我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2023-02-06 16:57:00 英语试题 我要投稿
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  第一卷 (选择题:共85分)


  一、 单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分为15分)

  1.----How was the movie you saw yesterday?

  ----I have no idea. By the time I got to the movie theatre, the movie ______.

  A. has already finished B. have finished yet C. had already finished

  2. Great changes ______ in our hometown in the past ten years.

  A. have taken place B. have been taken place C. were taken place

  3.As China grows stronger and stronger, Chinese ______ in more and more schools out of our country.

  A. teaches B. is taught C. has taught D. was taught

  4.—Have you ever visited Germany?

  —____________. But I expect to go there again.

  A.Perhaps B.No, I haven’t C.I don’t know D.Yes, I have

  5.--Will you please stay here a little longer?

  ---Sorry, I . I eat dinner with my mother. She’s coming.

  A.mustn’t; will have to B.don’t; have to

  C.can’t; had to D.can’t; will have to

  6.—Why weren’t you at the meeting?

  —I for a call from my husband in Guangdong.

  A.waited B.had waited C.was waiting D.will wait

  7.—When _______ this stone bridge______ ?

  —In 1935.

  A.did; build B.was; built

  C.does; build D.is; built

  8.Thanks to the new policy, a new modern school in our village last year.

  A. was built B. is built C. built D. will built

  9.—_____ the population of the U.S.A. in 2005?

  —It _____ about 296 million.

  A. What is; is B. What was; was C. How many was; was D. How much is; is

  10.— The paper says Iron Man 3 is on this evening. Let’s go and see it.

  — But I ________it.

  A.see B.saw C.have seen D.will see

  11.—Peter said that he would come over to have dinner with you tonight.

  —But I think he . I have been alone for an hour.

  A.didn't B.won't C.hasn't D.doesn't

  12. --How did the accident happen?

  ---You know, it ________difficult to see the road clearly because it_________.

  A.was; was raining B.is; has rained

  C.is; is raining D.will be; will rain

  13. He has a son who ______ football very well.

  A.play B.playing C.plays D.played

  14. Oh, you have come back! I ______ I could see you again in such a short time.

  A.haven't thought B. didn't expect C. don't expect D. haven't been told

  15. A: When do you think ______?

  B: About half past five. I will pick him up at the airport.

  A. he will come B. will he come C. did he come D. he came



  Rudi Matt lived in a small village in the Swiss Alps in 1865. What he wanted most in the world was to

  climb the highest peak (峰) in the Alps. Rudi's mother and his uncle, Franz, a mountain guide, wanted him to

  stop 16 and start working in a hotel. Rudi would not 17 his dream and secretly got in touch with an

  English mountain climber 18 was planning to climb the highest peak.

  Franz was very angry when he found out what Rudi had done, but he finally agreed to let Rudi go if he went climbing, 19 . Franz also didn't want to see Emil Saxo(萨克索), a guide from another village, got to the top

  20 him.

  Rudi turned out to be a very good climber, 21 as they got close to the top, the Englishman got sick

  and could go no farther. Franz stayed behind to take care of him, but Saxo continued, wishing to be the 22 to the top. Rudi went after Saxo, hoping to beat him to the top. When they met, Saxo fought with Rudi and fell

  down by accident. Saxo was helpless and hurt. Rudi must 23 whether to carry Saxo back down to safety or to continue alone to the top.

  He decided Saxo's life was more 24 than his dream and helped him down. During that time, the English

  man and Franz 25 the climb, and finally they reached the top. Later, when they returned to the village, they told people that Rudi was the real conqueror (征服者) of the mountain.

