我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2023-02-18 16:23:27 职称英语 我要投稿
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1. The government is debating the education laws.
A) discussing B) defeating C) delaying D) declining

2.The Klondike was the scene of one of the biggest gold rushes the world has ever known.
A) location B)view
C) event D)landscape

3. She has been the subject of massive media coverage.
A) extensive B) negative
C) expensive D)active

4.The conference explored the possibility of closer trade links.
A) rejected B) investigated
C)proposed D)postponed

5. The sea was calm and still.
A) quite B)quiet
C) yet D)rough

6. In a bullfight, it is the movement, not the color, of objects that arouses the bull.
A) confuses B)excites
C) scares D)satisfies

7. The committee comprises five persons.
A) absorbs B)concerns
A) excludes D)involves

8. All the people assembled at Mary#39;s house.
A) collected B)fixed
C) asserted D)assist

9. He made an immense amount of money in business.
A)large B) small C) limited D) little

10. The substance can be added to gasoline to accelerate the speed of automobiles.
A) quicken B)shorten C) loosen D) enlarge

11. We should never content ourselves with a little book knowledge only.
A) convince B)satisfy C) comfort D) benefit

12. We should contemplated the problem from all sides
A) deliberated B)thought C) described D) designed

13. His health had deteriorated while he was in prison.
A) became better B)became worse C) became stronger D) became weaker

14. I meant to give you this book today, but I forgot.
A) intended to B)tended to C) extended to D) pretended to

15. As a matter of fact, I love soft music more than popular music.
A) basically B)probably C) actually D) accurately


American Sports

The United States is a sports-loving nation. Sports in America take a variety of forms: organized competitive struggles, which draw huge crowds to cheer their favorite team to victory; athletic games, played for recreation anywhere sufficient space is found; and hunting and fishing. Most sports are seasonal, so that what is happening in sports depends upon the time of year. Some sports are called spectator sports, as the number of spectators greatly exceeds the number playing in the game.

Baseball is the most popular sport in the US. It is played throughout the spring and summer, and professional baseball teams play well into the fall. Although no other game is exactly like baseball, perhaps the one most nearly like it is the English game of cricket.

Football is the most popular sport in the fall. The game originated as a college sport more than 75 years ago. It is still played by almost every college and university in the country, and the football stadiums of some of the largest universities seat as many as 80,000 people. The game is not the same as European football or soccer. In American football there are 11 players on each team, and they are dressed in padded uniforms and helmets because the game is rough and injuries are likely to occur.

Basketball is the winter sport in American schools and colleges. Like football, basketball originated in the US and is not popular in other countries. Many Americans prefer it to football because it is played indoors throughout the winter and because it is a faster game. It is a very popular game with high schools, and in more than 20 states, state-wide high school matches are held yearly.

Other spectator sports include wrestling, boxing, and horse racing. Although horse-racing fans call themselves sportsmen, the accuracy of the term is questionable, as only the jockeys who ride the horses in the races can be considered athletes. The so-called sportsmen are the spectators, who do “not assemble” primarily to see the horses race, but to bet upon the outcome of each race. Gambling is the attraction of horse racing.


1.Hunting and fishing are mainly favored by men, young and old, in the US.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

2.Professional baseball teams can continue to play for a long period of time in the fall after the regular baseball seasons of spring and summer.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

3.Baseball shares many features with the English game of cricket.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

4.Football can be classified as a spectator sport.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

5.Many Americans like basketball better than football because the latter is so harsh that players have to wear special uniforms.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

6.Basketball in American is so popular with universities that nationwide university matches are held yearly.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

7.Horse-racing fans cannot be considered sportsmen because they are spectators whose primary interest is gambling.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

第三部分:概括大意与完成句子 (每题1分,共8分)
阅读下面这篇短文,短文后有2项测试任务:(1)1---4 题要求从所给的6个选项中为第2--5 段每段选择1个正确的小标题;(2)第5--8题要求从所给的6个选项中选择4个正确的选项,分别完成每个句子。请将答案涂在答题卡相应的位置上。

