我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-02-06 17:00:37 外贸英语 我要投稿




  acron 阿克朗牌大客车

  acronine 阿克罗宁

  acronize 金霉素

  acronol dye 阿克罗诺染料

  across-the-line starter 全压起动器

  acrybel 阿克里贝尔丙烯腈共聚物短纤维

  acryl acid 丙烯酸

  acryl-nitrile rubber 丙烯腈橡胶

  acrylaglas 玻璃纤维增强聚丙烯酸系塑料

  acrylaldehyde 丙烯醛

  acrylamide dye 丙烯酰胺染料

  acrylamide 丙烯酰胺

  acrylate coated fiber 丙烯酸酯涂覆光纤

  acrylate plastic paint 丙烯酸酯塑料涂料

  acrylate resin 丙烯酸酯树脂

  acrylate 丙烯酸酯

  acrylene dye 阿克里利染料

  acrylic acid paint 丙烯酸酸性涂料

  acrylic acid 丙烯酸

  acrylic aldehyde 丙烯醛

  acrylic amide 丙烯酰胺

  acrylic and wool blended cap 腈纶和羊毛混纺帽子

  acrylic and wool blended pullover 腈纶和羊毛混纺套衫

  acrylic and wool blended sweater 腈纶和羊毛混纺毛衫

  acrylic anhydride 丙烯酸酐

  acrylic apparel 腈纶衫

  acrylic baking enamel 丙烯酸烘干磁漆

  acrylic baking hammer finish 丙烯酸烘干锤纹漆

  acrylic baking paint 丙烯酸烘漆

  acrylic baking transparent paint 丙烯酸透明烘漆

  acrylic baking varnish 丙烯酸烘干清漆

  acrylic binder for pigment printing 丙烯酸涂料印花粘合剂

  acrylic blanket 腈纶毯

  acrylic boa 腈纶皮毛

  acrylic brilliant paint 丙烯酸自干闪光漆

  acrylic bulky yarn 腈纶膨体纱

  acrylic cap 腈纶帽子

  acrylic clear lacquer for plastics 塑料用丙烯酸清漆

  acrylic coated fiber 丙烯酸涂覆光纤

  acrylic coating for plastics 丙烯酸塑料漆

  acrylic colour 丙烯酸染料

  acrylic continuous filament 丙烯腈系长丝

  acrylic electro static spraying baking enamel 丙烯酸静电烘干磁漆

  acrylic electro static spraying baking varnish 丙烯酸静电烘清漆

  acrylic embroidery thread 腈纶绣花线

  acrylic emulsion thickener 丙烯酸乳液增稠剂

  acrylic enamel 丙烯酸磁漆

  acrylic epoxy baking paint 丙烯酸环氧烘漆

  acrylic ester 丙烯酸酯

  acrylic fancy suiting 腈纶花呢

  acrylic fibre blanket 腈纶毛毯

  acrylic fibre cloth doll 腈纶布娃娃

  acrylic fibre 丙烯腈系纤维

  acrylic filament 丙烯腈长丝

  acrylic flashing paint 丙烯酸闪光漆

  acrylic fleecy 3-pieces set 腈纶绒三件套

  acrylic fleecy infant's overall with stocking attached 腈纶绒宝宝连脚裤

  acrylic fleecy long suit for children 腈纶绒童衫裤

  acrylic fleecy shirt for children 腈纶绒娃娃衫

  acrylic fleecy suit with contrast color 腈纶薄绒拼色套装

  acrylic fleecy suit 腈纶薄绒套装

  acrylic fleecy sweater and trousers 腈纶绒卫生衫裤

  acrylic fleecy sweater 腈纶绒套衫









