我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2022-07-31 12:25:28 职场英语 我要投稿
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  How do you begin your day? Do you spend a set amount of time structuring your day or do you just pick the first thing or the easiest thing that comes to mind? There are days we can miss out on the opportunities right in front of us because we are controlled by our work instead of controlling our work. The tyrant of time doesn’t stop. Whether you are young or old, rich or poor; you only have 24 hours in a day. So the question is, are you maximizing the time you can’t get back?


  One week at a time

  The week in review. You will need to choose a time to do this. It could be first thing Monday morning, end of the day on Friday or on the weekend. When you have established a set time and have tested it to make sure it fits with your life, make sure to guard this time. You will need a minimum of half an hour, or as much as an hour. This has to become part of your weekly routine for this to be effective.

  Start with identifying your backlog. What items didn’t you get done from the previous week? Here you want to look at the items you wanted to get to and didn’t. These items than need to be re-prioritized into this week’s plan. Why didn’t you get those tasks done? If you are just starting this; think about the last week. What fell through the cracks and will be waiting for you on Monday?

  Take the list of outstanding tasks and evaluate them. Here are some things to consider:

  Are these tasks daily? Weekly? Monthly?

  Are there aspects that can be partially done each day or week?

  What are the sub-tasks that need to be done first? (more on this later)

  Is this yours to do? Meaning, have you taken on something that should be delegated?

  Does this really need to be done? There are times we can do tasks that have little to no return on investment. Maybe this really doesn’t need to be done at all.

  Finish the List of weekly responsibilities.

  List your on-going duties, labeling them with the time needed to complete the tasks.

  Categorize your responsibilities into daily, weekly and monthly.

  Time blocking

  How much time do I need to complete this task? Don’t set yourself up for failure by scheduling 12 hours of work into an eight-hour day. If you know its going to take three hours to get a project write-up done, block out that much time.

  Schedule some white space in your calendar. Since we live in an imperfect world, it’s not very likely you can schedule 40 hours of work and actually get everything done. Things will come up, so allow for that. Perhaps 30 minutes per day to start with.

  Prioritize The Week

  When you are looking at the larger scope of your week, what are the sub-tasks that need to be first? Why? Make sure you include these steps in your plan for the week.

  If other people or departments have tasks to complete prior to yours, make sure to communicate those needs and expectations early enough to not impede your success.

  When you are prioritizing, I’m a big fan of Eating Your Frog First by Brian Tracy. Get the big, hairy tasks out of the way first. Maybe you need to be doing some heavy analysis and are putting it off. Get it done first, the rest of the day will be better. Apply this to your week and your day.

  Assign the Tasks to each day of the week.

  If you know certain days lend themselves to certain aspects of your business, assign the tasks as such. Perhaps Mondays are jammed with client-facing tasks. Don’t plan mentally draining tasks earlier that day. You want to be crisp and on your game. If Friday is a slow day, tackle the time-consuming items then. As you organize each day in the week, eat your frog first.

  As you start your day

  Review the items you have scheduled for that day. Has something changed that is going to make it impossible for you to fulfill today’s plan. There’s an emergency meeting that’s going to consume an hour and a half of your day. Did something rollover from yesterday? Make a note of it. Since you already have your day prioritized, you can more readily access what needs to be pushed. Can you solicit help from someone else? It’s always better to come from a position of strength instead of reacting in the moment.


  If you are in a state of backlog, it will take some time to get caught up. Be patient and persevere.

  Remember those issues that required you to push an item to the next day or week? Is there something unique? Was it systematic? Or was there a root cause? It’s important to know why something rolled over. In 90 days, look back and see if there is a pattern developing.

  When you review your week, how did you do? Score your results. If you were about to accomplish 90-100% of the scheduled work, give yourself an A. If you got 80-90% give yourself a B. Why did you get a B? Was it circumstances beyond your control? If so, don’t change things up, see what happens next week. If you are consistently getting B’s week after week and it’s circumstances beyond your control, then ask yourself, is there a bigger problem here? Sometimes, this can be an indication that your company isn’t running smoothly. There are companies that live in a nearly constant state of upheaval because the business isn’t organized and structured. If your scoring between 70 and 80%, give yourself a C. Do some digging into why you’re not scoring higher. Where are you losing time? Is there a need for additional training or coaching? If you need help, reach out to us, give us a call or send us an email.

  Push yourself to your peak performance. I’ve timed myself with repetitive tasks to see how fast I could finish them. Try it. You may stumble upon some efficiencies. Document what is working and what isn’t working. In the areas that aren’t working, ask for input from others. Listen.

  Are your employees disengaged? Are you? Have you gone into Crisis Mode? We can help. I challenge you to plan your work, and then work your plan. Let us know how your next week goes. How did you do? In a future blog, I will post the scores along with insights into overcoming the challenges you faced implementing this tool.