Soot and Snow:a Hot Combination

l New research from NASA scientists suggests emissions of black soot alter the way sunlight reflects off snow.According to a computer simulation,black soot may be responsible for 25 percent of observed global warming over the past century.
2 Soot in the higher latitudes of the Earth。where ice is more common,absorbs more of the sun’s energy and warmth than an icy, white background.Dark-colored black carbon,or soot,absorbs sunlight,while lighter colored ice reflects sunlight.
3 Soot in areas with snow and ice may play all important role in climate change.Als0,if snow and ice covered areas begin melting。the warming effect increases,as the soot becomes more concentrated on the snow surface.“This provides a positive feedback,as glaciers and ice sheet smelt,they tend to get even dirtier,” said Dr.James Hansen,a researcher at NASA#39;s Goddard Institute for Space Studies,NewYork.
4 Hansen found soot’s effect on snow albedo(solar energy reflected back to space),which may be contributing to trends toward early springs in the Northern Hemisphere,such as thinning Arctic sea ice,melting glaciers and permafrost.Soot also is believed to play a role in changes in the atmosphere above the oceans and land.
5 “Black carbon reduces the amount of energy reflected by snow back into space,thus heating the snow surface more than if there were no black carbon~,”Hansen said.Soot’s increased absorption of solar energy is especially effective in warming the world’s climate. “This forcing is unusually effective,causing twice as much global warming as a carbon.dioxide forcing of the same magnitude,”Hansen noted.
6 Hansen cautioned.although the role of soot in altering global climate is substantial,it does not alter the fact that greenhouse gases are the primary cause of climate warming during the past century.Such gases are expected to be the largest climate forcing f10r也e rest of this century.
7 The researchers found that observed warming in the Northern Hemisphere was 1arge in the winter and spring at middle and high latitudes.These observations were consistent with the researchers’ climate model simulations,which showed some of the largest warming effects occurred when there were heavy snow cover and sufficient sunlight.

soot n.煤烟,煤灰
emission n.释放,散发,排放
simulation v.模拟
latitude n.纬度
glacier n.冰川,冰河
albedo n.反照率
permafrost n.永冻层
forcing n.温室作用
dioxide n.二氧化物
magnitude n.量,大小

1.Paragraph 3____________
2.Paragraph 4____________
3.Paragraph 6____________
4.Paragraph 7____________
A Soot’s Role in Changes in the Climate and the Atmosphere
B Observations of Warming in the Northern Hemisphere
C Explanation of Increased Warming Effect Caused by Soot
D Effort to Reduce Snow Albedo
E Ways to Reduce Soot Emission
F Greenhouse Gases as the Main Factor of G10bal Warming

5.In the twentieth century,soot____________
6.Hansen cautioned that greenhouse gases____________
7. Black soot covered snow and ice____________
8.A soot forcing is unusually effective,which____________
A produces much more global warming than a carbon?dioxide forcing of the same magnitude
B contributed to 25 percent of observed global warming
C can produce greenhouse gases
D absorb more of sun’s energy and warmth than white background
E still surpass soot in warming the world’s climate during the last century
F can be seen mostly in the Northern Hemisphere



Goal of American Education

Education is all enormous and expensive part of American life. Its size is matched by its variety.
Differences in American schools compared with those found in the majority of other
countries lie in the fact that education here has long been intended for everyone—not just
for a privileged elite. Schools ale expected to meet the needs of every child, regardless
of ability, and also the needs of society itself.This means that public schools offer more
than academic subjects.It surprises many people when t11ey come here to find high schools
offering such courses as typing,sewing,radio repair, computer programming or driver training,along with traditional academic subjects such as mathematics,history, and languages.Students choose their curricula depending on their interests,future goals,and level of ability.The underlying goal of American education is to develop every child to the utmost of his or her own possibilities,and to give each one a sense of civic and community consciousness。.
Schools have traditionally played an important role in creating national unity and
“Americanizing”the millions of immigrants who have poured into this country from many
different backgrounds and origins. Schools still play a large role in the community, especially in the small towns.
The approach to teaching may seem unfamiliar to many, not only because it is informal,
but also because there is not much emphasis on learning facts.Instead,Americans try to
teach their children toⅡ1ink for themselves and to develop their own intellectual and
creative abilities.Students spend much time,learning how to use resource materials libraries, statistics and computers.Americans believe that if children are taught to reason well and to research well, they will be able to find whatever facts they need throughout the rest of their lives.Knowing how to solve problems is considered more important than the accumulation of facts.
This is America’s answer to the searching question that thoughtful parents all over the world are asking themselves in the fast-moving time:“How Can one prepare today’s child for a tomorrow that one can neither predict nor understand?”

privileged adj.享有特权的
elite n.精英,精华
curricula n.课程
underlying adj.潜在的
reason v.推理

1.Which of the following best states the goal of American education?
A)To teach every learner some practical skills.
B)To provide every learner with rich knowledge.
C)To give every student the opportunity to fully develop his/her ability.
D)To train every student to be a responsible citizen.

2.It is implied in the passage that
A)all high-school students take the same courses.
B)every high?school student must take some practical ability training courses.
C)every public school offers the same academic subjects.
D)the subjects every student takes may vary.

