我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2022-11-05 19:35:13 办公室英语 我要投稿
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  We tell ourselves time and time again that we've got to stop sitting so much. It's bad for our health for a whole slew of reasons, but there's just no way we can spend eight hours a day on the solitary TreadDesk in the office。



  So what can you do to fight obesity, diabetes, heart disease and the other risks of sitting too much? At the most simple level, stand more. A team of researchers from the University of Minnesota and the Mayo Clinic are set to study 30 employees of Caldrea, an eco-friendly cleaning supply company in Minneapolis, whose desks have been replaced with workstations that make it possible to sit or stand while working, according to the Star Tribune. In the meantime, click through the slideshow below for a few more ways to stay healthy and active at your desk。

  为了与久坐而形成的肥胖、糖尿病、心脏病和其他的风险做斗争,我们能做的是什么?最直接的方法就是:多站立一些。来自明尼苏 达大学和梅约诊所的一组研究员针对来自Caldrea的30位职员进行了一项调查,Caldrea是明尼阿波里斯市一家环保清洗剂生产公司,根据明星论坛 报的报道,此公司里的桌子全都换成了工作站,这些工作站允许职员工作的时候站着。同时,下面是更多保持健康和保持活力的方法:

  Perfect Your Posture


  The set-up of your workstation can cause everything from headaches to tendinitis, according to the U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety & Health Administration website。


  Make sure your keyboard and mouse are at a height and distance from your body that allows you to keep your wrists straight and your elbows tight by your side. You want to be able to keep your neck straight as well, so make sure your screen is around eye-level. Chiropractor Jason Queiros told Forbes you should adjust your office chair so you're in what he called a "90-90-90 position -- feet flat on the floor and your knees and hips bent at 90-degree angles."

  保证键盘和鼠标距离身体的距离和高度适宜,保证这个距离和高度允许你的手腕伸直,两边的肘部靠近你的身体,同时要伸直脖 子,所以需要你的电脑屏幕与眼睛在同一水平线上。脊椎按摩师Jason Queiros在接受《福布斯》采访时表示:白领族需要调整椅子,维持90-90-90度位置,也就是脚平放在地板上与膝盖成90度角,膝盖和臀部成90 度角。

  Take The Stairs


  Opting to climb an extra three to five sets of stairs a day instead of taking the elevator can burn enough calories in a year to negate the average adult's yearly one- to two-pound weight gain。


  Sit On A Balance Ball


  Skip that poorly positioned office chair in favor of a fitness ball, just make sure the ball is tall enough to keep your posture in line with the tips above. Sitting on the unstable surface will activate your core muscles all day long。


  Walk Instead Of Email


  While it might not seem like much, any interruption in sedentary time is a good move, according to a 2008 Australian study。


  Experts recommend capitalizing on any chance to move, even if it's only for a few moments at a time. Don't feel comfortable fidgeting in front of your co-workers? Take the opportunity to walk to a co-worker's office and talk face to face instead of shooting off that email。


  Walking Meetings


  It's not always practical to take a meeting on the go, but chances are your colleagues are just as aware of the dangers of sitting too much as you are。


  Many sources recommend walking during your next meeting, whether that means doing laps around the office or heading outside, if the weather permits. (Bonus: You'll soak up some vitamin D while you're out there。)


  Bosses will benefit, too: The extra activity will boost energy and alertness, and could even spark creativity。




  You don't have to run three miles at your lunch break to combat the effects of sitting too much; sedentary time is best mitigated by lots of frequent movement, even if it's only done for brief periods of time。


  One of the easiest ways to do this is to stretch at your desk. Lifting both arms above your head or rolling your head from shoulder to shoulder. There are also a number of easy yoga poses you can do at your desk that will both release tension in your neck and back, as well as ease some of the day's stress。












