我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2022-08-07 05:58:02 中考 我要投稿
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  Teaching Objectives:


  1. Grasp the comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives and adverbs as well as the past tense.

  2. Learn the words and expressions of sports meeting.

  Language Focus:

  hold/have a sports meeting do well hold—held hurt—hurt fast faster fastest

  well/good better best high higher highest far farther farthest

  Properties: Tape-recorder, Overhead projector and some pictures of sports

  Teaching Procedures:

  I. Revision

  Revise the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs.

  Ask three tall students to stand up or show pictures like this.

  Mr. Read is tall.

  Mr. King is taller.

  Mr. Green is the tallest of the three.

  The bike is going fast.

  The tractor is going faster.

  The taxi is going the fastest.

  Revise the comparative form –er/-est.

  II. Leading-in

  Ask the students the following questions:

  1) Does your school hold a sports meeting every year?

  2) Do you take part in it? Which sport can you do well in?

  3) How many sports are there at the sports meeting?

  Help the students to answer 100-metre race, 400-metre race, 800-metre race, long jump and high jump.

  III. Presentation

  Teach new words and phrases about sports.

  利用图片或照片及学生用书彩色插页ⅲ上的插图,介绍并教学关于运动的词语,Lesson 85 教学设计方案。

  IV. Read and learn


  The gilrs’ 100-metre race

  Han Meimei




  Wu Dong


  Play the tape of this part and ask the students to answer the questions.


  The boys' high jump

  Lin Tao

  1.59 m



  Zhang Jun


  Play the tape of this part and ask the students to answer the questions.


  Ann 4.05m Liu Mei 3.8m Huifang 4. 0m


  4. Play the tape again and ask them to answer the following questions:

  1) Who was first/second/third in the 100-metre race?

  2) Who won the race?

  3) Who was first/second/third in the high jump?

  4) Who won?

  5) Who was first/second/third in the long jump?

  6) Who won?

  5. Explain the language points.

  1) hold/have a sports meeting hold( held, held)

  ①Our school held a sports meeting successfully last Sunday.

  2) do well in do badly in

  ①Bob does better in maths than I, but he doesn’t do so well as I in English.

  ②Lucy did badly in the last physics exam. But Mary did even worse.

  ③Did Tom do well or badly in the sports meeting?

  6. Summarize the usage of the comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives and adverbs.(有条件的可通过多媒体进行讲解或是利用资源库中的相关动画或视频讲解)

  V. Practise

  Ask the students to make sentences, using the past tense verbs and the comparative and superlative degree forms of adverbs.

  VI. Read and act

  1. Read the dialogue after the tape. Or play the video.

  Explain the sentence: Which sport are you in today?

  It means Which sport are you taking part in today?

  2. Recite the dialogue, changing with the words in the box.

  VII. Exercises in class


  1. Who can jump _________, you or he?

  A. high B. tallest C. higher D. taller

  2. The Changjiang River is one of________ rivers in the world.

  A. long B. the longer C. the longest D. the long

  3. They ________ the game yesterday, didn’t they?

  A. won B .gave C .took D. got

  4. Jane is ________ of the three. She can’t go to school by herself.

  A. young B. younger C. youngest D. the youngest

  5. History is as _________ as geography, you see.

  A. important B .more important

  C. such important D. so important

  6. China is _________ than any other country in Asia.

  A. larger B. the largest C. large D. more large

  7. Which subject do you ________, maths or chemistry?

  A .like best B .to like

  C. very much like D. like better

  8. Xiao Li did quite _________ in maths, but _________ in English.

  A. well, badly B. good, bad C. bad, well D. badly, good

  Keys: 1.C 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.A 6.A 7.D 8.A

  VIII. Homework

  1. Finish exercises on page 103.

  2. Rewrite the passage.

  VI. Summary

  让学生归纳出本课有关运动会项目用语,初中英语教案《Lesson 85 教学设计方案》。


  Last week No. 14 Middle School _________ (hold) a sports meeting on the playground. Lily _________(run) fastest of all in the 100-metTe race. Zhang Jun _________(do) best of all in the high jump and Liu Mei _________ (jump) farthest of all in the long jump. Ling Li ________ (fall) and ________(hurt)his neck, so he _________(do)take part in any sport. Now he ________(be) much better.

  Keys: held, ran, did Jumped, fell, hurt, didn’t, is

  VIII. Writing on blackboard

  Lesson 85

  1. Language points

  (1) hold/have a sport meeting

  (2)do well in do badly in

  2. Past forms

  hold—held run—ran hurt—hurt win—won do—did is—was fall—fell

  3. Comparison of adjectives and adverbs

  fast faster fastest, good/well better best, high higher highest,

  far farther farthest

  4. Questions

  (1)Who won the race?

  (2) Who jumped highest?

