我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-03-05 08:23:03 考试英语 我要投稿


  I:选择题 (每小题1分,共15分)


  ( )1. Running every day is good __________your health.

  A .for




  ( )2 ---.________do you go hiking? -----Once a month

  A. How much

  B. How often

  C. How long

  D. How soon

  ( )3 Mr White goes to work ___________ every day.

  A. on bus

  B. by a bus

  C. take the bus

  D. by bus

  ( ) 4. -- ____________? --I’ve a sore throat.

  A. What’s the matter

  B. What was the weather like today

  C. Can I help you

  D. What are you doing for your vacation

  ( )5. This time I am going to do______________.

  A. interesting something

  B. something interesting

  C. anything interesting

  D. interesting nothing

  ( ) 6. -- When was he born?

  -- He was born _________ January 7th, 1991.

  A. in

  B. on

  C. at

  D. /

  ( )7. A: Can you come to my party on weekend?

  B: ______________.

  A. Sure, I’d love to

  B. Yes, I would love

  C. No, I wouldn’t

  D. Yes, but I have no time

  ( ) 8. --- ________ there any sharks in the aquarium? --- No, we didn’t see any.

  A. Did

  B. Had

  C. Have

  D. Were

  ( ) 9. He’s than his sister .

  A、more outgoing

  B、much outgoing


  D、more outgoinger

  ( ) 10. Mr. Bean always makes us ___________.

  A. to laugh

  B. laughs

  C. laughing

  D. laugh

  ( )11. --- . ______to Africa next week?

  A. Are you going

  B. Do you go

  C. Did you go

  D. Do you going

  ( ) 12. The woman is _______ hungry ___________ do the dishes.

  A. to…too

  B. very… to

  C. too… to

  D. so… to

  ( ) 13. What he last Sunday? He played soccer with Tom .

  A、did , did

  B、do , did

  C、did , do

  D、does , did

  ( ) 14. She’s a sore throat .She needs a cup of hot tea ___________ honey.

  A. has

  B. with

  C. for

  D. there is

  ( ) 15. Students always have________________ homework to do every day.

  A. too much

  B. much too

  C. too many

  D. many

  Ⅴ:完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分)

  Most American families like to take a vacation 1 summer .Summer is a good season 2 vacation. It is very hot during the months of July and August .Children do not go to school during these 3 months .Some 4 like to stay at home during the holiday .They work in the garden ,visit friends, 5 books ,or 6 TV. Many families 7 their lunch to a park or somewhere far 8_ the city .They like to eat where there are many trees or there is a nice lake .If they live near the sea ,they often go to the beach. They can fish ,swim or enjoy the sun there. America is a large country .Many families travel by 9 or by train to see interesting places. They also travel by plane to a foreign country. Many big cities 10 many famous buildings ,shops and other places for travelers .

  ( )1、A、for B、in C、on D、at

  ( )2、A、to B、of C、for D、about

  ( )3、A、one B、two C、three D、four

  ( )4、A、people B、peoples C、man D、woman

  ( )5、A、see B、watch C、look D、read

  ( )6、A、see B、watch C、look D、read

  ( )7、A、takes B、take C、look D、are taking

  ( )8、A、from B、away C、to D、off

  ( )9、A、car B、a car C、their car D、cars

  ( )10、A、have B、has C、with D、there are



  The summer vacation is over. It’s true that time flies fast. During the vacation, the weather was hot and I could not do much work, but I lived happily.

  As the afternoon was hot, I did my work in the morning, I got up at 6:30 and took a walk in the garden for half an hour. After that, I began to read English and Chinese and did some math exercises. Those took me three hours or more. I worked very hard and made good progress(进步).

  I spent the afternoon outside. I went swimming and it was funny. I would not go home until it was five or six o’clock. Sometimes a friend would come to see me and we would talk about music and sports.

  In this way I spent my vacation happily. And I not only studied well but also became a good swimmer. Now I am in good health and high spirits(精神).

  ( )1. What did the writer(作者)think of his vacation?

  A. It was sad. B. It was boring.

  C. It was great. D. It was not fun.

  ( )2.The weather was very ___________ during the vacation.

  A. cool B. hot C. warm D. cold

  ( )3.How long did it take the writer to have a walk in the garden?