  ( )16. A. learning B. playing C. climbing D. talking

  ( )17. A. try out B. give up C. go over D. work out

  ( )18. A. what B. which C. whom D. who

  ( )19. A. again B. too C. once D. instead

  ( )20. A. after B. behind C. before D. over

  ( )21. A. but B. so C. or D. for

  ( )22. A. first B. second C. third D. last

  ( )23. A. wonder B. remember C. ask D. decide

  ( )24. A. important B. successful C. popular D. interesting

  ( )25. A. stopped B. continued C. enjoyed D. finished


  There was a woman in Detroit, who had two sons. She was worried about them, especially the younger one, Ben, because he was not doing well in school. Boys in his class played jokes on him because he seemed so 26 .The mother 27 that she would help her sons to do 28 in school by herself. She told him to go to the Detroit Public Library to 29 a book a week and do a book report for her.

  One day, in Ben's class, the teacher held up a rock (石头) and asked 30 anyone knew it. Ben put up his hand and the teacher let him 31 . "Why did Ben put up his hand?" all of his classmates whispered (耳语). "He 32 said anything. What could he possibly want to say?" However, Ben not only 33 the rock, but also said a lot about it. The teacher and the other students were 34 . Ben had learned this from doing one of his book reports.

  Later Ben became the top student of his class. When he finished high school, he went to Yale University and 35 became one of the best doctors in the United States.

  ( )26. A. clever B. difficult C. slow D. quick

  ( )27. A. seemed B. decided C. wondered D. told

  ( )28. A. well B. bad C. right D. good

  ( )29. A. see B. find C. read D. buy

  ( )30. A. that B. if C. how D. why

  ( )31. A. think B. leave C. ask D. answer

  ( )32. A. always B. ever C. sometimes D. never

  ( )33. A. found B. played C. knew D. heard

  ( )34. A. afraid B. surprised C. worried D. unhappy

  ( )35. A. at first B. at the end C. at last D. now



  Making peace at lunchtime

  It was my first day at school. I felt nervous and went to all my classes with no friends. I listened carefully to all the lessons and waited for lunch. Then, finally, the bell rang. It was time to talk and have fun.

  In the lunch line I met a new friend who wore a hijab (穆斯林女性) on her head, and though I am Jewish (犹太人), we got along fine. I was so happy when she said: "Sit with us at our table." She pointed to the table next to the door.

  So I agreed. I took my tray (餐盘) and was about to walk with her across the floor, when suddenly someone touched my arm. "Hey, I saw you on the bus," said a tail girl in a long skirt. "1 see your Jewish star necklace. You should sit with us."

  At that moment I looked around, the Spanish only sat with other Spanish, the Russians always with the Russians and never the Arabs (阿拉伯人) with the Jews.

  I saw how wars got started. Everyone sticks to (坚持) his or her own kind. The lunchroom was a map of the world. Why was everyone so blind?

  And so I turned this girl down, and went with the first, and there was no enmity (敌意). I built a bridge between two worlds when I sat with those different from me.

  36. When do you think the story happened to the writer?

  A. On her first day at school. B. During her first class at school.

  C. After lunchtime at school. D. Before waiting in the lunch line.

  37. The girl who wore a hijab on her head is _________.

  A. the Spanish B the Arabs C. the Russians D. the Jews

  38. The writer didn't know what the tall girl meant until she _________.

  A. sat with her B. got a star necklace C. looked around D. walked across the floor

  39. Which of the following can best explain why the lunchroom was a map of the world?

  A. Suddenly someone touched my arm. B. The Spanish only sat with other Spanish.

  C. I listened carefully to all the lessons .D. Everyone was so blind in the lunchroom.

  40. The writer gives us a good example in making peace because she ____ .

  A. realised how wars got started B. didn't get along well with others

  C. pointed to the table next to the door D. built a bridge between two worlds

  ( B )

  Jenny and Henry were born on the same day and they look the same. Their father has a taxi and is busy all the time. He goes out early in the morning but comes back when his children go to bed. He gets a lot of money but he has no time to concern himself with (关心) their studies.

  The two children study in the same class. Jenny works hard at her lessons, but her brother likes nothing but playing. He is not good at writing compositions.

