我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2022-07-25 09:47:43 英语试题 我要投稿
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  一、单词辨音。 (5分)

  ( ) 1. A. weak B. peach C. ready D. deep

  ( ) 2. A. wake B. last C. late D. rain

  ( ) 3. A. her B. first C. over D. term

  ( ) 4. A. morning B. world C. order D. sport

  ( ) 5. A. soon B. wood C. school D. food



  1.干净整洁  2.一点儿水

  3.一些好习惯 4.把…整理的井井有条

  5. 睡觉前 6. just then

  7. feel sleepy 8. at a time

  9. finish his homework 10.have a healthy diet

  B. 根据句子的意思和首字母提示完成下列填空。(5分)

  1. Look! The girl over there is s_________ excitedly.

  2. One day, the monkey c________ for the lion loudly.

  3. Helen f________ her homework first every day.

  4. Let me show you a________ my new home.

  5. My mum k_______ Dad well.


  ( ) 1. The man is too short. He can’t___________ the apples on the tree.

  A. take B. reach C. eat

  ( )2. _____________ wash their face in the morning.

  A. Child B. Childs C. Children

  ( ) 3. We can eat_______ delicious food at Christmas.

  A. a lot of B. many C. a few

  ( ) 4.Can I have __________ apple juice?

  A. some B. many C. any

  ( ) 5. The lion didn’t___________ from the net.

  A. get in B. get C. get out

  ( ) 6. How can you help me ? 用 调朗读。

  A.升调 B.降调

  ( ) 7. Wang Bing is good at___________ .

  A. run B. runing C.running

  ( ) 8. I can see a lot of _____________ in the street.

  A. tree B. car C. people

  ( ) 9. -----How do ______ go to work ?------On foot.

  A. your aunt B. his uncle C. their parents

  ( )10. He _______ my teacher in the playground just now.

  A. meets B. met C. meet


  ( )1.Who woke you up yesterday? A. I’m brushing my teeth.

  ( )2.Did Mike eat the fish last night? B. No,he didn’t.

  ( )3.How did you go to school yesterday? C. Yes, I do.

  ( )4. Do you usually help your parents? D. My mother.

  ( )5. What are you doing, Wang Bing? E. By bike.


  1. 这只狮子很生气想要吃那只老鼠。

  The lion was ________and _________ to eat the mouse.


  We should _________ to our parents at ___________.


  He often does his homework ________ at night and does not go to bed _________.

  4. 你应该把你的物品整理得井井有条。 You your things ..

  5. 你不应当吃太多的肉。

  You _______ eat _______ ________ meat.

  6. 我能吃一些面包吗?

  _______ I _______ ________ bread ?


  1. The boy usually finishes his breakfast before seven thirty.(对划线部分提问)

  does the boy usually his breakfast?

  2 The boy laughed loudly.(对划线部分提问)

  ________ laughed loudly ?

  3. He has some milk for breakfast. (改为否定句)

  He ______ ______ any milk for breakfast.

  4.Tim always goes shopping on his birthday. (对画线部分提问)

  _______ does Tim always _______ on his birthday?

  5. I brush my teeth every day. (用Helen改写)

  Helen teeth every day.


  1.He always (hit)the ball hard.

  2.They watched the film (excited).

  3.The lion let the mouse ______(go).

  4.Yangling has a ______(health) diet.

  5. There_ (be)eight bags of rice in the kitchen this morning.

  6. I see a few (tomato)in the basket.

  7. He likes _ (drink) coffee.


  It is hot day in summer. A lion is walking along a lake. He is looking for something to eat. He is very hungry. A duck is swimming in the water. The lion is very happy to see him. “Aha. There is my lunch,” the lion says to himself(自言自语). “Hello, Mr Duck!” “Go away, bad lion! ”says the duck. “I have good news for you.” “What is it?” asks the duck. “I don’t want other animals to hear it. Please come here, ”says the lion. The poor duck gets out of the water and runs to the lion. The lion catches him and eats him up.

  ( ) 1. The lion wants to__________ .

  A. walk along the lake B. find something to drink C. find something to eat

  ( ) 2. ________ says to________ ,”There is my lunch.”

  A. The lion; himself B. The duck; himself C. The lion; the duck

  ( ) 3. The duck thinks_______ at first.

  A. the lion is good B. the lion is bad C. the lion is his lunch

  ( ) 4. The duck wants to________.

  A. be the lion’s good friend B. eat the lion C. know about the good news

  ( ) 5._______ is _______ at last.

  A. The duck; not the lion’s lunch B. The lion; the duck’s lunch

  C. The duck; the lion’s lunch


  My good habits










