8.展示 demonstrate (to demonstrate a fact means tp make it clear to people. ) 代替show

  9.公正的 impartial(someone who is impartial is able to give a fair opinion or decision on something. ) 代替fair

  10.袭击 assault (physically attack someone)、assail (attack violently) 代替attack

  11.憎恶 abhor(abhor means you hate something to a extreme extent for moral reasons)、loathe(dislike very much) 代替dislike

  12. 破坏 devastate (it means damage something very badly、or utterly destroy it. ) 代替ruin

  13.总是 invariably(the same as always、but better than always) 代替always

  14.永久的 perpetual(a perpetual state never changes)、immutable(something immutable will never change or be changed) 代替forever

  15.吃惊 startle(it means surprise you slightly)、astound(surprise you to a large degree),astonish(the same as astound) 代替surprise

  16.热情 zeal (a great enthusiasm)、fervency (sincere and enthusiasm) 代替enthusiasm

  17.平静的,安静的 tranquil(calm and peaceful)、serene(calm and quiet) 代替quiet

  18.错综复杂的 intricate(if something is intricate、it often has many small parts and details) 代替ccomplex

  19.独自的 solitary (if someone is solitary、there is no one near him/her 代替lonely

  20.非常小的 minuscule(very small)、minute 代替small

大学英语六级作文 篇3

  According to the investigation of the income sources of students, the income of American and Chinese students comes from parents, part-time job and scholarship, However, the percentage of each income is quite different, Fifty percent of the American students income comes from their parents, fifteen percent comes from the scholarships granted by colleges and universities and the rest comes from part-time jobs. Ninety percent of Chinese students income comes from their parents.

  In my opinion, the main reasons for the difference is that American students are taught to be independent when they are very young, while Chinese students are taken such good care of that it is very difficult for them to live on their own. Whats more, Chinese students have fewer opportunities to find part-time jobs.

  Nowadays more and more Chinese students are seeking part-time jobs. For one thing, some students come from poor areast and their parents cant afford the high cost of education. For another, theyre eager to acquire some social skills and earn some money which will help them do more in school and live independently, AS far as American students are concerned, I think the sources of American students income will remain the same.

大学英语六级作文 篇4


  College Students’Social Responsibilities





  College Students’Social Responsibilities

  If you Google“the 71st Anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre”(in Chinese)on the Internet,you will be impressed by the video show of a girl’s special commemoration.After watching the video.I Was wondering where college students were.Taking into consideration their indifference to other historic events such as the May 4 Movement,we can conclude that college students lack the due social responsibilities.

  However,we should not simply criticize their indifference,and analysis should be made to reckon with underlying reasons.Firstly,college students are imposed excessive pressure by the job market.They have to pay more attention to their studies.Secondly,many students believe that the history has already been borne in mind,and it is unnecessary to commemorate historic anniversaries each year.For them,it is better to internalize the humiliated history and work hard than to hold ceremonies without concrete contents.

  To my way of thinking,college students should not keep silent on those occasions.It is our responsibilities to voice Our aspirations and let the society know that we have not forgotten the history.

大学英语六级作文 篇5

  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: What does friendship mean? You should write at least 120 words and you shouldbase your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:




  What does friendship mean?

  There is no definite answer. An eternal theme in literature, friendship is also indispensable in daily life.

  Friendship is to our life what salt is to dishes. When you are happy, friendship is just like adding flowers on the brocade; when you are sad, friendship is a dose of consolation; if you are in trouble, friends will surround you and remove the barriers for you; if you have a hard nut to crack, you can turn to friends for help. We admire the great friendship between Marx and Engel, which firmly combined them and pushed them forward on the road to exploring and fulfilling Communism.

  Friendship isnt almighty, but no one can live happily without it.

  On Overseas Study




  With the deepening of reform and opening-up of our country, many people dream of going abroad for further study. They insist that the modern research facilities, world famous professors and excellent environment in those foreign co11eges and universities can help lay a perfect foundation for their future development.

大学英语六级作文 篇6

  cet6六级级作文范文:how important is money ?金钱有多重要?

  no one would argue , i think , that money is unimpor tant . there a re ce rtain things that human beings need — food , shelter , medical care and these things cost money . but if one has enough money to live on , to pay for the basic essentials of life , is it impor tant to have a lot more money than that ?will your life improve in propor tion to the amount of money that you have ?

  well , there is no denying that money can buy a lot . maybe you do not need much money to pay for a simple shelter , but how about if you want a nice big apar tment in a nice neighbourhood , or if you want to buy a house ? in fact , people do get on each other’s ne rves if they are crowded together in a small kitchen , if a mar ried couple cannot but sha re a room with their parents , if childr en ar e not allowed to have a little privacy of their own .

  mor eove r , it is nice to get a little pleasur e out of life, a little fun from time to time . unfor tunately , many of the fun things that you can do today cost money . in modern cities , for example , on any night , outstanding performers appear in night clu bs and on concer t stages . fur thermore , you can dine on foods f rom eve ry corne r of the wor ld in the restaur ants . so how can it be that many people in mode rn cities do not have fun ? simple, they do not have the money to take advantage of all these att ractions .

  so , is money the road to happiness ? not r eally . la rge numbers of people work eve ry day , work over time, work weekends , and make a lot of money . are they happy ? no . they have no time to form or maintain friendship , no time to enjoy themselves .

  sur ely everyone has thought at times ,“if only i had a lot of money , i would be the happiest person in the wor ld .”but it is impor tant to r emember that money is only a means to an end , not the end itself .