  A. Three hours B. Half an hour

  C. Only one hour D. One and a half hours

  ( )4.The writer spent most of the afternoon ____________.

  A. visiting his friend B. doing homework

  C. swimming D. talking about music

  ( )5. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

  A. The writer was not healthy. B. He was good at swimming.

  C. He studied very well. D. He spent his vacation happily.


  Mrs .Black was waiting for a telephone ,but she had no food in the house .So she left the baby at home and said to her five-year-old son .“I’m going to buy some food ,Tom. Please look after your brother Mike ,and I’ll be back in a few minutes .”

  When she was out ,the telephone rang(响)and Tom answered .

  “Hello ,may I speak to Mrs. Black?”said a man .

  “Sorry ,my mother isn’t in .”answered Tom .

  “Well ,when she comes back ,please tell her that Mr .White telephoned .”“What?”

  “You can write it down .”

  “I’m sorry ,I can’t write .”

  “Little boy ,is there anyone with you ?Any brothers or sisters?”

  “Yes ,my brother Mike is here .”

  “Good ,let me talk to him .”

  “All right .”Tom took the phone to the baby’s bed and gave it to Mike .Just then their mother came back .She asked ,“Did anyone telephone?”

  “Yes ,”Tom answered .“A man .But he only wanted to speak to Mike .”

  ( )6、 is Tom’s brother .


  B、Mr. White

  C、Mr. Black


  ( )7、Mr. White a telephone call, but .

  A、made ,Mike wasn’t in

  B、made ,Tom wasn’t in

  C、made ,Mrs. Black wasn’t in

  D、made ,Mr. Black was in

  ( )8、Mr. White wanted to speak to Mike because .

  A、Mr. Black wasn’t at home

  B、Tom couldn’t write

  C、he thought Mike was older than Tom and could write

  D、he liked Mike better than Tom

  ( )9、Who wrote down the name of Mr. White ?



  C、Mrs. Black

  D、No one

  ( )10、Which is right?

  A、Mike told his mother that a man telephoned .

  B、Tom told his mother that a man telephoned .

  C、Mike told his mother that Mr. White telephoned.

  D、Mr. Black told Mrs. Black that a man telephoned.



  1889 — Born in London Mother – dancer Father – actor Not much money

  1894 — started dancing and singing for money.

  1904 — joined a traveling theatre company(公司) and went to America.

  1910 — someone offered (提供) him a part in a movie. Went to Hollywood (好莱坞).

  1914 — became a movie director (导演). 1914~1966 — made many funny films.

  1977 — died in Switzerland (瑞士). Public – very sad


  Charlie Chaplin was born in 1889 in 1 . His mother was a 2 and his father was an _3 . 4 Charlie was only five years old, he started 5 and singing 6 money. He lived in London for 7 years and then, in 1904, he went to America with a traveling theatre company. Six years 8 , someone offered him a part in a movie and he went to 9 . At first he was an actor but after a few years he became a movie director. He made many funny movies. People felt very sad when he 10 in 1977.

  1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

  6. 7. 8. 9. _10.

  Ⅷ 选词填空:根据句意,选择方框内所给词语的适当形式填空(每小题1分,共5分)。

  walk win both funny have to

  Tom’s brother is ___________________ than Tom.

  Tony didn’t come to the party. He ________ help his parents with the housework.

  Sandy ________first prize in yesterday’s singing competition.

  Mr. Smith lives next to the school. He always ________ to school.

  My friend is the same as me. We are _______quiet.


  My name is Li Lei. I am a school boy. There are three people in my ___1____(家庭 ). My father is a ____2____(医生) . My mother ___3____(教) English at a middle school. I study hard and do well in all my ___4_____(课程). I like computer best and I am very ____5___ (擅长)at it. But I ___6____(几乎不) ever play computer games. In my free time, I enjoy ___7__(听) to popular songs and reading books.____8___ (打)basketball is also my favourite.I want to be a great basketball ___9___(运动员) like Yao Ming when I grow up. Every day I also drink____10____(牛奶)and eat other healthy food to make myself strong. I think I’m the top student in my class. I’m pround of myself.(自豪)




   每个人都有自己的梦想,你的梦想是什么呢?你打算怎么样实现自己的梦想呢? 请以““My Dream Job”为题写一篇80字左右的短文。可发挥想象,要求语言流畅,书写规范,卷面整洁。









