我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2020-12-27 17:02:35 考试英语 我要投稿




  1. When it comes to the access to WTO (Internet surfing / private schools /e-business / high rate of unemployment / China′s football / recycling / widespread corruption /...), most people believe that... but other people argue that...当谈到进入世贸组织(互联网冲浪/私人学校/电子商务/高失业率/中国足球/回收/广泛腐败/……),大多数人认为…但其他人认为…

  2. As far as recycling (family planning / environment protection / adult education) is concerned, there is still much room for improvement.就(计划生育/环境保护/成人教育)而言,仍有许多改进空间。

  3. Currently, there is a widespread concern over drug abuse (high unemployment rate / wildlife extinction / environmental pollution /organized crime / widespread corruption / energy crisis / water shortages / traffic jams / increasing traffic accidents / ...)目前,有一个普遍关注的如药物滥用(高失业率/野生动物灭绝/环境污染/有组织犯罪/广泛腐败/能源危机/水短缺/交通堵塞/增加交通事故/……)

  4. Different people have different attitudes towards private cars / high unemployment rate / Internet surfing /private schools / state monopoly of telecommunication / urbanization / stock... Some are in favor of... while others are against...不同的.人有不同的态度对私家车/高失业率/上网冲浪/私人学校/国家垄断的电信/城市化/股票…有些人赞成…而其他人反对…

  5. Now people in significant numbers are beginning to realize that现在有大量的人开始意识到

  6. With the (rapid) development of science and technology (market economy / electronic industry / information industry / higher education / ...) an increasing number of people come to realize that (knowledge is power / a weak nation has no international prestige / education is of vital importance / …)随着科学技术(市场经济/电子工业/信息产业/高等教育/高等教育/高等教育/高等教育)的快速发展

  7. Faced with..., quite a few people argue that.., but other people conceive differently.面对……,相当多的人认为..,但其他人有不同的设想。

  8. With the (rapid) development of science and technology (market economy / electronic industry / information industry / higher education / ...) an increasing number of people come to realize that (knowledge is power / a weak nation has no international prestige / education is of vital importance随着科学技术的迅速发展(市场经济/电子工业、信息产业、高等教育、……)越来越多的人开始认识到(知识就是力量、弱小的国家没有国际威望和教育是至关重要的)

  9. With the growing popularity of Internet surfing (computers / cars / mobile phones/ pagers / PDP television / ...) in China, the quality of our lives is improving for the better.随着互联网的日益普及上网(电脑/汽车/手机/传呼机/电视/…)在中国,我们的生活质量得到了改善。

  10.People′s opinions about …… vary from person to person. Some people say that ……To them,……人们对不同的看法因人而异。有人说,对他们说,

  11. There are different opinions among people as to……Some people suggest that ……人们对于一些人的看法不同,有些人认为这是不一样的

  12. It goes without saying that... 不言而喻…

  13. It can be said with certainty that.... 可以肯定的说…

  14. What calls for special attention is that...需要特别注意的是…

  15. There′s no denying the fact that...毫无疑问,无可否认…









