我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-03-11 14:19:39 英语试题 我要投稿




  一、 单项选择题(每题1分,共24分)。从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选择中选取最佳答案,并将其标号填入括号内。

  ( )1、What was _______, Grandpa lost more books .

  A . bad B. worse C. OK D . worst

  ( ) 2 She was worried and so ______ the librarian .

  A . is B .does C .was D . were

  ( ) 3. Have you finished the homework ________?.

  A .always B . already C .yet D . still .

  ( ) 4. I spoke to a foreigner two days _________.

  A . before B . ago C . after D . on

  ( ) 5. Can you help me to _______who did it ?

  A . find out B . look for C . find D . look up

  ( ) 6. ---Have you ____ hear the song ? ----NO ,______

  A . yet : already B . already : ever

  C . ever : never D . ever : already

  ( ) 7. ____of your answer is right . please try a third time .

  A . Neither . B . None C . Either D . Both

  ( ) 8. ____ careful Kate is !

  A . What B . What C . What an D . How

  ( ) 9. It’s _____good food that I like it very much .

  A . so a B . such a C . so D . such

  ( ) 10 . When you _____ the street , you must look first .

  A . across B . go cross C . cross D . goes across

  ( ) 11. Look ! Mr Green is talking _____the girls of Class I . in the classroom

  A . among B . in the middle of C . between D . at

  ( ) 12. Neither you or she ________ Guangzhou before .

  A . has gone to B . have gone to

  C . have been to D . has been to

  ( )13 . Li Lida has lived here ______last year .

  A . I B. for C . before D. since

  ( )14 . YaoMing is the _____ of all the people in China .

  A. . pride B . proud C . prideful D . proudly

  ( )15. We ______ each other for fine years .

  A . know B . knew C . have known D. are knowing

  ( )16. I _____ her since two weeks ago

  A. didn’t meet B. hasn’t met C . hadn’t met D. don’t meet

  ( )17. He is not only good ____English but also do well _____Maths .

  A. in ; at B. at : at C. in ; in D . at ; in

  ( )18 . Don’t forget to tell me the time . I ‘d like to ______you ,

  A . joined B . join in C . join D . take part in

  ( ) 19 . We must make a contribution_______ animals .

  A .to protect B . protected C. at protecting D . to protecting

  ( ) 20 -----______does your sister go back home ?

  -----Four times a month .

  A . How often B . How long

  C . How many D . What time

  ( )21 I’ll ____my teacher the good news as soon as I ____him .

  A. tell ; will see B . tell ; see C . speak to ; will see D. speak to ; see

  ( )22 -----How long have you been a surfer ?

  -----For ______.

  A. five year and a half B . five year and a half

  C . five and a half year D . five year and a half year

  ( )23. I ‘m not used _________.

  A. to drinking B . to drink C . drinking D. drink

  ( )24 . I haven’t bought _______food for lunch _______.

  A. some ; yet B . any ; already C. any ; yet D . some ; already


  give up ever since be proud of keep die

  recycle arrival watch do rest

  1. What ______you _____ at 12:00 yesterday ?

  2. The ship ______just _________.

  3. Lost of fish ________for one year and a half .

  4. We have had much paper and many waste bottles for ________.

  5. It is our duty _________our classroom clean and tidy

  6. My hobby is _______TV .

  7. Mr Green moved to Chengdu seven years ago .

  He has been there ________.

  8. To take care of her mother , She ________her job last year .

  9. He saved the child form the water . the people ________his courage

  10. After work the workers all stopped ________.


  Surfing is one of the world’s most ______water sports .It first started _______the islands of Hawaii .Now it is _______by people all over the world . Hawaii is famous for its beautiful beaches .Every year , water sports ,________swimming and surfing attract large _______of tourists to the islands .

  Waikiki is one of the best beaches _________surfing in Honolulu . It is ______ too hot _____too cold all the year round . The water is very clear . The waves are very high . No matter ________the weather is like , you can always find surfers out ________the waves .



  L—— Lily B—— Bruce

  L : _________, Bruce ?

  B: I’ve been to a paper factory .

  L: __________.

  B :I found that the factory was pouring waste water into the river ______Lots of fish

  have died .

  L :__________

  B : Do you think you can do something ?

  L : Yes , I do . I can write a story about it to the TV station .

  B : ___________ They are afraid of TV station .

  A . What did you do there ?

