我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-06-20 09:08:23 职场英语 我要投稿


  Zina: Vince, I think one of your programmers is spying on us for WebTracker.


  吉娜: 文斯。我认为你的程序设计师中有人被“网路搜寻家”买通了。

  Vince: 1) Pardon?

  文斯: 你说什么?

  Zina: I won't say who, because I'm not sure yet. But I'll know soon.

  吉娜: 我先不说是谁,因为我还不确定。不过我马上就会知道。

  Vince: Zina, I hope you're not 2) scheming to make Elvin look bad.

  文斯: 吉娜,希望你不是在设计艾文让他没面子。

  Zina: It isn't Elvin.

  吉娜: 不是艾文。

  Vince: Dave then? Dave is a spy for WebTracker? You can't be serious.

  文斯: 那是戴夫口罗?戴夫是“网路搜寻家”的间谍?你不可能是认真的吧?

  Zina: 3) Loan me that tape recorder you have. And don't say anything to anyone untilI come back.

  吉娜: 把你那台录音机借我。在我回来之前,别跟任何人说起这件事。


  A: We schemed for hours to come up with this plan for a surprise party.


  B: Well, it worked. I'm surprised!


  【make someone look bad 让某人没面子】

  make someone look bad是“让(某人)难看、没面子”的意思,这个表达法在日常生活中常常可以听到。

  Father: So, Kelly, tell us about your latest adventure with the police.

  爸爸: 那么,凯莉,跟大家说说你最近一次跟警察的`遭遇。

  Kelly: Dad, stop trying to make me look bad in front of my friends.

  凯莉: 爸,你别在我朋友面前让我没面子嘛。

  不过一直让别人的面子挂不住也不是办法,有时也要 make someone look good“让(某人)有面子”。

  A: Why are you telling Allen all these good things about me?


  B: I was just trying to make you look good.


  1) pardon? “请再说一次。” 这句话用于没听清楚对方所言,请对方重复的时候。念起来时,语尾应如问句般上扬。

  2) scheme (v.) 施诡计

  3) loan (v.) 借贷
