我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-01-18 13:28:31 英语试题 我要投稿




  ( )1. — Sam, do you know ______ Alice won the English competition?

  — Really? That’s great!

  A. that B. when C. why D. where

  ( )2. Peter is afraid ______ in front of others because his English is not good.

  A. to tell B. to talking

  C. to speak D. of telling

  ( )3. — How is Tom at school?

  — He i s ______ and ______ wants to play with him.

  A. alone; someone B. lonely; any one

  C. happy; no one D. lazy; no one

  ( )4. — Mary, ask your grandmother to have dinner with us.

  — But she is ill and she doesn’t feel like ______ anything.

  A. to eat B. to drink

  C. eating D. drinking

  ( )5. — Tom, do you know David Smith?

  — Sure. He is my best friend and our ______ has lasted for years.

  A. activities B. friendship

  C. recording D. hobbies

  ( ) 6. It will     you about thirteen hours to fly to England from Hong Kong.

  A . spend B. take C. use D. pay

  ( ) 7. My father has     me     the ending of the football game.

  A. told; with B. tell; about

  C. tell; with D. told; about

  ( ) 8. I don’t like the bag. Please give me a better    .

  A. one B. ones C. it D. them

  ( ) 9. Mr Wang bought a small cat     my sister.

  A. to B. for C. of D. in

  ( )10. I’ve done my homework. But I haven’t cleaned the car    .

  A. already B. just C. never D. yet

  ( )11. — Did the singing star agree to come?

  — Yes, but I’m not sure ______ or not he will come on time.

  A. whether B. if C. when D. where

  ( )12. I remembered ______ my homework last night, but I can’t find it now.

  A. to finish B. finishing C. check D. to check

  ( )13. — Linda, I will have an English test on Wednesday.

  — ______

  A. Good luck! B. Excuse me.

  C. Hold the line. D. Look out!

  ( )14. — I heard you won first prize in the match. Did your parents know that?

  — No, I will tell them ______.

  A. at that moment B. just now

  C. right now D. just then

  ( )15. — I’m very tired these days because of studying chemistry.

  — Why not listen to music? It can make you ______.

  A. beautiful B. boring C. funny D. relaxed


  1-5 ACDCB

  6-10 BDABD

  11-15 ABACD










