我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-02-28 20:21:12 英语六级 我要投稿




大学英语六级作文 篇1

  A Poster Calling for the Design of Environment-friendly Cloth Bag

  In recent years, to control the “white pollution”,our government has taken a lot of measures to promote the use of environment-friendly cloth bags. In respond to government’s appeal, the Environment Protection Association of our department will invite you to take part in our activity of cloth bag design.

  You can submit your design by email or in person. Your wonderful designs are expected before June,1st. If your designs are chosen by our association , you will have a bonus of ¥ 200.

  If you want to get more detailed information about our activity, you may have contact with us on the number 12345678 or e-mail us by cloth bag design @163.com.

  Your active participation will be greatly appreciated. We are looking forward to your terrific design.

大学英语六级作文 篇2

  These days we often hear that ( 1 ).

  It is common that ( 2 ).

  Why does such circumstance occur in spite of social

  protects? For one thing ,( 3 ).

  For another,( 4 ). What is more,since ( 5 ),it is natural that ( 6 ).

  To solve the problem is not easy at all ,but is worthtrying .We should do something such as ( 7 )to improve he present situation ,and i do believe everything will be better in the future .








  pollution of environment

  These days we often hear that (our living conditions are getting more and more serious because of the destruction of our environment ).It is common that (many trees and animals are near extinction, and the all-important food chain has been destroyed .).

  Why does such circumstance occur in spite of social protects? For one thing ,(the population of the world is increasing so rapidly that the world has been so crowded. ).For another,(the overuse of natural resources has influenced the balance of natural ecology ). What is more , since ( the industrial revolution ) ,it is natural that (a great number of factories have been springing up like mushrooms .The smoke and harmful chemicals released from factories also pollute the environment ).

  To solve the problem is not easy at all ,but is worthying .We should do something such as (planting more trees , equipping cars with pollution-control devices and learning to recycling natural resources )to improve the present situation ,and i do believe everything will be better in the future.

大学英语六级作文 篇3


  蒙古族牧民(Mongolian herdsmen)的生活方式很有特色。牧民们喜欢吃牛羊肉和奶制品,喜欢喝红茶和砖茶。他们大多住在圆形的蒙古包(Mongolian yurt)里。蒙古包顶上开有天窗(skylight),用来通风和采光。蒙古族是一个能骑善射、能歌善舞的民族。每年七八月举行的“那达慕”大会(the NadamFair),是蒙古族同胞—年一度的盛大节日。大会上有赛马、摔跤、射箭比赛和精彩的歌舞表演。每逢盛会,人们都从四面八方赶来参加比赛、观看表演,宁静的大草原顿时变成了欢乐的海洋。


  The lifestyle of Mongolian herdsmen is distinctive.Herdsmen like eating beef, mutton and dairyproducts and drinking black tea and brick tea. Mostof them live in Mongolian yurt with a skylight forventilating and lighting. Mongolian people areexperts at horseback riding and shooting and skilled in singing and dancing. The Nadam Fairheld in July or August every year is an annual grand festival for Mongolian people. There arehorse racing,wrestling,archery contest and wonderful dancing and singing performances duringthe festival.During each Nadam Fair, people from different places come to compete and watchperformances, instantly turning the quiet grasslands into a sea of pleasure.

  1.蒙古族牧民的生活方式很有特色:作为段落的第一句,翻译时一定要恰当处理。这里译者很灵活地把“很有特色”处理为be distinctive,表示跟其他民族不同,特色鲜明;另外,"牧民”还可以译为shepherds。

  2.红茶和砖茶:不能想当然地把红茶译为red tea,而是blacktea;我们对“砖茶” 可能也不太熟悉,砖茶是一种外形为长方体的紧压茶,文中译为brick tea,也可音译为Zhuan Tea。

  3.顶上开有天窗:采用介词短语with a skylight,简洁明了。

  4.能骑善射、能歌善舞:中文为并列关系,英文也应译为并列的短句be expert at horseback riding andshooting and skilled in singing and dancing。

  5.赛马、摔跤、射箭比赛:可译为horse racing, wrestling, archery contest。

  6.欢乐的海洋:可译为a sea of joy/pleasure。

大学英语六级作文 篇4

  There is no denying the fact that we have entered a digital age, with digital products used increasingly widely in peoples life, work and study. Taking a look around, we can find examples too numerous to list. The most striking ones might be digital cameras, digital videos and digital television.

  It goes without saying that these products have benefited us substantially. With digital cameras, we can take almost as many photos as we like, as long as we have access to a computer to store them. Besides, we can those pictures we dislike without worrying about waste of film. Again, with digital television, we can enjoy more channels and scenes of higher quality than provided by conventional ones.

  However, just as every coin has two sides, these digital products may also exert a negative influence on us. For instance, we miss the happiness of going through pictures taken by traditional cameras. Usually, after taking photos with digital cameras, we store them up and never have a look again.

大学英语六级作文 篇5

  1. 电子商务 electronic commerce


  参考答案:In digital era, electronic commerce plays an increasing role in the field of economy.

  2. 投资 investment


  参考答案:In line with international convention, education investment in a country should account for 40 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP for short).