3.American schools place great emphasis on the learner’s
A)enrichment of knowledge.
B)accumulation of facts.
C)acquisition of the ability to be creative.
D)acquisition of the ability to work with his hands.

4.According to the passage,American education meets the needs of all the following
A)the brightest students.
B)the slow students.
C)the students from foreign countries.
D)the immigrants.

5. Which of the following best states the feature of American education that makes it different from education in other countries?
A)The large number of its schools.
B)The variety of the courses offered in its schools.
C)Its special consideration given to immigrants.
D)Its underlying goal to develop every child’s abilities to the fullest extent


Common Problems, Common Solutions

The chances are that you made up your mind about smoking a long time ago --- and decided it#39;s not for you.
The chances are equally good that you know a lot of smokers -- there are, after all about 60 million of them, work with them, and get along with them very well.
And finally it#39;s a pretty safe bet that you#39;re open-minded and interested in all the various issues about smokers and nonsmokers -- or you wouldn#39;t be reading this.
And those three things make you incredibly important today.
Because they mean that yours is the voice -- not the smoker#39;s and not the anti-smoker#39;s --that will determine how much of society#39;s efforts should go into building walls that separate us and how much into the search for solutions that bring us together.
For one tragic result of the emphasis on building walls is the diversion of millions of dollars from scientific research on the causes and cures of diseases which, when all is said and done, still strike the nonsmoker as well as the smoker. One prominent health organization, to cite but a single instance, now spends 28 cents of every publicly contributed dollar on " education " (much of it in anti-smoking propaganda) and only 2 cents on research.
There will always be some who want to build walls, who want to separate people from people, and up to a point, even these may serve society. The anti-smoking wall-builders have, to give them their due, helped to make us all more keenly aware of choice.
But our guess, and certainly our hope, is that you are among the far greatest number who know that walls are only temporary at best, and that over the long run, we can serve society#39;s interest better by working together in mutual accommodation.
Whatever virtue walls may have, they can never move our society toward fundamental solutions. People who work together on common problems, common solutions, can.

1. What does the word " wall " used in the passage mean?
A) Anti-smoking propaganda.
B) Diseases striking nonsmokers as well as smokers.
C) Rules and regulations that prohibit smoking.
D) Separation of smokers from nonsmokers.

2. In paragraph 4, " you " refers to
A) smokers.
B) nonsmokers.
C) anti-smokers.
D) smokers who have quitted smoking.

3. It is evident that the author is not in favor of
A) building a wall between smokers and nonsmokers.
B) doing scientific research at the expense of one#39;s health.
C) bringing smokers and nonsmokers together.
D) proving accommodation for smokers.

4. As is suggested, the common solution to the common problem is
A) to separate people from people.
B) to work together in mutual accommodation.
C) to make us more keenly aware of choice.
D) to serve society#39;s interests better.

5. According to the passage, the writer looks upon the anti-smoking wall-builders#39; actions
A) optimistically.
B) pessimistically.
D) skeptically.


Early or Later Day Care

The British psychoanalyst John Bowlby maintains that separation from the parents during
The sensitive“attachment” period from birth to three may scar a child’s personality and
I predispose to emotional problems in later life.Some people have drawn the conclusion from
Bowlby’s work that children should not be subjected to day care before the age of three because of the parental separation it entails,and many people do believe this. But there are also arguments against such a strong conclusion. Firstly,anthropologists point out that the insulated love affair between children and parents;found in modem societies does not usually exist in traditional societies.For example,in some tribal societies,such as the Ngoni,the father and mother of a child did not rear their infant alone—far from it#39;.Secondly,common sense tells US that day care would not be so widespread today if parents
care-takers found children had problems with it.Statistical studies of this kind have not yet been carried out,and even if they were,the results would be certain to be complicated and controversial.Thirdly.in the last decade there have been a number of careful American studies of children in day care,and they have uniformly reported that day care had a neural or slightly positive effect on children’s development.But tests that have had to be used to measure this development are not widely enough accepted to settle the issue.
But Bowlby’s analysis raises the possibility that early day care has delayed effects.The possibility that such care might lead to,say,more mental illness or crime 15 or 20 years later can only be explored by the use of statistics.Whatever the long—term effects,parents sometimes find the immediate effects difficult to deal with。.Children under three are likely to protest at leaving their parents and show unhappiness.At the age of three or three and a half almost all children find the transition to nursery easy,and this is undoubtedly why more and more parents make use of child care at this time.The matter,then,is far from clear-cuff,though experience and available evidence indicate that early care is reasonable for infants.
psychoanalyst n.精神分析学家一心理分析学家 insulate vt.隔绝
rear vt.抚养 predispose引起易感性
care taker n.照顾者,看管人 entail vt.蕴涵
infant n.婴儿 anthropologist n.人类学家