  B . Where did you do ?

  C . Where have you been ?

  D .It become very dirty .

  E . Good idea !

  F . Yes ,of course

  G . That’s terrible !

  五、完形填空。(每小题1分, 共10分)

  It was three o’clock in the afternoon . Steven and his friends were playing hide –and—seek in a neighbour’s house. They were very excited , and the game was so __(1)_! Steven smiled __(2)__himself . This time he had found a good place to hide in , and no one would___(3)__him! And what was his hiding place ? It was an old refrigerator, which had not been used for a long time , in the kitchen..

  Steven opened the door of the refrigerator , there was nothing inside . Quietly he went___(4)__;closing the door behind him .

  Of course Steven was not caught !But he was __(5)__serious trouble ! His friends forgot him__(6)__they all went home , his mother came to __(7)__him home ,but he was missing ! Everyone helped to __(8)__Steven .He could not be found, and his parents reported the matter to the __(9)__.

  The next morning the neighbour heard a knock in the kitchen. It __(10)__to come from the old refrig –erator They opened the door and had the shock of their seeing. Steven was in it ! He was crying , and he looking frightened and hungry.

  ( ) 1. A. interesting B. interested C. interest D. interests

  ( ) 2. A. at B. for C. to D. with

  ( ) 3. A. caught B. catches C. catch D. with

  ( ) 4. A. into B. in C. to D. out

  ( ) 5. A.in B. for C. with D. at

  ( ) 6.A. But B. And C. If D. When

  ( ) 7. A. get B . make C . ask D . take

  ( ) 8.look out B . look for C . look up D . look over

  ( ) 9.A . radio B . TV C .school D . police

  ( ) 10.A . seems B . keeps C . seemed D . kept

  六 、阅读理解:

  (A) 先阅读短文,然后根据短文内容选择正确答案;并将其标号填入题目前的括号内。(每小题1分,共10分)

  (1) Once there were two brothers who were twins . They looked exactly alike .They both the same dark brown hair ,blue eyes and beautiful teeth . T hey were both 5 feet 10 inches tall and both weighed 150 pounds .

  They not only looked alike but also wounded alike on the telephone . Not even their family could tell the difference . They dressed alike , listened to the same music ,and read the same books .They even laughed at the same jokes .

  When they were twenty – three , they both got married and a year later both had sons . The years went by and as they began to grow old , they both wore glasses and eventually (最后)they both became bald .

  Then one day , one of the brothers got sick and died . A few days later a man stopped the other twin on the street .

  “Excuse me for asking ,”he said , “but was it you or your brother who died ?”

  ( )1. It was not easy to tell the two men from each other because ______ .

  A . they were brothers B . they were handsome C . they were the same age D . they were twins

  ( )2. The twin brothers ________ .

  A . looked very much alike B . had different colored hair

  C . looked like movie stars D . wore different clothes

  ( )3. They both became bald means _______ .

  A . they became old B . they had sons

  C . they had little hair D . they got sick

  ( )4. The only difference between the twins was _______ .

  A . one was shorter than the other B . one got sick and died

  C . one got married and had a son D . one was bald and the other wasn’t

  ( )5. The man stopped the other twin on the street because _____ .

  A . he wanted to talk with him B . he didn’t know which of them died

  C .he wanted to make friends with him D . he was surprised to see him on the street

  (2)Many people like to watch TV . Watching TV is one of the most important activities (活动) of the day. TV brings the outside closer to people’s home .Some people say the world is smaller than before because of TV .

  What’s going on in the other countries ? How do people live in places far away ? Is there a good sports game somewhere (某个地方) ? What’s life in the deepest part of the sea ?

  If you want to answer these and other kinds of questions , just turn on the TV . Turn it on and watch .You can see a lot and learn a lot . Of course , people can also learn through reading or listening to the radio . But with TV they can learn better and more easily . Why ? Because they can hear and watch ,too .

  TV helps to open our eyes .TV also helps to open our minds (思想) . TV often gives us new ideas . We learn newer and better ways of doing something .

  ( ) 1 . Some people say the world is smaller than before because _______ .

  A . TV makes the earth smaller and smaller B . all people like to watch TV

  C . watching TV is one of the most important activities of the day D . TV brings the outside world closer to people

  ( ) 2 . We can _____when we watch TV .

