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时间:2023-11-08 09:00:35 泽彪 英语六级 我要投稿
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  12月英语六级作文 1

  With the rapid development of the society, more and more people begin to realize the importance of innovation. Such as, a lot of new things appear in our daily life.

  There are many reasons for the importance of innovation. Firstly, for a person, if he has the spirit of innovation, he can be not satisfied with his current situation, and keep going until he succeeds. Secondly, for a team, creation can increase its efficiency. Thirdly, this kind of spirit can help the society develop faster and faster, so that there are more and more new things which can enrich our daily life.

  Thus, it is very important for us to encourage innovation. On the one hand, we students should learn to be innovative in our daily life. On the other hand, governments could set some laws and regulations to encourage innovation. Only in this way can we have a better life.

  12月英语六级作文 2

  Along with the highly advanced society, the importance of innovation has been attached more and more significance in our country. There abound numerous novel gadgets in our daily life.

  There exist countless contributors for this phenomenon mentioned above, while the following might be the most critical ones. To begin with, seen from the individual’s perspective, once equipped with innovation, he could be compelled to be never satisfied with his status quo, which guarantees his personal success. Apart from that, innovation is the main driving force behind increased competitiveness. To be the unrivaled one in the whole world, a nation has to keep abreast with time, ensuring the dominance of creation.

  To put all into a nutshell, it goes without saying that innovation does matter. On the one hand, relevant authorities are supposed to set up relevant rules and regulations so as to highlight innovation. On the other hand, we each individual should cultivate this kind of viewpoint since our childhood, by which means we could be bestowed with a bright and promising future! (175words)

  12月英语六级作文 3

  As is graphically revealed in the cartoon, a few employees are holding

  a conference in the meeting room equipped with advanced devices. However, the moststriking feature of the drawing is that the man in the center, whoseems like a manager, says that they have lots of information technology, while useful information is badly needed. Simple as theillustration seems, it discloses a serious problem that it israther hard to obtain helpful information in the highly modernizedsociety.

  A multitude of reasonscan account for the phenomenon. On the one hand, it can bepartially due to the fact that the modern technology has beendeveloping at an incredible speed, which provides a booming amountof information and it is difficult to tell the right from thewrong. On the other hand, it is also because the restriction aboutspreading information on the Internet is far from perfect, makingit difficult to get rid of the problem effectively andfundamentally.

  From my perspective,it is high time that we transferred our focus from developingtechnology to searching for something helpful. Only in this way can we acquire what we literallyneed.

  12月英语六级作文 4

  This is a simple but thought-provoking drawing. As we can see in it,a meeting seems to be going on, with several staff members sitting around a table and a laptop in front of each of them. A leader-like man stands there, complaining: “We have lots of information technology. We just don’t have much useful information.”

  Simple as the picture is, the message it conveys is profound. Evidently it is meant to reveal the fact that there is too much junk information online.Taking a look around, we can also find examples too many to enumerate.The best illustration that I can recall here and now isthe fact that whenever you search for the cure for a disease or a scenic spot to visit, you are flooded by advertisements, many of which are even cheating.Actually, the problem has become so widespread that it has severely affectedpeople’slife andhindered the development of society.

  Of course, we should not give up eating for fear of being choked. Admittedly,information technology has greatly facilitated our life and work. The best policy, as I see it, is to maximize its advantages and eliminate its unhealthy influence.For one thing, it is imperative that pertinent laws and regulations be worked out and rigidly enforced topunish those spreading cheating ads online. For another, the searching engine websites should make a point of reducing junk information. Only with these measures taken can we expect the solution of the problem.

  12月英语六级作文 5

  At present, many people take it for granted that fresh water will never be used up because we can find it not onlyfromthe rain, but also in the rivers, lakes and wells. Consequently, it is not necessary for us to worry about global shortage of fresh water.

  In fact, the situation has become so serious that everyone should be aware of it and take immediate actions. With the world population increasing rapidly year after year, water resources are being consumed at an appalling speed. Whats more, with the development of science and technology, modern industry needs much more water than before. Thirdly, pollution is also a worrying problemwater in rivers and wells becomes undrinkable because of industrial wastes.