1. Which of the following statements would Bowlby support?
A)Statistical studies should be carried out to assess the positive effect of day car
for children at the age of three or older.
B)Early day care can delay the occurrence of mental illness in children.
C)The first three years of one’s life is extremely important to the later development of personality.
D)Children under three get used to the life at nursery schools more readily than children
over three

2. Which of the following is derivable from Bowlby’s work?
A)Mothers should not send their children to day care centers before the age of three.
B)Day care nurseries have positive effects on a child’s development.
C)A child sent to a day care center before the age of three may have emotional problems
in later life.
D)Baby care would not be so popular if it has noticeable negative effects on a child’s s personality.

3. It is suggested that modem societies differ from traditional societies in that
A)the parents—child relationship is more exclusive in modem societies.
B)a child more often grows up with his(her brothers or sisters in traditional societies.
C)mother brings up children with the help of her husband in traditional societies.
D)children in modem societies are more likely to develop mental illness in later years

4. Which of the following statements is NOT an argument against Bowlby’s theory?
A)Many studies show that day care has a positive effect on children’s development.
B)The fact that there are so many nursery schools today shows that day care is safe.
C)The separation of young children from their parents is common in some traditional
D)Parents find the immediate effects of early day care difficult to deal with.

5 Which of the following best expresses the writer’s attitude towards early day care?
A)Children under three should stay with their parents.
B)Early day care has positive effects on children’s development.
C)The issue is controversial and its settlement calls for the use of statistics.
D)The effects of early day care on children are exaggerated and parents should ignore the issue.


Why do people shrink?

Did you ever see the movie Honey, I shrunk the kids? It#39;s about a wacky dad (who#39;s also a scientist) who accidentally shrinks his kids with his homemade miniaturizing invention. Oops! ____1____.
For older people, shrinking isn#39;t that dramatic or sudden at all. It takes place over years and may add up to only one inch or so off of their adult height (maybe a little more, maybe less), and this kind of shrinking can#39;t be magically reversed, although there are things that can be done to stop it or slow it down. ___2___.
There are a few reasons. As people get older, they generally lose some muscle and fat from their bodies as part of the natural aging process. Gravity (the force that keeps your feet on the ground) take hold, and the bones in the spine, called vertebrae, may break down or degenerate, and start to collapse into one another. ___3___. But perhaps the most common reason why some older people shrink is because of osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis occurs when too much spongy bone tissue (which is found inside of most bones) is broken down and not enough new bone material is made. ___4___. Bones become smaller and weaker and can easily break if someone with osteoporosis is injured. Older people --especially women, who generally have smaller and lighter bones to begin with -- are more likely to develop osteoporosis. As years go by, a person with osteoporosis shrinks a little bit.
Did you know that every day you do a shrinking act? You aren#39;t as tall at the end of the day as you are at the beginning. That#39;s because as the day goes on, water in the disks of the spine gets compressed (squeezed) due to gravity, making you just a tiny bit shorter. Don#39;t worry, though. ___5___.

A. They end up pressing closer together, which makes a person lose a little height and become shorter.
B. Once you get a good night#39;s rest, your body recovers, and the next morning, you#39;re standing tall again.
C. Over time, bone is said to be lost because it#39;s not being replaced.
D. Luckily, there are things that people can do to prevent shrinking.
E. The kids spend the rest of the movie as tiny people who are barely visible while trying to get back to their normal size.
F. But why does shrinking happen at all?

第六部分:完型填空 (每题1分,共15分)

