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时间:2022-10-28 08:02:48 职称英语 我要投稿
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1. She exhibited great powers of endurance during the climb.

A. play

B. send

C. show

D. tell

2. The eternal motion of the stars fascinated him.

A. long

B. never-ending

C. boring

D. extensive

3. She could not answer, it was an immense load off her heart.

A. natural

B. fatal

C. tiny

D. enormous

4. The book made a great impact on its readers.

A. force

B. influence

C. surprise

D. power

5. Accompanied by cheerful music, we began to dance.

A. pleasant

B. colorful

C. fashionable

D. different

6. He was not eligible for the examination because he was over age.

A. competitive

B. diligent

C. qualified

D. competent

7. Her novel depicts an ambitious Chinese.

A. writes

B. sketches

C. describes

D. indicates

8. Don't irritate her, she's on a short fuse today.

A. tease

B. attract

C. annoy

D. protect

9. It is absurd to go out in such terrible weather.

A. ridiculous

B. funny

C. odd

D. interesting

10. I notified him that my address had changed.

A. informed

B. observed

C. mocked

D. misled

11. The manager allocate duties to the clerks.

A. assign

B. persuade

C. ask

D. order

12. The once barren hillsides are now good farmland.

A. hairless

B. bare

C. empty

D. bald

13. It is postulated that a cure for the disease will have been found by the year 2000.

A. challenged

B. assumed

C. deducted

D. decreed

14. We must abide by the rules.

A. stick to

B. persist in

C. safeguard

D. apply

15. From my standpoint, you know, this thing is just funny.

A. position

B. point of view

C. knowledge

D. opinion




The World Health Organization (WHO) says as many as 10 million persons worldwide may have the virus that causes AIDS(艾滋病). Experts believe about 350 thousand persons have the disease. And one million more may get it in the next five years. In the United States, about 50,000 persons have died with AIDS. The country's top medical official says more than 90 percent of all Americans who had the AIDS virus five years ago are dead.

There is no cure for AIDS and no vaccine(疫苗) to prevent it. However, researchers know much more about AIDS than they did just a few years ago. We now know that AIDS is caused by a virus. The virus invades healthy cells, including white blood cells that are part of our defense system against disease. It takes control of the healthy cell's genetic(基因的) material and forces the cell to make a copy of the virus. The cell then dies. And the viral particles move on to invade and kill healthier cells.

The AIDS virus is carried in a person's body fluids(液体). The virus can be passed sexually or by sharing instruments used to take intravenous(进入静脉的) drugs. It also can be passed in blood products or from a pregnant woman with AIDS to her developing baby.

Many stories about the spread of AIDS are false. You cannot get AIDS by working or attending school with someone who has the disease. You can not get it by touching drinking glasses or other objects used by such persons. Experts say no one has gotten AIDS by living with, caring for or touching an AIDS patient.

16 According to the WHO, there are now 10 million AIDS patients in the world.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

17 America has the largest number of AIDS patients in the world.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

18 The cause of AIDS remains a mystery to researchers.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

19 AIDS patients today cannot be cured yet.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

20 A pregnant woman with AIDS cannot pass the virus to her developing baby.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

21 It is unlikely that the Aids virus will be passed through handshaking.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

22 Men are more easily infected with AIDS than women.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned



Old Man Myths and Realities

1 When does a middle-aged man become an old man? Officially, of course, it's when we reach retirement age. But, as we all know, this is a fairly blunt (生硬的) method of decision making. As life expectancy (预期寿命) increases, retirement planning needs to be changed. This is because being an old man today is very different from what it was a generation or so ago.

2 Sixty-five is the new middle-aged man. These days people are talking about the young-old, that is ages 70-75, and those over 75 as the old-old. The young-old frequently continue in good health and maintain strong links with friends and family. The old-old have a much higher chance of poor health and social isolation.

3 Although men are living longer, there are still more old women than old men. This fact alone should arouse interest as to why. Relatively little is actually known about why this is the case or about the experiences of the old man. Sure, we are aware that the old man experiences anxiety, financial problems, loneliness, etc., but that's really about all we know.

4 It is usually believed that the old man often complains about their health. In fact, most rate their health as good even though most are diagnosed with at least one chronic illness. The physical health of the old man is strongly affected by their health behavior when they were younger.

1 Paragraph 1_________.

2 Paragraph 2_________.

3 Paragraph 3_________.

4 Paragraph 4_________.

A New definitions of the old man

B Changing concept of the old man

C Health of the old man

D Happy old man and sad old man

E Limited knowledge of the old man's experiences

F Contempt for the old man

5 Nowadays men generally live longer than_________.

6 A man in his mid-60s is now regarded as_________.

7 More research should be done on the experiences of_________.

8 Most old men consider themselves to be_________.

A in good health

B in the past

C in the wrong

D the old man

E a middle-aged man

F a young man



A New Cause of Suffering

A conference on obesity(肥胖症)was recently held in Vienna. Two thousand experts from more than fifty countries attended the conference. According to statistics, 1.2 billion people worldwide are overweight, and 250 million are too fat. Obesity is rapidly becoming a new cause of suffering.

Professor Friedrich hopichler of Salzberg said: "we are living in the new age but with the metabolism(新陈代谢)of a stone-age man .I have just been to the United States. It is really terrible. A pizza(比萨饼) shop is appearing on every corner. We have been occupied by fast food and Coca-Cola-ization."