  We should take urgent measures to protect fresh water resources. The government should increase the efficiency of water usage by such methods as water recycling and purification of sea water. The people, on the other hand, should form the habit of cherishing every drop of water. Last but not least, pollution must be effectively controlled, if we ever want to improve the quality of life.

  12月英语六级作文 6

  Electronic waste, or e-waste, has become anissue of serious concern to the public as a growingnumber of electronic items are discarded in landfillsevery year. Many consumers are not aware that electronics like computers and cell phonesactually contain toxins that can leach out into the soil and damage the environment.

  E-waste compounds pose hazards to the environment as well as the human beings. Tostart with, when exposed to heat, the components of e-waste release toxic fumes and gas,polluting the air and causing global environmental problems. When circuit breakersdeteriorate, they release toxins, such as mercury, that pollute groundwater. In addition toits damaging effect on the environment, researchers have now linked e-waste to adverseeffects on human health.

  In my view, it’s high time that the damage of e-wasted should be realized by the public andmeasures should be taken to cope with this issue. One idea is to put greater responsibility onthe companies that produce the goods. It should be mandatory for them to taking theabandoned items back and dispose them in an environmentally-friendly manner.

  12月英语六级作文 7

  The he picture presents us a thought—provoking scene.in which a cock is standing on the platform,giving a lecture about higher mathematics.In front of the platform stands a desk,on which lies all egg which has not hatched into a chick.

  What an ironical drawing it is! It reveals that an increasing number of parents tend to put too much emphasis on their children’s preschool education. The reason why such phenomenon emerges can be interpreted as follows.On the one hand,from the parents’perspective.children are likely to fall behind when competing with their counterparts if they dont start learning early.On the other hand,since most of the parents today have suffered from lack of knowledge,the enthusiasm of learning more things is naturally transferred to the present generation.

  As far as Im concerned.such kind of early childhood education will pose pressure on the children’s physical and mental health.I suggest that parents should stop putting too much pressure on the children,and the children’education should be based on their nature-being happy. Only with the“natural law”can a child grow up healthily.

  12月英语六级作文 8

  The past years have seen the huge development of higher education in China and in contemporary society, it bees a trend for universities to be ranked according to certain standards each year.Meanwhile, an increasing number of people deem it rather convenient to acquire information about quality of some universities.Searching the Internet, people can notice several editions of ranks very year.

  A number of individuals favor this ranking because of its advantages.To begin with, without these ranks, it is impossible for people to make a direct parison between different colleges.In addition, it is this ranking that enables China to build up a system of assessing higher education and to enhance its overall development.Even so, others hold the opposite view that university ranking carries some doubts.First, ranking all universities means a great amount of time and human resources; however, the quality and authority is not as satisfactory as expected.Second, what worries many experts is that some colleges may focus too much eyesight on ranking itself, ignoring the needs of students.By and large, the advantage derived the annual university ranking far outweigh the disadvantages.

  An effective ranking will bring colleges motivation, arouses their enthusiasm to strive, and helps China to enhance higher education.However, it is advisable for this ranking to be scientific, practical and impartial.

  12月英语六级作文 9

  As is graphically revealed in the cartoon,a few employees are holding a conference in the meeting room equipped with advanced devices.

  However,the most striking feature of the drawing is that the man in the center,who seems like a manager,says that they have lots of information technology,while useful information is badly needed.

  Simple as the illustration seems,it discloses a serious problem that it is rather hard to obtain helpful information in the highly modernized society.

  A multitude of reasons can account for the phenomenon.

  On the one hand,it can be partially due to the fact that the modern technology has been developing at an incredible speed,which provides a booming amount of information and it is difficult to tell the right from the wrong.

  On the other hand,it is also because the restriction about spreading information on the Internet is far from perfect,making it difficult to get rid of the problem effectively and fundamentally.

  From my perspective,it is high time that we transferred our focus from developing technology to searching for something helpful.

  Only in this way can we acquire what we literally need.

  12月英语六级作文 10

  From the day the first digital product was given birth, unbelievable changes have happened in our life.

  A few years ago, when we read, prints on the paper are the only media which carries meaning. When we listen to music, we have to buy magnetic tapes or CDs which record the sound.