  One day Mrs. Cook told her class to write a composition "My Mother". After supper Jenny wrote one in her exercise-book and then went to help her mother to do some housework. But Henry went to play football. When night fell, he came back to watch TV until a TV play was over. And he took off his clothes and went to bed, he remembered the composit on and had to go to the sitting-room again. But he didn't know how to write it. He thought hard and hard and at last he found a way. He found Jenny's schoolbag and brought out her exercise-book and copied her composition.

  Two days later Mrs. Cook asked Henry, "Can you tell me why yours is the same composition as Jenny's?" "Yes, I can, madam" answered Henry." We have the same mother."

  41. Jenny's father can't concern himself with their study because _______.

  A. he doesn't like them

  B. he's very busy

  C. he's a taxi-driver

  D. he only wants more money

  42. The word "but" in the story means _______.

  A. 但是 B. 而且 C. 然而 D. 除了

  43. Henry isn't good a t writing compositions because _______.

  A. he doesn't like studying

  B. he never reads anything

  C. he isn't clever

  D. he's too young to do it

  44. Jenny could write the composition because _______.

  A. she knows her mother well

  B. she works hard at her lessons

  C. she wanted to go to bed on time

  D. she wanted to help her mother

  45. Henry copied Jenny's composition because _______.

  A. he played football after supper

  B. he forgot to write it before he went to bed

  C. he didn't know how to write it

  D. they have the same mother

  ( C )

  Last summer, 15-year-old Bob had a problem. Like a lot of children. Bob was interested in doing many things. He liked dancing most and wanted to join the girls' group. And he made it.

  Bob thought his problem was over after he had been one of the dancers in the dancing group. But a bigger problem was just beginning. The school didn't allow Bob to stay in the girls' group. "If we let Bob stay in the group," the school said, "other boys will want to join. Soon, there won't be any girls in the group." They took Bob off the group.

  Bob was very angry about it, so he went to a judge (法官). The judge said it was not a right decision (决定) and told the school to let Bob go back to the dancing group.

  46. Bob's favorite was ______.

  A. singing B. dancing C. drawing D. driving

  47. It was difficult for Bob to join the school dancing group because ______.

  A. the school only had a girls' dancing group B. the school didn't allow boys to dance

  C. the group had enough dancers already D. he was not a good dancer

  47. The school worried that ______ if Bob stayed in the group.

  A. nobody would watch their dance B. other boys would join and the girls might leave

  C. other schools might laugh at them D. the parents would be angry about it

  49. The judge thought the school's decision was ______.

  A. useful B. necessary C. right D. wrong

  50. We can infer (推断) that Bob felt ______ when he went back to the group.

  A. hungry B. sad C. happy D. sure

  ( D)

  People have strange ideas about food. In the 18th century, Americans never ate tomatoes. They grew them in their gardens because tomato plants are so pretty. But they thought the vegetable was poisonous. They called tomatoes "poison apples."

  President (总统) Thomas Jefferson, however, knew that tomatoes were good to eat. He was a learned man. He had been to Paris, where he learned to love the taste of tomatoes. He grew many kinds of tomatoes in his garden. The President taught his cook a way, for a cream of tomato soup (汤). This beautiful pink soup was served at the President's next dinner party. The guests (客人) thought the soup tasted really good. They never thought their President would sever his dinner guests poison apples. Jefferson never spoke to his honored guests about the fact.