  A . go to live in the other countries B . answer TV many questions

  C . get a lot of information (信息) D . ask TV some questions

  ( ) 3 .People learn better through TV than through radio because _______ .

  A . TV sets are bigger than radios B . people can not only hear but also watch. C. without TV people can’t open their eyes D. it’s easier to turn on TV than to turn on radio

  ( ) 4. The sentence “ TV also helps to open our minds” means_____ .

  A . our minds can only be opened by TV B . something is wrong with our minds

  C . it can help us to increase our knowledge D . TV is new to us

  ( )5. This passage tells us _____ .

  A . it’s good to watch TV B . not to watch TV any more

  C . students shouldn’t watch TV at any time D . to stop listening to the radio to watch TV

  (B) 先阅读短文,然后根据短文内容判断句子正误,正(T),误(F),并将标号填入题前括号内。(每小题1分,共5分)

  Factories often make the air in big cities very dirty .Millions of tons (吨 )of waste and poisonous (有毒 )gases (气 )are sent into the air with smoke . Oil is burnt (燃烧 ) in cars , trucks and buses . They produce waste gases almost as harmful (有害的` )as the gases from factories .In bug cities during cold winter months ,many old people die from the polluted (被污染的 )air . In places around big factories , the bad air kills trees and vegetables .

  Another kind of pollution (污染物 )is noise .Very loud noises can make people ill , hurt their ears , or even drive them mad (发疯的士 ).Houses near airports sometimes have their windows broken by the noise of jet planes (喷气式飞机 )passing overhead .

  Man is fighting a battle (战争 )against (反对 )pollution . The battle won’t be won until everyone knows how serious the danger is , and does something to stop it .

  ( ) 1 .The air in big cities is very clean .

  ( ) 2 . Many old people die from the bad air in cold winter .

  ( ) 3 . Trees and vegetables can’t live around big factories producing harmful air .

  ( ) 4 . People feel ill in loud noises .

  ( ) 5 . We must fight a battle against pollution .

  (C) 先阅读短文,然后根据地短文内容问题。(每小题2分,共10分)

  In July,2001,Zhang Jian , a 37 – year – old swimmer landed in Calais, France after swimming for twelve hours . He became the first Chinese ever to cross the English Channel. The 33.8-kilometre channel has attracted many swimmers because it is one of the most difficult channels to cross .

  Zhang Jian set off at 1:30 p .m . ON July 29,2001 .After putting some oil on his skin to help keep warm , he stepped into the sea from Shakespeare Beach , Dover .Most of the time ,Zhang swam freestyle to save energy .But he had to change his style along the way because the ocean currents changed every six hours and the water was so cold .During the crossing he ate some food and had some drinks . About three hours before he landed in Calais ,a British guide jumped into the sea and swam together with him .At 1:25 a.m .on July 30,2001 ,Zhang walked onto the French beach at last .

  A lot of people were waiting for him on the beach Among them were his family and friends . They were very proud of him . A foreign reporter spoke highly if him , “He has shown us what is courage and what is strength .”

  1. How long did Zhang Jian swim to cross the English Channel ?


  2 .Why has the English Channel attracted so many swimmers ?


  3 .What did Zhang Jian do before he stepped into the sea ? Why ?


  4 . How could Zhang Jian save his energy ?


  5 . How did the foreign reporter praise Zhang Jian ?


  七 、语言知识运用:阅读短文,并按要求完成下列各题。(每题2分,共6分)

  What do you know about the sea ?We have seen it .Some of us have swum or washed in it .We know that it looks very nice when the son shining on it .We also know that it can be very terrible when it’s windy .What other things do we know about it ?

  The first thing to see is that the sea is very big when you look at the map of the world . You will find there is more sea that land . The sea covers three – quarters of the world ( 1 ).

  If you have swum in the sea ,you know that it is salty . You can taste the salt .Rivers run into the sea and carry salt from the land into the sea .Some parts of the sea are more salty than other parts . Do you know the Dead Sea ? It is very salty . It is much salty that people can not sink ( 2 ) Fish can not live in the Dead Sea ! 多么奇怪的海啊(3 )!

  (1) 英泽汉:__________________________________________

  (2) 用 too...to…改写句子:__________________________________

  (3) 汉泽英:________________________________________________

  八 、书面表达 (共10 分)


  throw litter draw public spit cut down tree pick flower pick up rubbish dustbin collect recycle plant ….










