我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2022-10-19 22:26:25 英语试题 我要投稿
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  一) 单词辨音。(5×2分)

  ( )1. A. Japanese B. Chinese

  ( ) 2. A. Mount Emei B. Mount Tai

  ( )3. A.American B. America

  ( ) 4. A. centimeter B. meter

  ( ) 5. A. actor B. artist

  二) 听音判断。(5×2分)

  ( )1. Mei Lanfang was an actor.

  ( ) 2. Li Bai was one of the most famous Chinese artist.

  ( )3. I will be a professor in the future.

  ( ) 4. Whale is a kind of fish.

  ( ) 5.My dog is lost.I’m sad.

  三) 听问句选答句。(5×2分)

  ( )1.A I’m nervous. B I’m ten .

  ( ) 2. A He is a writer. B He was a writer.

  ( )3. A I’d like to go to Moscow.. BI went to moscow.

  ( ) 4. A It’s in the north of China. B It’s famous for the big ben.

  ( ) 5. A There will be more peace and no wars on the earth.

  B I will be a writerin the future.

  四) 选词填空。(5×2分)

  1.What _______(did,do)he do ?

  2.It’s _______(exciting,excited).

  3.Robots will do the _______(homework,housework).

  4.My dog made my room a mess.I’m _______(hungry,angy)

  5.What language do people _______(speak,say)there?


  一 、填字母,组单词。(5×2分)

  1. w_____ A.ing B. ong C. eng

  2. invent____ A. or B.er C. ur

  3.pr____ d A. au B. ou C. oo

  4. h____vy A. ae B. ea C. ee

  5.sh_____d A. oul B. ou C. ol


  ( ) 1. dictionary station

  ( ) 2. long song

  ( ) 3. dictionary station

  ( ) 4 piece pie

  ( ) 5. snow cow


  1. they _____(宾格) 2.woman _____(反义词)

  3.one _____(序数词) 4 .this _____(反义词)

  5.I _____(形容词形物主代词) 6 .her_____(主格)

  7there _____(同音词) 8 .hello_____(近义词)

  9can’t_____(全写形式) 10 .bought_____(原型)


  _________1.A happy B sad C panda D proud

  _________2.A fish B reptile C mammal D lion

  _________3.A continent B Afica C South America D Asia

  _________4.A inventor B actor C singer Dcompose

  _________5.A moon B cloud C sun D peace

  五 、选择。(10×1分)

  ( )I.I will be an _________in the future.

  A astronaut B professor

  ( )2.Where did you go on summer vacation?

  A I went to Wuhan. B I want to go to Wuhan.

  ( )3.How_________is it ?150 tons.

  A heavy B tall

  ( )4.Where will you live _________ the future.

  A on B in

  ( )5.Do you think _________ ?

  A too B so

  ( )6.Why is he famous _________ ?

  A / B for

  ( )7.His family moved back _________ China.

  A to B in

  ( )8.He was born _________ 1864.

  A in B on

  ( )9.Why is he famous _________ ?

  A / B for

  ( )10.Asia is the _________ continent iin the world.

  A biggest B smallest


  It’s time to go home now.I’m in a bus on a rainy day.And a man with a dog gets on the bus.It’s a big dog and its feet are dirty.

  I don’t want the dog to sit near me.But the man says to the conductor,”Oh,I pay for my dog’s ticket.Can he sit here like other people?”

  The conductor looks at the dog and says,”Yes,sir.But like the other people,he must not put his feet on the chair.”

  ( )1.I’m going home _________now.

  A by jeep B by bus

  ( )2.What do I see?

  A a dog B a man with a dog

  ( )3.Why do the man and thd dog get on the bus?

  A It’s a rainy day. B The dog can sit.

  ( )4.I don’t want the dog to sit near me. Because _________ .

  A The dog is big B The dog is not clean.

  ( )5.The conductor’s words mean _________ .

  A The dog can’t sit on the chair. B The dog must like a man .


  一) 1. A. Japanese 2. A. Mount Emei 3. A.American 4.B. meter 5. B. artist

  二) 听音判断(5×2分)

  1. Mei Lanfang was an actor.

  2. Li Bai was one of the most famous Chinese poets.

  3. I will be a detective in the future.

  4. Whale is a kind of mammal.

  5.My dog is lost.I’m sad.

  三) 听问句选答句(5×2分)

  ( )1.How are you ?

  ( ) 2. What did he do ?

  ( )3. Where would you like to go this winter vacation?

  ( ) 4. A What is it famous for ?

  ( ) 5. What will the future be like?