  51. Which of the following is true?

  A. Americans never ate tomatoes after the 17th century.

  B. Even now Americans don't eat tomatoes.

  C. It was not until after the 18th century that Americans began to grow tomatoes for food.

  D. Americans didn't eat tomatoes before the 19th century.

  52. Jefferson was a president of _______.

  A. a European country B. the United States

  C. England D. France

  53. Jefferson learned that tomatoes were good to eat _______.

  A. even when he was a little boy B. because his parents told him so

  C. from books D. while he was in Paris

  54. From the passage we know all the honored guests invited by Jefferson were _______.

  A. people of his own country B. people from other countries

  C. Frenchmen D. men only

  55. According to the passage, which of the following is wrong?

  A. All the guests thought the cream of tomato soup was nice.

  B. All the guests thought the soup had a good taste.

  C. All the guests thought the taste of the beautiful pink soup was nice.

  D. None of the guests ever thought if the soup was poisonous or not.

  (E) 日常实际用语


  A: Welcome to I COOL,YOU COOL, madam. How can I help you?

  B: 56

  A: This way, please. These are the latest fashion. 57

  B: It looks cool. But I don’t like bright green.

  A :We’ve got other colors: pink, grey, dark red and yellow. 58

  B: Pink. Could you show me that light pink one?

  A: 59 And it’s very thick.

  B :I like it. 60 .

  A: It was 100 dollars and now it’s only 80 dollars.

  B: That’s a great price. I’ll take it.

  A. What’s your favourite?

  B. How much is the bright green one?

  C. Certainly! It’s very beautiful, isn’t it?

  D. How much does it cost?

  E. I want to buy a coat.

  F. Yes, I think it’s my size.

  G. What do you think of this one?



  repair fat except for come true try one’s best polite

  get on take decide get along well with

  61 After many years’ hard work,her dream at last.

  62. The teacher told the students the bus until it stopped.

  63. This computer must ______ now.

  64 My sister is a doctor. She ___________to save people’s lives.

  65 The article is very good _________the spelling.

  66 It ____them 2 hours to finish the work.

  67 Paul is ______of the two children in his family.

  68 His ______was so successful that it saves the factory.

  69 In Green Community, neighbors are always _______ each other, they regard it as their own home.

  70 We should ask for help from others _______.


  Mr. Hall takes his students to the z__71___ every year. Last week, on J___72___ 2nd, they went there by b__73____ . It was very h___74___ , but they all had a pleasant day out. Many students fell in love with the s__75____ baby pandas when they saw them. Some students loved the monkeys. The monkeys j___76___ up and down the trees. How funny they were! Some boys liked the lions. The lions were very s____77__ and smart. The trip was also for study. It was one of their a___78___ lessons. "It's good for the students to get out of the c___79___ to learn drawing." Mr. Hall said. "They feel e___80___ to see all kinds of animals. Many of them do their best work on the trip."

  71z_____ 72.J_____ 73.b_____ 74.h_____ 75.s_____

  76.j_____ 77.s_____ 78.a_____ 79.c_____ 80.e_____



  要点: 1.父亲辛勤工作,让我受到更好的教育,过上好的生活。





  Dear father,



  Li Hua



  题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

  答案 C A B D D C B A B C B A C B A


  (A):答案: 16-25 C B D B C A A D A B

  (B): 答案: 26-35 CBACB DDCBC


  (A ):答案: 36- -40ABCBD ( B): 41-45 CDABA (C): 答案:46-50: BABDC

  (D ): 答案:51-55: CBDAA

  ( E ): 日常实际用语

  题号 56 57 58 59 60

  答案 E G A C B



  61 came true 62 not get on 63 be repaired 64 tries her best 65 except for

  66 took . 67 the fatter 68 decision 69 getting along well with 70 politely


  71. zoo 72. July 73. bus 74. hot 75. six

  76. jumped 77. strong 78. art 79. classroom(s) 80. excited


  Dear father,

  Father’s Day is coming. I want to say thank you on this special day. You are the man that I admire most in this world but I don’t know how to express my thanks most of the time.

  I want to thank you for working so hard. Because of your great effort, our family lead a happy life and I receive better education. I understand that you are strict with me in my study because you want me to be better than before. I appreciate your kind encouragement when I failed in my exams.

  I wish you could always be healthy and happy. I will try my best to be a man that you have always wished.


  Li Hua













