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时间:2022-12-31 08:02:02 职称英语 我要投稿
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  Can Buildings Be Designed to Resist Terrorist Attack?

  In the aftermath of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, structural engineers are trying bard to solve a question that a month ago would have been completely unthinkable:Can building be designed to withstand catastrophic blasts inflict4ed by terrorists?

  Ten days after the terrorist attacks on the twin towers, structural engineers from the University at Buffalo and the Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research (MCEER) headquartered at UB traveled to ground zero as part of a project funded by the National Science Foundation. Visiting the site as part of an MCEER reconnaissance visit, they spent two days beginning the task of formulating ideas about how to design such structures and to search for clues on how to do so in buildings that were damaged, but still are standing.

  “Our objective in visiting ground zero was to go and look at the buildings surrounding the World Trade Center, those buildings that are still standing, but that sustained damage,” said M. Bruneau, Ph.D. “Our immediate hope is that we can develop a better understanding as to why those buildings remain standing, while our long-term goal is to see whether earthquake engineering technologies can be married to existing technologies to achieve enhanced performance of buildings in the event of terrorist attacks,” he added.

  Photographs taken by the investigators demonstrate in startling detail the monumental damage inflicted on the World Trade Center towers and buildings in the vicinity. One building a block away from the towers remains standing, but was badly damaged. “This building is many meters away from the World Trade Center and yet we see a column there that used to be part of that building,” explained A Whittaker, Ph. D. “The column became a missile that shot across the road, through the window and through the floor.”

  The visit to the area also revealed some surprises, according to the engineers. For example, the floor framing system in one of the adjacent buildings was quite rugged, allowing floors that were pierced by tons of falling debris to remain intact. “Highly redundant ductile framing systems may provide a simple, but robust strategy for blast resistance,” he added. Other strategies may include providing alternate paths for gravity loads in the event that a load-bearing column fails. “We also need a better understanding of the mechanism of collapse,” said A Whittaker. “We need to find out what causes a building to collapse and how you can predict it.”

  A Reinhorn, Ph. D. noted that “Earthquake shaking has led to the collapse of many buildings in the past. It induces dynamic response and extremely high stresses and deformations in structural components. Solutions developed for earthquake-resistant design may be directly applicable to blast engineering and terrorist-resistant design. Part of our mission now at UB is to transfer these solutions and to develop new ones where none exist at present.”

  31 The question raised in the first paragraph is one __________.

  A that was asked by structural engineers a month ago

  B that is too difficult for structural engineers to answer even now

  C that was never difficult for before the terrorist attack

  D that terrorists are eager to find a solution to

  32 The project funded by the National Science Foundation __________.

  A was first proposed by some engineers at UB

  B took about two days to complete

  C was to investigate the damage caused by the terrorist attack

  D was to find out why some buildings could survive the blasts

  33 The column mentioned by Dr. Whittaker _________.

  A was part of the building close to the World Trade Center

  B was part of the World Trade Center

  C was shot through the window and the floor of the World Trade Center

  D damaged many buildings in the vicinity of the World Trade Center

  34 A surprising discovery made by the investigators during their visit to ground zero is that __________.

  A floors in the adjacent building remain undamaged

  B some floor framing systems demonstrate resistance to explosion

  C simple floor framing systems are more blast resistant

  D floors in one of the adjacent buildings were pierced by tons of debris

  35 What Dr. Reinhorn said in the last paragraph may imply all the following EXCEPT that __________.

  A blast engineers should develop new solutions for terror-resistant design

  B blast engineering can borrow technologies developed for terror-resistant design

  C solutions developed for earthquake-resistant design may apply to terrorist-resistant design

  D slast engineering emerges as a new branch of science

  答案:31 C建筑设计是否能使建筑具有抵御恐怖袭击的性能,是一个月前世界贸易中心受到袭击之前人们从未想过的一个问题。这是第一段的主要内容。所以,只有C是正确答案。

  32 D A不是正确选项,因为文章没有提及谁首先提出这个项目。B或C都不是文章所述的内容。答案可以在第三段中找到。

  33 B有关本题的句子是第四段的第三句,“This building is many meters away from the World Trade Center and yet we see a column there that used to be Part of that building."这里的this buildin9指的是the building many meters away from the World Trade Center,而that buildin9指的是World Trade Center。

  34 B选项A不是答案,因为文章说,the floor framing system in one of the adjacent buildings…remain intact.C不是文章表达的内容。D在文中提到,但不是a surprising discovery .只有B是正确答案。

  35 D选项A的内容是正确的,根据是本段最后一句(“…develop new ones”)。选项B和C的内容也是正确的,根据是本段最后两句(关键词是applicable和transfer)。只有D是答案。因为Reinhorn没有说:blast engineering emerges as a new branch of science.


  Stress Level Tied to Education Level

  People with less education suffer fewer stressful days,according to a report in the current issue of the Journal of Health and Social Behavior.

  However,the study also found that when 1ess-educated people did suffer stress it was more severe and had a larger impact on their health.

  From this.researchers have concluded that the day-to-day factors that cause stress are not random.Ⅵr11ere you are in society determines the kinds of problems that you have each day,and how well you will cope with them.

  The research team interviewed a national sample of 1.03 1 adults daily for eight days about their stress level and health.People without a high school diploma reported stress on 30 percent of the study days,people with a high school degree reported stress 38 percent of the time,and people with college degrees reported stress 44 percent of the time.

  Less advantaged people are less healthy on a daily basis and are more likely to have downward turns in their health.'"lead researcher Dr.Joseph Grzywacz,of Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center,said in a prepared statement."The downward turns in health were connected with daily stressors.and the effect of daily stressors on their health is much more devastating for the less advantaged."

  Grzywacz suggested follow-up research to determine why less-educated people report fewer days of stress when it is known their stress is more acute and chronic.

  "If something happens every day,maybe it'snot seen as a stressor"Grzywacz says."Maybe it is just 1ife."

  1. Stress level is closely related to

  A)family size.

  B)social status.

  C)body weight.

  D)work experience.

  2.The 1.03 1 adults were interviewed

  A)on adaily basis for 8days.

  B)during one of eight days.

  C)all by Grzywacz.

  D)in groups.

  3. Which group reported the biggest number of stressful days? A)People without any education.

  B)People without high school degrees.

  C)People with high school degrees.

  D)People with college degrees.

  4.The less advantaged people are,the greater

  A)the impact of stress on their health is.

  B)the effect of education on their health is

  C)the level of their education is.

  D)the degree of their health concern is.

  5.Less—educated people report fewer days of stress possibly because

  A)they don't want to tell the truth.

  B)they don't want to face the truth.

  C)stress is too common a factor in their life.

  D)their stress is more acute.

  答案:1. B 从文章题目便可得知,一个人的紧张程度与其受教育的程度挂钩,而受教育的程度又直接影响一个人的社会地位。因此,文章第三段提到,一个人的社会地位决定了其每日所面临的问题和处理这些问题的能力。由此可见,紧张程度与社会地位密切相关。

  2. A 文章第四段提到,研究人员对全国抽样的1 031名成人连续八天每天进行采访。

  3. D 从文章第四段可以得知,调查对象学历越高,自己所报告的紧张天数便越多。

  4. A 文章第五段提到,一个人的社会地位越低,紧张对其健康造成的危害也就越大。

  5. C 文章最后两段提到,受教育程度越低者所报告紧张天数越少的原因有可能是他们对紧张因素己司空见惯,视其为生活的一部分,而不是什么特别值得注意的。