Many of the experts stressed that obesity was a potential killer. Hopichler said: "eighty per cent of all diabetics(糖尿病人)are too fat, also fifty per cent of all patients with high blood pressure and fifty per cent with fatty tissue complaints. Ten per cent more weight means thirteen pet cent more risk of heart disease. Reducing one's weight by ten per cent leads to thirteen per cent lower blood pressure."

Another expert Hermann Toplak said that the state health services should improve their financing of preventive programs. "the health insurance pays for surgery(such as reducing the size of the stomach)when the body-mass index(身体质量指数)is more than 40. That is equivalent to a weight of 116 kilograms for a height of 1.60 meters. One should start earlier."

Toplak said tat prevention should begin in school. "Child obesity has a close relation with the time which children spend in front of TV sets."

1 How many people are suffering from obesity in the world?

A 250,000,000

B 25,000,000

C 1,200,000,000

D 120,000,000

2 the united states is cited as a country where_________.

A obesity is not a problem at all.

B you can find many new things.

C terrible things happen all the time.

D it is easy to buy fast food.

3 according to the article, obesity is associated with all the following EXCEPT_________.

A high blood pressure.

B fatty tissue complaints.

C stomachache

D heart disease

4 Hermann Toplak suggested that more money should be spent on_________.

A surgery

B fat people

C preventive programs

D state health services.

5 in Toplak's opinion, the more time a child spends watching TV_________.

A the better he will do in his studies

B the more likely he will get too fat

C the less likely he will get too fat

D the more friends he will have at school




From early times man has used garlic (大蒜). The Bible speaks of it. The Israelites (古以色列人) were once far from home. They cried out to Moses, their leader, for the foods they loved: leeks (韭菜), onions, and garlic. The Romans, like the Israelites, loved to eat garlic. And they hung bags of garlic around their necks. _____(1) They also thought it would keep them from getting sick.

A similar idea is still held. Many people take garlic thinking it will prevent or cure disease. Most doctors say it does no such thing. _____(2) Its smell may force people to stay far apart. At least then they can't pass germs on to each other. _____(3) What if you're in a play, for instance? Actors have been known to forget their lines because they couldn't stand the garlic smell on a fellow actor's breath. Some have even made up new lines and actions that kept them far away from the one who had eaten garlic.

Through the years man has tried to cope with the smell of garlic. _____(4) We now know why. It's been found that the oils of the garlic do not stick to the teeth, Garlic tongue, or gums (齿龈). They go into the lungs instead. From there they are breathed out. They pass out through the skin too.

Strange as it seems, food may have a great deal of garlic in it without smelling or tasting strong. It all depends on how it is cooked. French cooks make a good soup with whole cloves (瓣) of garlic. They use more than thirty cloves in one bowl of soup. But they take care not to crush them. And they cook them whole. _____(5) And as the cloves cook they change in some strange way. The soup turns out to be delicious. It's not strong at all.

A But no medicine, mouthwash, chewing gum, or toothpaste seems to help much

B As a result, the strong oils stay in the cloves.

C They say it may help in one way, though.

D Many people eat garlic.

E But keeping your distance can be hard at times.

F They hoped it would keep away the evil eye.



Healthy Food

Street sellers, particularly in developing countries, supply large amounts of food _____(1) people on low incomes. This sector (部门) also employs some 6-25% of the work force, mainly women, in developing countries, and provides markets for agricultural and other produce. In many countries, _____(2), the authorities are not willing to recognize it as a formal sector of the food _____(3) system; they may ignore it in food control programs or even try to put an end to _____(4).

There are two possible contaminants (污染物): pathogenic (病原) micro-organisms (微生物) _____(5) harmful chemicals. As _____(6) as micro-organisms are concerned, there is apparently no convincing evidence that street foods are more involved in the transmission of infection than foods obtained in, e.g. hotels. Studies in Egypt and elsewhere have found street foods to compare not unfavorably with hotel _____(7) in respect of contamination with micro-organisms - some street foods were found to be contaminated with pathogens (病原菌), but so were foods from four, and five-star _____(8) in the same area.

Harmful chemicals have been found in street foods, and food exposed for sale on roadsides, may become _____(9) by lead from vehicle exhausts.

Health dangers may arise from: purchase of raw materials of _____(10) quality; improper storage, processing, and cooking, leading _____(11) reuse of water; limited piped drinking-water; lack of refrigeration (冷藏); unsatisfactory waste-disposal facilities; and personal cleanliness.

The authorities should _____(12) into account the potentials of different categories of food for transmitting disease, and should set appropriate standards of control for the different categories - sellers of bottled drinks require less control than those of food. Dry foods, dried grains, and sugared foods are _____(13) likely to transmit disease than cooked rice, low-acid milk, egg, and meat products. _____(14), foods which are thoroughly cooked and eaten at _____(15) are safer than precooked food kept at high temperatures for several hours.

1 A for B on C by D at

2 A but B however C besides D moreover

3 A choice B processing C supply D production

4 A them B those C him D it

5 A and B or C but D yet

6 A soon B far C much D many

7 A services B kitchens C hygiene D foods

8 A hotels B houses C buildings D generals

9 A supported B enriched C contaminated D washed

10 A heavy B clear C high D poor

11 A to B about C from D around

12 A use B think C take D work

13 A highly B never C not D less

14 A Certainly B Interestingly C Surprisingly D Similarly

15 A once B twice C call D work