  However, nowadys, our life is a totally different picture. We read books all the same, but many of them are e-books which is more convenient and more cheap. As to music, with a matchbox-sized mp3 player, we can download whatever we like from the boundless music files on the internet. These are only the most insignificant examples how digital products have benefit us. Thanks to indigital products, the variety and quantity of information we can obtain is unprecedented. In everyday work, study and many other aspects, digital products have played a more and more important life in our life.

  However, on the other hand, digital products also cause many negative effects to our lives. As life become more and more convenient, most people become more and more indifferent.

  They close their doors and never go out as soon as they get home from work. If they live alone, they will kill their time by surfing online. They dont have any connections even with their closest neighbors, who seem no different from people they meet everyday in the street.

  For students, they spend much more time than before on listening to the music or playing computer games. These phenomena are no good to our universities, nor to our society. On the whole, it is high time that we recognized the positive effects and also the negative ones of digital products, and used them in the right way.

  12月英语六级作文 11

  It is widely accept that the digital age has already arrived, such as mobile phone, Mp3, Mp4, digital camera, digital computer and so on. They make our life convenient and colourful.

  But at the same time many people maintain that just for these stuffs our life become more and more monotonous, and people lack face to face communication. Everything has two sides.

  The advantages of the digital products are obvious to some people. For one thing, in terms of convenient, the increasing popularity of using these has helped us save a lot of time. For another, due to the rising of digital age, it makes our life colourful. We often see all sorts of people bring different kinds of products of digital age to go sightseeing and travelling.

  However, there are still quite a few people who strongly oppose these fashionable digital things. Reality mobile phones, in some extent, make friends lack face to face communication, and the famlies spend less and less time together, which cause generation gap and indifference to the person around us. Personally, I side with the former opinion. It is a wonderful feeling and a great way to make our life much more colour and conveiment. As long as the society is developed, there follows a great nummber of digital products.

  12月英语六级作文 12

  As can be seen clearly from the graph, the difference in the numbers of people working in thethree major employment sectors in the u.k. economy in the early 1980s was relatively small, with about 4 million workers in engineering, 5 million in agriculture and 5.5 million in theservice industries.

  However, the period 1980-1990 saw significant changes in the relative sizes of these threeemployment sectors. there was a rapid decline in employment in agriculture, with the numberof workers dropping by more than 80%. On the other, employment oppor tunities in the serviceindustries increased sharply, especially after 1986, whereas the engineering sectorexperienced a gradual but constant decline.

  Trends in the above graph clearly indicate that the service industries will continue to employthe largest number of people at least for the next few years, while the engineering sector willneed somewhat fewer workers in the next decade. On the whole, the total number ofemployment offered in these three sectors was much smaller than ten years before and theredoesnt seem to be any likelihood for improvement in the near future. So, students who aregoing to graduate soon may need to prepare to seek employment elsewhere.

  12月英语六级作文 13

  Perhaps there is something you dont know how to doTTn the past, you might turn to a friend or a relative, attend a night class or go to the local library to find the answer. But at present a lot of websites are springing np to offer free practical advice on these subjects aod actually anything else you can imagine.

  Why is online learning so popular among people? The answer is obvious: online learning is nuich more convenient. In the past, you perhaps had to spend pienp of lime learning m a night class or going to the library to look for relevant materials. However, now when you run into a problem, yotijust need to click the mouse, then a lot of related websites will appear in front of you.

  However, not all the materials on the Internet are correct; sometimes they are false. Thus, if you want to lcam something from the Internet, you should make sure what you will leam is completely correct.

  12月英语六级作文 14

  The Importance of Name Recently, it is universally acknowledged that due attention has to be paid to the importance of name. To begin with, a large number of people assert that one’s name can exert profound influence on the success of a person or institution. In addition, some even maintain that the mental health and physical fitness of a person will be influenced or even determined by his or her name. On the contrary, it is the view of a great many people that one’s name is of little significance. I can think of no better illustration than the following ones. “Qiu”, which means “hill”, is the name of Confucius, the greatest thinker, philosopher and educator throughtout history. Likewise, another case in point is Lao Zi, the founder of philosophical and religious Taoism, whose name is “er”, which means “the ear”. These examples effectively clarify that one’s future is only determined by his striving spirit, talent or intelligence rather than some mysterious and superstitious factors such as certain names or lucky numbers. As for me, significance should be attached to intelligence, persistence and diligence instead of one’s name. Given all the above arguments, it is high time that we put an end to this undesirable phenomenon.