  (3) Who jumped farthest of all?

  Teaching Objectives:

  1. Grasp the comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives and adverbs as well as the past tense.

  2. Learn the words and expressions of sports meeting.

  Language Focus:

  hold/have a sports meeting do well hold—held hurt—hurt fast faster fastest

  well/good better best high higher highest far farther farthest

  Properties: Tape-recorder, Overhead projector and some pictures of sports

  Teaching Procedures:

  I. Revision

  Revise the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs.

  Ask three tall students to stand up or show pictures like this.

  Mr. Read is tall.

  Mr. King is taller.

  Mr. Green is the tallest of the three.

  The bike is going fast.

  The tractor is going faster.

  The taxi is going the fastest.

  Revise the comparative form –er/-est.

  II. Leading-in

  Ask the students the following questions:

  1) Does your school hold a sports meeting every year?

  2) Do you take part in it? Which sport can you do well in?

  3) How many sports are there at the sports meeting?

  Help the students to answer 100-metre race, 400-metre race, 800-metre race, long jump and high jump.

  III. Presentation

  Teach new words and phrases about sports.

  利用图片或照片及学生用书彩色插页ⅲ上的插图,介绍并教学关于运动的词语,Lesson 85 教学设计方案。

  IV. Read and learn


  The gilrs’ 100-metre race

  Han Meimei




  Wu Dong


  Play the tape of this part and ask the students to answer the questions.


  The boys' high jump

  Lin Tao

  1.59 m



  Zhang Jun


  Play the tape of this part and ask the students to answer the questions.


  Ann 4.05m Liu Mei 3.8m Huifang 4. 0m


  4. Play the tape again and ask them to answer the following questions:

  1) Who was first/second/third in the 100-metre race?

  2) Who won the race?

  3) Who was first/second/third in the high jump?

  4) Who won?

  5) Who was first/second/third in the long jump?

  6) Who won?

  5. Explain the language points.

  1) hold/have a sports meeting hold( held, held)

  ①Our school held a sports meeting successfully last Sunday.

  2) do well in do badly in

  ①Bob does better in maths than I, but he doesn’t do so well as I in English.

  ②Lucy did badly in the last physics exam. But Mary did even worse.

  ③Did Tom do well or badly in the sports meeting?

  6. Summarize the usage of the comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives and adverbs.(有条件的可通过多媒体进行讲解或是利用资源库中的相关动画或视频讲解)

  V. Practise

  Ask the students to make sentences, using the past tense verbs and the comparative and superlative degree forms of adverbs.

  VI. Read and act

  1. Read the dialogue after the tape. Or play the video.

  Explain the sentence: Which sport are you in today?

  It means Which sport are you taking part in today?

  2. Recite the dialogue, changing with the words in the box.

  VII. Exercises in class


  1. Who can jump _________, you or he?

  A. high B. tallest C. higher D. taller

  2. The Changjiang River is one of________ rivers in the world.

  A. long B. the longer C. the longest D. the long

  3. They ________ the game yesterday, didn’t they?

  A. won B .gave C .took D. got

  4. Jane is ________ of the three. She can’t go to school by herself.

  A. young B. younger C. youngest D. the youngest

  5. History is as _________ as geography, you see.

  A. important B .more important

  C. such important D. so important

  6. China is _________ than any other country in Asia.

  A. larger B. the largest C. large D. more large

  7. Which subject do you ________, maths or chemistry?

  A .like best B .to like

  C. very much like D. like better

  8. Xiao Li did quite _________ in maths, but _________ in English.

  A. well, badly B. good, bad C. bad, well D. badly, good

  Keys: 1.C 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.A 6.A 7.D 8.A

  VIII. Homework

  1. Finish exercises on page 103.

  2. Rewrite the passage.

  VI. Summary

  让学生归纳出本课有关运动会项目用语,初中英语教案《Lesson 85 教学设计方案》。


  Last week No. 14 Middle School _________ (hold) a sports meeting on the playground. Lily _________(run) fastest of all in the 100-metTe race. Zhang Jun _________(do) best of all in the high jump and Liu Mei _________ (jump) farthest of all in the long jump. Ling Li ________ (fall) and ________(hurt)his neck, so he _________(do)take part in any sport. Now he ________(be) much better.

  Keys: held, ran, did Jumped, fell, hurt, didn’t, is

  VIII. Writing on blackboard

  Lesson 85

  1. Language points

  (1) hold/have a sport meeting

  (2)do well in do badly in

  2. Past forms

  hold—held run—ran hurt—hurt win—won do—did is—was fall—fell

  3. Comparison of adjectives and adverbs

  fast faster fastest, good/well better best, high higher highest,

  far farther farthest

  4. Questions

  (1)Who won the race?

  (2) Who jumped highest?

  (3) Who jumped farthest of all?










