我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2023-02-06 21:46:36 成人高考 我要投稿
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  1. It is reported that a (n) _________ of accidents has occurred at that crossroads.


  A. series

  B. lot

  C. number

  D. amount

  2. If someone is in the United States for good,it means he is there _________.

  A. to do good

  B. temporarily

  C. to rest well

  D. permanently

  3. Please let us have more time,_________.

  A. shall we

  B. will you

  C. won't

  D. Don't you

  4. There is no hurry. You can take your time _________ those exercises.

  A. doing

  B. to do

  C. done

  D. to be doing

  5. He spoke English so well that I took it _________ that he was an American.

  A. for granted

  B. as true

  C. for certain

  D. as such

  6. _________ we need air and water,so we need criticism and self-criticism.

  A. Even though

  B. So long

  C. Just as

  D. Now that

  7. Children are always curious _________ everything they see.

  A. to

  B. for

  C. on

  D. about

  8. Anyone,rich or poor,old or young,sick or _________ can follow a favorite hobby.

  A. well

  B. good

  C. fine

  D. happy

  9. It's desired that she _________ to teach us at least twice a week.

  A. is

  B. will

  C. \

  D. may

  10. _________,I should ask them some questions.

  A. Should they to us

  B. If they to us

  C. Were they to us

  D. Had they to us


  1—5 ADBAA 6—10 CDACA

  11. In 1990 he caught a serious illness from _________ effects he still suffers.

  A. that

  B. which

  C. what

  D. whose

  12. He found _________ everybody know what had happened.

  A. it necessary letting

  B. it necessary to let

  C. necessary letting

  D. necessary to let

  13. The interviewer should take down notes at the moment the person _________ answers the questions.

  A. to be interviewed

  B. interviewing

  C. being interviewed

  D. interviewed

  14. “Car 17 won the race.”

  “Yes,but its driver came close to _________ killed.”

  A. being

  B. having been

  C. be

  D. have been

  15. About the sixth century A.D. when few Europeans could read,the Chinese _________ paper.

  A. invented

  B. had invented

  C. have invented

  D. had been invented

  16. I have two friends but _________ of them likes to go fishing with me.

  A. none

  B. neither

  C. both

  D. either

  17. His unhappy childhood _________ his bad temper.

  A. counts for

  B. accounts for

  C. makes for

  D. goes for

  18. No one doubts _________ it is true.

  A. whether

  B. if

  C. that

  D. what

  19. His brother had be a teacher,_________ he wanted to be.

  A. who

  B. what

  C. which

  D. that

  20. Not until I came to China _________ what kind of a country she is.

  A. I knew

  B. I didn't know

  C. I did know

  D. did I know


  11—15 DBCAB 16—20 BBCCD

  21. It isn't quite _________ that he will be present at meeting.

  A. sure

  B. right

  C. exact

  D. certain

  22. You will never guess whom I _________ on the street yesterday.

  A. ran over

  B. ran out of

  C. ran into

  D. ran up to

  23. I don't think it is any use _________ this matter any further.

  A. discussing

  B. to discuss

  C. to discussing

  D. to be discussed

  24. In short,_________ he lives,a man belongs to some society.

  A. whatever

  B. whenever

  C. whichever

  D. wherever

  25. Judging from his manners at the party,he doesn't seem _________ much education.

  A. to receive

  B. to be receiving

  C. to have received

  D. to have been received

  26. Our children and grandchildren will _________ if we don't look after our pla.

  A. endure

  B. suffer

  C. tolerate D. bear

  27. The news of the air crash is not yet _________ by the government.

  A. mitted

  B. confirmed

  C. considered

  D. concerned

  28. You ought to know better than _________ yourself in unnecessary expense

  A. to involve

  B. involve

  C. involving

  D. involved

  29. She walked across the meeting room _________ every one looking at her.

  A. with

  B. as

  C. while

  D. when

  30. No sooner had we sat down _________ we found it was time to go.

  A. than

  B. when

  C. as

  D. while


  21—25 DCADC 26—30 BBAAA

  31. Many a person in this circumstance _________ for a long break.

  A. have hoped

  B. has hoped

  C. are hoping

  D. has been hoped

  32. It is highly desirable that a new president _________ for this university.

  A. is appointed

  B. will be appointed

  C. be appointed

  D. has been appointed

  33. He was a man of fine character in all points _________ he was rather timid.

  A. in that

  B. except that

  C. for that

  D. except for

  34. I hope you don't mind me _________ you sir,but is there much money involved in the will?

  A. asking

  B. to ask

  C. ask

  D. that I ask

  35. We kept our _________ all night to frighten the wolves.

  A. burning fire

  B. burnt fire

  C. fire burning

  D. fire burnt

  36. She has wanted to be a nurse _________ since she was a young girl.

  A. long

  B. often

  C. always

  D. ever

  37. They all returned to the village _________ that the danger was over.

  A. convincing

  B. convinced

  C. to convince

  D. having convinced

  38. It was in that small room _________ they worked hard and dreamed of better days to .

  A. where

  B. in which

  C. which

  D. that

  39. _________,you must show your ticket to go into the cinema.

  A. No matter whoever you are

  B. Whomever you are

  C. Whoever you are

  D. No matter who are you

  40. He didn't _________ and so he failed the examination.

  A. work enough hard

  B. work hard enough

  C. hard work enough

  D. hard enough work


  31—35 BCBAC 36—40 DBDCB