Something Men Do Not Like to Do

Eric Brown hates shopping.“It’S just not enjoyable to me,”said the 28-year-old.Chicago man who was carrying several shopping bags along the city’s main street,Michigan Avenue.“When I, m out____1___,I basically know what 1 want to get.I rush in.I buy it.I___2___”
Common wisdom says that guys hate to shop.You Can ask generations of men.But people
who study shopping say that a number of social,cultural and economic factors are now
“___4___social class,ethnicity, age—men say they hate to shop,”says Sharon Zukin,
a City University of New York sociology professor.“Yet when you ask them deeper questions, it turns out that they___5___tO shop.Men generally like to shop for___6___,music and
hardware.But if you ask them about the shopping they do for books or music,they’11 say
‘Well#39; that’s not shopping.That’s ___7___”
In other words,what men and women call“buying things’’and how they approach that task are ___8____
Women will___ 9___ through several 1,000-square-metre stores in search 0f the perfect
party dress.Men will wander through 100 Internet sites in search of the ___lO___digital
Women see shopping as a social event.Men see it as a mission or a___11___to be won.
“Men are frequently shopping to win,’’says Mary Ann McGrath,a marketing professor at Loyola University of Chicago.“They want to get the best deal. They want to get the best one,The last one and if they do that it__12__them happy.”
When women shop,“they’re doing it in a way where they want__l3__ to be very happy,”says McGrath.“They’re kind of shopping for love.”
In fact, it is in clothing where we see a male-female__14__most clearly.Why, grumble some men,are all male clothes navy,grey, black or brown? But would they wear 1ight
green and pink?
These days,many guys wear a sort of“uniform”,says Paco Underhill,author of“Why We Bye”,“It’S been hard for them to understand what it means to be fashion.Conscious in a business way. It becomes much,much easier if you__15__your range of choices.”

guy n.家伙,伙计
mission n.任务,使命
grumble n.抱怨,发牢骚
ethnicity n.种族特点
camcorder n.摄像放像机

1.A)playing B)fishing C)shopping D)traveling
2.A)get out B)stay in C)look round D)move about
3。A)confirming. B)challenging C)proving D)supporting
4.A)Regardless of B)Because of C)Owing to D)Thanks to
5.A)want B)like C)hate D)hope
6.A)coats B)pants C)socks D)books
7.A)relaxation B)rest C)exercise D),research
8.A)similar B)inclusive C)contradictory D)different
9.A)wander B)go C)walk D)run
10.A)cheap B)fashionable C)presentable D)perfect
11.A)task B)play C)game D)destination
12.A)brings B)causes C)makes D)keeps
13.A)everybody B)nobody C)anybody D)no one
14.A)competition B)comparison C)division D)confrontation
15.A)broaden B)expand C)extend D)narrow


1.A. 分析:根据句意(“政府正在..教育法”)排除B(搭配词义不通顺),C和D(C和D都通常和进行时态连用)。debate: vt, vi讨论,争论;discuss : vt谈论;讨论;商讨(with sb. );delay: vt, vi, n. 推迟;延缓 ;Decline: vt, vi下降;下滑;下倾

1 A. 划线词和四个被选项这5个名词都是较为常见词汇。其中,scene是“现场, 场面, 情景, 景色”;view是“景色, 风景, 观点, 见解”;event是“事件”, landscape“风景, 山水画, 地形”。从句意(克朗代克河地区是人们迄今为止所知道的最大淘金热(发生地)之一)来看scene的含义是“地点”,所以答案是A。

3 A。根据搭配—“...媒体报道”判断A(大量的,广大的,广阔的)合适。而借助mass 的含义(n.块, 大多数, 质量, 群众, 大量adj.群众的, 大规模的, 集中的)也可猜测出massive的含义与“大量的”有关,这样也能判断答案。Negative adj.否定的, 消极的, 负的; expensive adj.昂贵的; active adj.积极的, 能起作用的。该句的含义是“她一直是许多媒体报道的对象。”

4 B. 根据搭配--“...的可能性”判断B(调查,研究)最合适。Reject vt.拒绝, 抵制; propose
vt.计划, 建议, 向...提议; postpone vt.推迟, 使延期;该句的含义是“会议研究了进行更加紧密的贸易联系的可能性。”

5 B.根据and的使用特点:前后结构对称,词义色彩一致,因此判断B((平静的和)安静的)是答案。Rough adj.粗糙的, 粗略的, 大致的, 粗暴的,汹涌澎湃的。该句的含义是“大海安静而又平静”。

6 B. 句子中出现了“In a bullfight(在斗牛中)..颜色”这样的结构和词语,因此猜测划线词所在的结构含义可能是“(刺激)牛”。因此判断B(使..兴奋)是答案。Confuse vt.搞乱, 使糊涂;scare v.惊吓; satisfy vt.满足, 使满意;该句的含义是“在斗牛比赛中,让牛兴奋的是物体的运动,而不是物体的颜色。”

7 D. comprise v.包含, 由...组成; 该词和D(involve vt.包括) 是近义词。absorb vt.吸收, 吸引; concern vt.涉及, 关系到n.(利害)关系, 关心; exclude vt. 把...排除在外; 该句含义是“这个委员会是由5个人组成。”

8 A.assemble vt.集合, 聚集, 装配vi.集合;该词和A( collect v.收集, 聚集)是近义词。fix vt.使固定, 装置, 修理;assert v.断言, 声称;assist v.援助, 帮助;该句含义是“所有的人都在玛丽的房子里集合。”