  On the Importance of a Name There is no denying the fact that it is a controversial topic whether names are important or not. Some hold the positive view. They claim that a good name, or a name that can be easily remembered, can bring one a lot more opportunities than others. Some Chinese may also believe that a name designed according to the traditional theory of five elements can bring good luck. Others, however, hold the opposite view. They argue that a name is nothing but a code to distinguish one from another. A person “good” name may not be as successful as the name indicates. In the same way, a person who has a common or casually given name can also achieve tremendous success. Personally, I believe that both sides have something right, so we should not go to extremes. On the one hand, we have to admit that a well designed name can help a person to some extent. On the other hand, we should not exaggerate the effect of a name on a persons fate. Anyway, a persons success mainly depends on his hard work and desirable personalities.

  12月英语六级作文 15

  ever since early the last century,electricity has become an essential part of our modern life.our industrial and agricultural production depends on it to run various kinds of machines.the modern wonder computers work on electricity too.it provides light,heat and power for us.if we want to watch tv or films or to listen to the radios we also need it.nobody can deny that the development of our civilization depends on electricity.

  if there were no electric power,our modern world would be in trouble.for one thing all the wheels would stop because the motors that power the machines would fail.for another,many,if not all,of our industries would cease production.all the world transport system,in addition,would be felt on the world’s communication systems.thus our modern world would be impossible without electricity.

  12月英语六级作文 16

  Wherever one lives-in the city or in the country, there are some good reasons for owning a car. First, cars have become an important part of life in many countries. The car provides the most convenient form of transportation. With a car, a person can get around freely, without spending a lot of time. Second, a car is a comfortable way to travel, especially in the winter time. A driver stays warm and dry even in the cold, rainy weather. Finally, a driver is usually safe in his car when he is out at night.

  There are, on the other hand, many good reasons against owning a car. For one thing, it can be very expensive to purchase and run a car. The gas shortage has caused a big problem for drivers, and the price of fuel continues to go up each year. In addition, it costs a great deal to maintain, repair and insure a car. For another, owning a car can aim cause worry and stress. It is exhausting to drive a car in heavy traffic. It often happens that a driver can be held up on his way because of a traffic jam. What is worse, cars are responsible for most of the smog in cities, which pollutes the environment seriously.

  In spite of all the above-mentioned, I still favor owning a car. The reason is that the car gives a person the freedom to schedule his own time. Though we are confronted with a problem of energy crisis, I am sure that the real solution will have to be a new kind of car, one that uses cheap, efficient fuel and does not contaminate the air.

  12月英语六级作文 17

  As a general rule, people like to help others, but there are occasions when you should say no to requests for favors. For instance, it is better to refuse when a child pesters you for sweet food and drinks or for too many toys. Another example is when a relative asks you to use yours influence to get him or her a bank loan or work promotion.

  However, we cannot ignore the fact that many people are reluctant to say no. They feel that if they turn down a request from a relative or friend, they will cause ill-feeling within the family or become unpopular with their acquaintances. A notable case in point is when the boss asks them to do something which they feel is unreasonable.

  It is important to keep in mind that not saying no when you should say no can sometimes have harmful consequences. If children are giver everything they ask for, not only may their health be damaged, but they may grow up selfish and spoilt. Again, in the long run it is kinder to re fuse to lend money to a person who has a gambling or alcoholism problem.

  12月英语六级作文 18

  The seats in our school reading-room are not enough for all the students. Many people get there very early to "seize" a seat every day. So do I. One day a "special" thing happened to me. And I learned a lesson that I shall never forget.

  It happened on a Wednesday morning last January, just before our final examation. I got to the reading-room very early to occupy a seat. I put a book on the desk and then went to have breakfast. But when I hurried back into the reading-room, I found someone was sitting on the seat which I had occupied in advance. I ran to him immediatly and shouted at him angrily, "Go away. Its my seat." Everyone raised their eyes and stared at me unfriendly. My face turned red and I felt ashamed of myself. I took my book and fled helter-skelter before so many eyes.

  I dared not go to the reading-room for several days. I learned a lesson in the reading-room. Since then I have been keeping the lesson in mind: To be polite to everyone.










