我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2024-06-09 04:01:23 毅霖 英语六级 我要投稿
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  A wise man once said that the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. So, as a police officer, I have some urgent things to say to good people.

  Day after day my men and I struggle to hold back a tidal wave of crime. Something has gone terribly wrong with our once-proud American way of life. It has happened in the area of values. A key ingredient is disappearing, and I think I know what it is: accountability (责任感).

  My job as a police pfficer is to impose accountability on people who refuse, or have never learned, to impose it on themselves. But as every policeman knows, external control on peoples behavior is far less effective than internal restraints such as guilt, shame and embarrassment.

  Fortunately there are still communities—smaller towns, usually—where schools maintain discipline and where parents hold up standards that proclaim:

  "In this family certain things are not tolerated—they simply are not done!"

  Yet more and more, especially in our large cities and suburbs, these inner restraints are loosening. Your typical robber has none. He considers your property his property; he takes what he wants, including your life if you enrage him.

  The main cause of this break-down is a radical shift in attitudes. Thirty years ago, if a crime was committed, society was considered the victim. Now, in a shocking reversal, its the criminal who is considered victimized: by his underprivileged upbringing, by the school that didnt teach him to read, by the church that failed to reach him with moral guidance, by the parents who didnt provide a stable home.

  I dont believe it. Many others in equally disadvantaged circumstances choose not to engage in criminal activities. If we free the criminal, even partly, from accountability, we become a society of endless excuses where no one accepts responsibility for anything.

  Americans desperately need more people who believe that the person who commits a crime is the one responsible for it.

  21. What the wise man said suggests that______.

  A. its certain that evil will prevail if good men do nothing about it

  B. its unnecessary for good people to do anything in face of evil

  C. its only natural for virtue to defeat evil

  D. its desirable for good men to keep away from evil

  22. According to the author, if a person is found guilty of a crime, ______.

  A. society is to be held responsible

  B. modern civilization is responsible for it

  C. the standards of living should be improved

  D. the criminal himself should bear the blame

  23. Compared with those in small towns, people in large cities have

  A. better sense of discipline B. more mutual respect C. less effective government D. less self-discipline

  24. The writer is sorry to have noticed that______.

  A. people in large cities tend to excuse criminals

  B. people in small towns still stick to old discipline and standards

  C. todays society lacks sympathy for people in difficulty

  D. people in disadvantaged circumstances are engaged in criminal activities

  25. The key point of the passage is that

  A. stricter discipline should be maintained in schools and families

  B. more good examples should be set for people to follow

  C. more people should accept the value of accountability

  D. more restrictions should be imposed on people

  21. A 22. D 23. D 24. A 25. C


  The birth of computers has brought with it a new set of opportunities for mischief and crime. Today, computers are easy to come by and many people know how computer technology 11 . More importantly, the growing use of computer networks can multiply the violation of security, making large numbers of people more vulnerable than would be the case if they were using 12 , stand-alone computers.

  Whats more, computer experts agree that—despite recent widespread publicity-computer viruses are 13 one of the many computer security problems facing the nation.

  The U. S. Defense Advanced Research Project Agency has requested that the Research Councils Science and Technology Board 14 the security problems posed by computer technology, see what 15 may already exist, review research efforts 16 at avoiding security problems in the future, and evaluate existing policies 17 to computer security. The study committee will examine the 18 of security for a broad spectrum of users, including the business, national security, and academic communities, as well as the 19 public.

  David. Clark, senior research scientist, Laboratory for Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, will chair the 20 of experts in

  electronic security, net-work security, computer law, software engineering ? and operating systems. The committee will also include computer users from the defense and banking industries.

  A. only

  B. works

  C. solutions

  D. general

  E. issue

  F. fundamentally

  G. universal

  H. assess

  I. aimed

  J. single

  K. committee

  L. generates

  M. relevant

  N. question

  O. community

  II. B 12. J 13. A 14. H 15. C 16. I 17. M 18. E 19. D 20. K


  The discover y of the Antarctic not only proved one of the most interesting of all geographical adventures, but created what might be called “the heroic age of Antarctic exploration”. By their tremendous heroism, men such as Shakleton, Scott, and Amundsen caused a new continent to emergefromthe shadows, and yet that heroic age, little more than a century old, is already passing. Modern science and inventions are revolutionizing theendurance, future journeys into these icy wastes will probably dependon motor vehicles equipped with caterpillar traction rather than on the dogs that earlier discoverers found so invaluable andhardly comparable.

  Few realize that this Antarctic continent is almost equal in size to South America, and enormous field of work awaits geographers and prospectors. The coasts of this continent remain to be accurately charted, and the maping of the whole of the interior presents a formidable task to the cartographers who undertake the work. Once their laborsare completed, it will be possible to prospect the vast natural resources which scientists believe will furnish one of the largest treasure hoards of metals and minerals the world has yet known, and almost inexhaustible sources of copper, coal, uranium, and many other ores willbecome available to man. Such discoveries will usher in an era of practical exploitation of the Antarctic wastes.

  The polar darkness which hides this continent for the six winter months will be defeated by huge batteries of light, and make possible the establishing of air-fields for the future inter-continental air services by making these areas as light as day. Present flying routes willbe completely changed, for the Antarctic refueling bases will make flightsfromAustralia to South America comparatively easy over the 5,000 miles journey.

  The climate is not likely to offer an insuperable problem, for the explorer Admiral Byrd has shown that the climate is possible even formen completely untrained for expeditions into those frozen wastes. Some of his parties were men who had never seen snow before, and yet he records that they survived the rigors of the Antarcticclimate comfortably, so that, provided that the appropriate installations are made, we may assume that human beingsfromall countries could live there safely. Byrd even affirms that it is probably the most healthy climate in the world, for the intense cold of thousands of years has sterilize this continent, and rendered it absolutely germfree, with the consequences that ordinary and extraordinary sickness and diseasesfromwhich man suffers in other zones with different climates are here utterly unknown. There exist no problems of conservation and preservation of food supplies, for the latter keep indefinitely without any signs of deterioration; it may even be that later generationswill come to regard the Antarctic as the natural storehouse for the whole world.

  Plans are already on foot to set up permanent bases on the shores of this continent, and what so few years ago was regarded as a “dead continent” now promises to be a most active center of human life andendeavor.

  1.When did man begin to explore the Antarctic?

  A.About 100years ago.

  B.In this century.

  C.At the beginning of the 19th century.

  D.In 1798.

  2.What must the explorers be, even though they have modern equipment and techniques?

  A.Brave and tough

  B.Stubborn and arrogant.

  C.Well-liked and humorous.

  D.Stout and smart.

  3.The most healthy climate in the world is___.

  A.in South America.

  B.in the Arctic Region.

  C.in the Antarctic Continent.

  D.in the Atlantic Ocean.

  4.What kind of metals and minerals can we find in the Antarctic?

  A.Magnetite, coal and ores.

  B.Copper, coal and uranium.

  C.Silver, natural gas and uranium.

  D.Aluminum, copper and natural gas.

  5.What is planned for the continent?

  A.Building dams along the coasts.

  B.Setting up several summer resorts along the coasts.

  C.Mapping the coast and whole territory.

  D.Setting up permanent bases on the coasts.