9. A。 分析: 该句含义是“他在生意中赚了一大笔钱。”immense adj.极大的; limited adj.有限的;

10.A. 分析: Accelerate v.加速, 促进, 所以A(加快)是答案。Shorten v.缩短, (使)变短;loosen v.解开, 放松, 松开; enlarge v.扩大, 放大; 词缀-en通常加在某些形容词的前面或后面,使其变成相应的动词,该词缀的含义是“使变得更加..”, 如:enlarge就是“使变得更大/扩大”

11. B. 分析:根据句意(我们切不可(满足于)仅仅有一点点书本知识。)判断B(使满足)是答案。Convince vt.使确信, 使信服; benefit n.利益, 好处vt.有益于, 有助于; comfort n.安慰, 舒适, 安慰者
vt.安慰, 使(痛苦等)缓和;

12. A. 分析:借助搭配结构“…问题”排除B(think后通常带宾语从句)和D(搭配不合理)。根据句意(我们应该考虑到问题的各个方面)判断A(仔细考虑)最合适。

13. B. 分析:借助搭配“健康…”,排除C和D(strong和 weak都不和“健康”搭配使用,只能说“身体” strong或 weak),再借助句意(在监狱服刑期间他的健康变得恶化了)判断B(变得更糟糕)是答案。Deteriorate v.(使)恶化

14. A。 分析,借助句意(我(本来打算)今天给你这本书的,可是我忘了)判断A(打算..)是答案。tend to v. 往往..; pretend to do sth.v.假装做某事; extend v.扩充, 延伸,给予。 extend 后所带的to 是介词。

15. C. 分析:as a matter of fact adv.事实上; accurately adv.正确地, 精确地; basically
adv.基本上, 主要地; probably adv.大概, 或许


American Sports
1. C. 分析:利用题干中的核心结构Hunting and fishing和特征结构men, young and old作为答案线索,这样发现答案相关句:Sports in America take a variety of forms: organized competitive struggles, which draw huge crowds to cheer their favorite team to victory; athletic games, played for recreation(娱乐) anywhere sufficient space is found; and hunting and fishing.发现答案相关句中并没有提到men, young and old,根据该相关句及相邻句子的句意不能“推导出”也不能“反驳”问题句的句意,所以该句的说法为“没提到”。

2. A. 分析:利用题干中的核心结构和特征结构(Professional baseball teams和the regular baseball seasons of spring and summer)作为答案线索,这样发现答案相关句:Baseball is the most popular sport in the US. It is played throughout the spring and summer(对应the regular baseball seasons of spring and summer.), and professional baseball teams play well into the fall(对应play for a long period of time in the fall). 判断该句的句意与问题句的句意一致,该题主要是考察well into the fall(一直到秋季末)结构的含义。

3. A。 分析:利用题干中的核心结构(Baseball 和cricket)作为答案线索,这样发现答案相关句:Although no other game is exactly like baseball, perhaps the one most nearly like it is the English game of cricket(板球).判断该句的句意(与棒球运动最接近的就是英国的板球)与问题句的句意一致, 因此该问题句的说法“正确”。

4. A。 分析:利用题干中的核心结构(Football 和spectator sport)作为答案线索,这样发现答案相关句:Some sports are called spectator sports, as the number of spectators greatly exceeds the number playing in the game.(第一段最后一句)…the football stadiums of some of the largest universities seat as many as 80,000 people.该题考察考生的推断能力:既然最大的足球体育馆能容纳下80,000观众,那么根据spectator sports(观赏性运动)的定义,足球应该是spectator sports。

5. B. 分析:利用题干中的核心结构(basketball 和football)作为答案线索,这样发现答案相关句:Basketball is the winter sport in American schools and colleges. Like football, basketball originated in the US and is not popular in other countries. Many Americans prefer it to football because it is played indoors throughout the winter and because it is a faster game. 该相关句的说法与问题句的说法不一致(主要是“理由”的表述方面不一致),所以判断问题句的说法“不正确”。

6. C。 分析:利用题干中的核心结构(nationwide university matches)作为答案线索,这样发现答案相关句:It is a very popular game with high schools, and in more than 20 states, state-wide high school matches are held yearly.发现该句的说法与问题句的说法“不一致”,但又不能因此而判断问题句的说法“错误”。因此判断该题的说法为“没提到”。