  3. 购买力 purchasing power


  参考答案:Economic growth brings citizens greater purchasing power which makes it available for them to cover education, travel,daily expenses and so forth.

  4. 消费 v. consume ;n. consumption


  参考练习:Today while living level are greatly advanced, rational consumption should be advocated even more.

大学英语六级作文 篇6

  In recent years , xx has caused a heated debate on ( 1 ).

  The factors for ( 2 ) .First of all ,( 3 ).Then , there comes a case that ( 4 ). Moreover , ( 5 ) . Especially when ( 6 ) .Indeed, these unique points can be collected theo remind people that ( 7 ).In this way ,we should behave just like ( 8 ).

  The impact of Television.

  In recent years , with the development of science and technology ,80 percent of all homes in China have satellite TV , offering as many as 50 channels .It has caused a heated debate on (the impact of television on children ). Many parents are worried about the impact of so much television on children.

  The factors for (parents‘ worry is that children are indulge in television and spend too much time on it .) .First of all ,(with so many programs to choose from , children are not getting as much exercise as they should ).Then , there comes a case that ( some studies have show that excessive watching of television by millions of children has lowered their ability to achieve in school ).

  Moreover , ( the effect on children‘s minds are more serious than the effect on children‘s bodies ) . Especially when ( the children are too small to judge what programs are suit to them ) .

  Indeed, these unique points can be connected to remind parents that ( they should pay close attention to and responsibilities for supervising their children‘s TV viewing ).In this way ,children will not be influented too deeply .

大学英语六级作文 篇7









  1. Recently with the development /advance/progress of science and technology, the phenomenon of pets has aroused wide concern.

  2. Nowadays, it is undeniable that pets has almost become the biggest concern of the present-day world.


  比如:a part of citizens cling to the idea that keeping pets is beneficial to their daily life.



  1. first, keeping pets can reduce the loneliness of many people ,especially the old and the children, who have to stay alone.

  2. in addition, the pets are lovely, they can make you feel delighted when you go back to home.



  比如:although the former is reasonable to some people, there are still these who claim that having animals at home is unacceptable.


  比如:they are of the opinion that keeping pets should be banned.



  1. On one hand, they will give rise to serious pollution, which exists not only at their onwers’family but also the public places.

  2. On the other hand. Not only will they be responsible for some injuries to the innocent children but also lead to some terrible noise which can be horrible at night.



  比如:Personally, I insist that keeping pets is a two-edged weapon which can be used for good or evil.


  比如:I intend to stand on the side that pets is our friends, without them. We would witness a gloomy future.


  In conclusion , it is high time we poured attention into the phenomenon—feeding pets.






  Nowadays, there exists an increasingly serious problem. Fake advertisements have become a concern of the public.


  Although there are countless illustrations arround us,the following one is sufficient. Not only on TV but also on newspapers can we find dozens of bad ads which are cheating the consumers.



  Fake advertisements definitely have led to some consequences.


  First and foremost, individuals may buy some bad food and drink. It is really unfavorable for their health. Besides, some old people like to buy medicine,Sometimes, which are harmful. Last but not least, the enterprise of fake advertisements can earn much illegal money. It will cause serious problems in government and the society.



  To alleviate this problem, we are hoped to take effective measures.


  On the one hand, the government must control a multitude of advertisement in media, and find out fake advertisement in them. On the other hand, people ought to learn how to identify fake advertisement. So fake enterprises cannot earn profits from individuals anymore.


  Only in this way can we have a harmonious life.


大学英语六级作文 篇8


  1 Nowadays with the rapid development of advanced , more and more are commonly and widely used in everyday life.

  2 The popularity of digital will have great influence on our work, study and everyday life. On the one hand , but on the other hand.(讲影响)

  3 To conclude, are just like a double-edged sword. With them we may have less trouble dealing with problems in life and enjoy a better-off life. However, one point should be kept in mind that we should take sensible use of them , always being the master of them.(结尾段)




  开头段 Nowadays with the rapid development of advanced ., more and more.. are commonly and widely used in everyday life. However, what worries most of us is that

  中间段 Firstly.Secondly..Lastly but in no means least

  结尾段 To conclude, ..are just like a double-edged sword. With them we may have less trouble dealing with problems in life and enjoy a better-off life. However, one point should be kept in mind that we should take sensible use of them , always being the master of them.


大学英语六级作文 篇9

  admission of sth 承认

  advance in 改进,进步

  advantage over 优于的有利条件

  affection for/towards 爱,喜欢

  answer to 的答案

  anxiety for sth 渴望

  apology to sb for sth 道歉

  appeal to sb for sth 恳求,呼吁

  appeal for 魅力,吸引力

  appetite for 对的欲望

  application 把应用于

  approach to 类似,办法,通道 of sth/to sth

  argument 赞成/反对的理由

  arrangement for 对的安排

  for /against attack on 对的进攻,评击

  attempt at 尝试,企图

  attention to 对的注意

  attraction for 对的吸引力

  balance between 之间的平衡

  barrier to 的障碍

  belief in 对的信仰,相信

  candidate for 候选人,人选

  check on 检查,阻止

  claim for sth 要求

  collision with sb/sth 碰撞,冲突

  comment on /about 对的评论

  between A and B









