我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-01-13 17:45:55 计算机等级 我要投稿


  Directions:There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C), D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentences.

1.It#39;s nearly seven o#39;clock. Jack ____be there at any moment.?

A.must B.need

C.should D.can?

2. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told

him ____.

? A.not to B.not to do

?C.not do it D.do not to?

3. Would you like a cup of coffee ____shall we get down to business right away?

? A.and B.then

?C.or D.otherwise?

4. Not until all the fish died in the river ____how serious the pollution was.

?A.did the villagers realize B.the villagers realized

?C.the villagers did realize D.didn#39;t the villagers realize?

5. —Rose tall?

?—Yes, she is. She must be the tallest of ____.

? A.the sisters B.her sisters

?C.all her sisters D.sisters?

6. I#39;m sorry, I can#39;t help ____the floor.

? A. sweeping B.sweep

?C.being swept D.swept?

7. She#39;ll not join us, ____the case.

?A.as well may be B.as may well be

?C.as well as is D.as well as may be?

8. There is no rule ____has exception.

?A.but B.that

?C.which D.unless?

9. Who ____has read Dickens#39; great novels can forget their fascination?

? A.who B.that

?C.which D.whoever?

10.There is no one worse than ____who employs great intellectual force to keep down the intellect of his classmate.

? A.him B.his

?C.he D.one ?

11.I went into Woolworth#39;s and bought ____coffee.

? A.a quarter of a pound B.one quarter pound of

?C.one quarter of a pound of D.a quarter pound of?

12.Within minutes, ____jubilant Chinese poured into the streets.

? A.ten thousands B.tens of thousands of

?C.ten thousands of D.tens of thousand of?

13.The output of refrigerators this year is ____.

? A.three times last year B.three times as last year

?C.three times that of last year D.three times as that of last year?

14.He is ____than honest.

? A.cleverer B.very cleverer

?C.more clever D.most clever?

15.—He seems ____tired to do it.

?—But I am only ____glad to do it.

? A.very…too B.too…too

?C.extremely…too D.very…very?

16.He paid ____for the jacket.

? A.as much twice B.twice so much

?C.much as twice D.twice as much?

17.She hasn#39;t written us half a year. What do you suppose ____to her?

? A.that she happen B.to happen

?C.happened D.having happened?

18.I am sorry that you ____ do such a thing.

? A.would B.can

?C.should D.may?

19.There used to be a map of the world on the wall, ____?

? A.used not there B.wasn#39;t there

?C.used not to D.didn#39;t there?

20.I don#39;t think you judged your ability objectively when you applied for

it, ____you?

? A.do B.did

?C.don#39;t D.didn#39;t?

21.Neither my brother ____ever been to Paris.

?A.nor I have B.nor I has

?C.nor me has D.nor me have?

22.I don#39;t know ____or not.

? A.if Alice comes B.whether Alice is coming

?C.Alice is coming D.if Alice is coming

23.____, they always seem greedy.

? A.As they are rich B.Rich as they are

?C.They are as rich D.They are as rich as ?

24.The lawn mower ____before the grass can be cut.

? A.requires to be repaired B.must be repairing

?C.needs repairing D.has to be repaired

25.It#39;s just no good ____.

? A.to complain B.of complaining

?C.in complaining D.complaining?

26.Dick is depressed. He doesn#39;t like ____life.

? A.marriage B.married

?C.marry D.marrying?

27.The question ____by the teacher is difficult ____.

? A.asked…to answer B.to be asked…to be answered

?C.asked…to be answered D.asked…answering?

28.Many cities are currently developing program ____their historical buildings.

? A.of restoring B.for restoring

?C.to restore D.to restoring?

29.There is nothing to do but ____the experiment.

? A.to repeat B.repeats C.repeating D.repeat?

30.He tried many times to sneak across the border to a neighboring country, ____each time.

? A.having been caught B.always being caught

?C.only to be caught D.unfortunately caught http://jianlimoban.c321.cn/