7. A。 分析:利用题干中的Horse-racing fans作为答案线索,这样发现答案相关句:Other spectator sports include wrestling(摔交), boxing, and horse racing. ... The so-called sportsmen are the spectators, who do “not assemble” primarily to see the horses race, but to bet upon the outcome of each race. Gambling is the attraction of horse racing.根据相关句群的句意(赛马比赛的吸引人之处是赌博, 赛马迷只是对赌博感兴趣)发现问题句的说法与这些相关句的说法一致,因此问题句的说法“正确”

第三部分:概括大意与完成句子 (每题1分,共8分)
阅读下面这篇短文,短文后有2项测试任务:(1)1---4 题要求从所给的6个选项中为第2--5 段每段选择1个正确的小标题;(2)第5--8题要求从所给的6个选项中选择4个正确的选项,分别完成每个句子。请将答案涂在答题卡相应的位置上。

Soot and Snow:a Hot Combination
1.C 第三段解释了为什么soot会增加地球升温效应。
2.A 第四段介绍了soot在两方面起的作用:(1)soot增加了雪吸收太阳能量和热量的能力;(2)soot导致海洋和陆地上空的大气层发生变化。
3.F 第六段的关键句子是:“…greenhouse gases are the primary cause of climate warming during the past century.” .
4.B 第七段介绍了在研究北半球的纬度、雪覆盖面和日照诸因素与气温升高之间的关系方面取得的成果。
5.B 选择B的依据是第一段。有关的句子是:。“…black soot may be responsible for 25 percent of observed global warming over the past century.”选项B中用了过去式contributed,也是选B的一个线索,因为第五题的题干中有in me twentieth century,这个时间状语要求谓语动词用过去式,而4个选项中只有B项的动词用的是过去式。
6.E Hansen cautioned和greenhouse gases仅出现在第六段。该段的大意是:虽然煤烟在改变全球气候方面所起的作用相当显著,但是上个世纪气温上升的主要因素还是温室气体。选项E概括了第六段的意思。
7.D 本题答案的依据是第二段第一句。
8.A 本题答案的依据是第五段的下列句子: Soot’s increased absorption of solar energy is especially effective in warming the world’s climate.“This forcing is unusually effective, causing twice as much global warming as a carbon-dioxide forcing of the same magnitude,”Harisen noted.


Goal of American Education
1 C A,B,D均只指出了美国教育目标的一个方面。 .
2 D 文中提到学生可以根据自己的兴趣、目标和能力来选择课程。
3 D A,B,D都只提到教育的某一个方面,但美国教育最强调的是对学生独立解决问题能力的培养.
4 C 本文中没有提到外国留学生.
5 D 给每个学生最充分地发挥自己能力的机会是美国教育的最重要特点。

Common Problems, Common Solutions
1.D.问题问“文章中的墙指代什么?”。利用wall这个线索词在文章中发现了位于第5段中答案相关句--- “。。把我们(和吸烟者)分开的墙..。家族词的出现也是确认答案的线索:该题中separate在原文中 ---- separation在备选答案中。
2.D.问题问“第4段中you 指代什么?”。You从第1段就开始出现,所以应指第1段中所说的“已经放弃吸烟的吸烟者”。
4.B. 该题问“正如在文章中所表明的那样,普通问题的普通解决的方法应该是..”。在第8段中可以找到答案。
5.D.该题问“作者对建立吸烟隔离墙的行为的态度是什么?”。D “怀疑的”最合适。

Early or Later Day Care
1.c 波比认为,孩子从出生到三岁这段时间是一个敏感的“依恋”期。三岁以下的
2.A C是波比的思想,而不是依据他的思想得出的结论,因此不对。第一段的第二句话说:一些人从波比的研究得出结论,日托要使父母和孩子分开,孩子三岁之前不应该送日托。因此A是正确答案。
3.A 第二段的第一句话说:人类学家指出,现代社会中父母与孩子之间的绝缘的爱的关系在传统社会中一般不存在。insulated(绝缘的)一词与A中的exclusive(排他的)相呼应。文章只是在第二段的第一句中提到传统社会,仅从这句话不能推断出B、C、D。
4.D 第二段列出了三条论据反对波比的理论。这三条论据分别对应C、B、A。“父母们觉得眼前的后果难以应付”不是反对波比理论的论据。
5.c 作者中立地报道了对日托的两种不同看法,并指出缺乏统计研究。特别是在第三段的第二句话中提出,日托是否会在15或20年后导致精神病或犯罪只能用统计的方法来研究。因此C是正确答案。


Why do people shrink?
1. E. 分析:段落中句意的特点:空格前面的内容讲述电影情节,所以E的出现就很自然了。在用词上kids连续使用(呼应)