  · int roduction

  * money is impor tant

  * is it import ant to have a lot more money ?

  · with money we can do a lot of things which can’t be

  done without money , e .g .

  · is money the road to happiness ?

  · money — a means to an end , not the end itself



  本文是一篇议论文, 全文围绕“money is not everything ,but everything needs money”展开。作者的论点体现在“money is only a means to an end , not the end itself .”最后一句中。本文篇幅较长, 但思路并不复杂, 例证均邻近生活实际, 因此并不难写。这样的议论文适合于六级和考研水平。



  shelt er n . 住所

  medical car e 医疗

  essentials of life 生活必需品

  in propor tion to 成正比

  get on each other’s nerves 大家都很伤脑筋

  privacy n . 隐私

  pe rformer n . 演员

  how can it be that . . . ? 怎么能行呢?

  take advantage of all these at tr action s 利用这一切可享受的东西

  work ove rtime 加班

  a mean s to an end , not the end itself 达到目的手段而本身并不是目的

大学英语六级作文 篇7

Work Pressure 工作压力

  专家提醒:写好英语作文的关键是套用句型,背诵大量范文,达到熟悉这些地道的句子结构!建议你背诵这篇英语作文Work Pressure范文,并提取其中的关键句型,活用到你的作文中去,就可以获得高分!

  Work Pressure

  Work pressure refers to the compelling force or influence that comes from one's work. Nowadays with the competition in the work field becoming more and more fierce (激烈), work pressure has become a serious problem for every person. It has held a growing attention.

  Its negative effects can be seen from the two aspects. In the physical aspect, it does much harm to people's physical health. Put under the constant pressure to keep their competitive edge, people work harder. They may catch some diseases under exhausting conditions. In the psychological aspect, it can lead to some psychological disorders. Work pressure is closely relevant to worries about setback, failure, shrinking (裁员). If the pressure is too great or lasts too long, people might collapse under it.

  Since work pressure can affect people in such a serious wayn how can we tackle it B People could relax or refresh themselves on weekends or on holidays. Optimism, confidence, efficiency, regular exercise are also remedies. Certainly people could not avoid it, but they could try to reduce its side effects and not to be burdened by it.

  范文分析 作者思路清晰。第一段以定义、原因、现象为三条线展开思路。第二段以上作压力带来的两大难题(身体健康问题与心理健康问题)为着眼点拓展思路,深入浅出地详细阐述了工作压力带来的身心隐患。第三段在“开处方”时,详略得当,不面面俱到。全文表达情绪饱满,信息量大。

大学英语六级作文 篇8

  Along with the step of globalization, most students attention has shifted from Chinese to foreign cultures. Such a shift brought on great worries among people because it is not good for the development of Chinese culture.

  There may be several reasons account for why this phenomenon could happen. First and foremost, the globalization greatly stimulated the spread of foreign cultures, which in turn stirred great interest among Chinese students; second, college students are, to some extent, forced to study certain foreign languages so as to pass exams or find good jobs so that they could not spare any time to study Chinese; last but not least, schools have no strict demand on students Chinese standard. No doubt, neglecting the study of Chinese will ultimately hold back the development of Chinese culture, and Chinese people may lose their cultural identity in such a competitive world.

  In order change this situation and save our identity, due attention should be given to the study of Chinese. To begin with, government should put great efforts on the development of Chinese culture to make more people proud of it; besides, colleges and universities should make exams more balanced, not simply emphasizing the importance of foreign languages; finally, schools should also attach great importance to the study of Chinese, making it a compulsory curriculum. Through these efforts, I think, chances of changing this phenomenon are prosperous.

大学英语六级作文 篇9

  catch ones breath 喘气,松口气;屏息

  catch ones eye 引人注目

  catch sight of 看到,发现

  come into effect 生效;实施

  come into operation 施行,实行,生效

  come to ones senses 醒悟;苏醒

  come true 实现

  could not help 禁不住,忍不住

  cut short 中断,打断

  do ones best 尽力,努力

  enjoy oneself 过得快活

  fall in love with 爱 上

  find fault 找岔

  gain an advantage over 胜过,优于

  get hold of 得到,获得

  get rid of 丢弃,摆脱,

  get the best of 战胜

  get the better of 战胜,占上风

  get together 会面,装配

  give rise to 引起,导致

  give way 让路,让步