2. F. 分析:在段落中利用核心结构进行跳读,发现空格前句说“..尽管人们能做一些事情来阻止“缩小”或减缓“缩小””,比较备选项,发现F合适:F提出问题来总结该段,引起下文。

3. A. 分析: 空格前面具体讲述“地球引力对人体骨架的影响”,接着在空格处继续谈到“这种影响最终的结果”是很自然的。在用词呼应上:one another(彼此)与A中的they 呼应。

4. C。分析:空格前后句中都在提到“bone”或与“bone”相关的内容,所以C出现的可能性最大。

5. B。分析:作为文章的最后一句,该句往往具有总结性。对比剩下的选项,不难发现B合适:在句意上(好好休息一个晚上,第二天早晨, 你的身体通过一晚上的休息又恢复体力, 你站起还会是那么高。)在对前句句意(尽管这样,也不用担心)进行解释说明。

第六部分:完型填空 (每题1分,共15分)

Something Men Do Not Like to Do
1. C 第一段第一个句子是主题句,说的是:Eric Brown讨厌买东西。因此“shopping”是合适的选择。
2. A 语境是这样的:当我出去买东西时,我基本上已经知道我要买什么。我冲了进去,买了后……显然,填入“get out”(出去)是连贯的。“stay in”是“在家里呆着”,“look round”是“环顾”,“move about”是“闲荡”,不难看出,这些都不是合适的选择。
3。 B 第二段的第一个句子说的是:一般的认识认为,男人讨厌买东西。第三句的起始词是“But”,它告诉我们意思将发生转折,因而“challenging”是合适的选择。“confirming”是“确认”的意思,“proving”是“证明”,“supporting”是“支持”。
4. A 第三段的第一个句子引自纽约城市大学社会学教授Sharon Zukin的话,大意是:……在社会阶层、种族特点、年龄上是有差异的,男人都说他们讨厌买东西。可以看出,合适的选择是“Regardless of”(不管),“Because of”,“Owing to”,“Thanks to”都表示“原因”,插入后意思上是不连贯的。
5. B 紧接着第三段第一个句子的后一个句子由“Yet”起始, 这个词提示我们由它引导的句子在意思上跟上一个句子构成对比。由于上一个句子说的是“男人们讨厌买东西”,那么这个句子应当说的是男人们实际上是喜欢买东西的。因此,“like”是合适的选择。
6. D 从下文的“music”(音乐),“hardware”(硬件)判断,“coats”(外套),pants(裤子),socks(袜子)都不是合适的选择,因为它们都不能与“music”和“hardware”构成一个比较自然的类别,所以惟有“books”是合适的选择。另外,紧随其后的一句话中也出现了“books”这个词,这是提示。
7. D 该题问的是:男人们不把买书和音乐制品看做是购物,那么他们把它看做是什么呢?从下面的三段提供的信息来看,“research”(研究)比“relaxation”(放松),“rest”(休息),“exercise”(锻炼)更合适一点。
8. D 该题问的是:男人们和女人们在称之为“买东西”和行事方式上都会怎么样?所在的句子实际上是对前面文章的总结。所以合适的选择是“different”。 “similar”(相似的)、 “contradictory”(矛盾的)和“inclusive”(兼容的)都不构成答案。
9. A 买东西是需要来回看的, 这是常识。另外,紧随其后的句子中也用了“wander”(漫游)这个词。
lO. D 上文中出现了“perfect”(完美的)。注意:文章始终在把男人与女人做比较。因此此处也应用“perfect”。 ’
11. D 注意紧随其后的动词不定式“to be won’’(赢得),只能是“game”(游戏)。“won”在语义上搭配的
12.C 这个句子要表达的是:这会使得他们快乐。“makes”是正确的。如果用 ‘‘brings”,须改原文:it brings them happiness.或it brings happiness to them.如用“causes”,也须改原文:it causes them to be come happy.“it keeps them happy.”是可以说的,但它的意思是:他们原来就快乐。但是,是否如此?文章没有说。
13.A “nobody”,“no one”和“anybody”用于否定的语境。但该句子提供的不是一种否定的语境,因此,正确的选择是“everybody”。
14.C 至此文章都是在说男女之间的差别,因而“division”是理想的选择。整个句子说的是:事实上,在服装方面最能清楚地把男女区分开来。“competition”是“竞争”,“comparison”是“比较”,“confrontation”是“对抗”。
15.D 对许多男人来说,选择的范围越窄,买衣服越方便。因此“narrow”(窄)是合适的选择





2006职称英语考试模全真拟试题 理工类C级第一套08-03





