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七年级英语下册《The train is going up a hill

时间:2021-03-31 14:10:51 教学设计 我要投稿

七年级英语下册《The train is going up a hill》教学设计


七年级英语下册《The train is going up a hill》教学设计


  (1)灵活运用going up, going down, going past

  (2)学习目标语句:The train is going up/down a hill.

  It’s going past a hospital.




  重点:短语going up, going down, going past的灵活运用

  难点:The train is stopping at the station.


  PPT, Tape-recorder, cards, flag, presents, 积分卡(10)



  1. Greeting: Say “hello” to children.

  2. Just now we did two actions “Stand up!” “Sit down!”

  T: Do you know what the meaning is of “up” “down”?

  Ss: up 向上 down 向下

  T: You are so clever. A present for you. (课件)——train(课件)

  Read it like this “Train, train, go, go, go.”

  One group by one group. One, two three, go!



  1. T: Today we’ll learn Module8 Unit1 about “train”。

  Now, I’m talking to you. And you are listening to me.

  Do you know what’s the train doing? Let’s listen ok? P30


  2. Look! What’s the train doing? (播放小火车上山的动画并出示句子)


  Ss: The train is going up a hill.

  (1) Learn new words ”hill” ——ill—hill

  (2) Train, train, go, go, go. It’s going up a hill.

  (2) Look at the picture and make a new sentence:

  Panda, panda, go, go, go. It ‘s going up a hill.

  Panda, panda, go, go, go. It ‘s going up a tree.

  The cat is going up a tree.


  3. Now, look, what’s the train doing? (播放小火车下山的动画)

  The train is going down a hill.

  (课前的up, down的导入为这一刻埋下了伏笔,由Train, train, go, go, go. It’s going up a hill.学生轻容易的就掌握了Train, train, go, go, go. It’s going down a hill.的句型。)

  Practice: Let’s make a train

  Train, train, go, go, go. It’s going up a hill.

  Train, train, go, go, go. It’s going down a hill.


  4. Now, look, I’m the train. I’m going past ××

  T: 谁的耳朵灵,听到了going 后面的词——Ss: past

  (1) Learn new word ”past”

  (2) Look at the screen. What’s the train doing? (播放小火车经过医院的动画)

  Train, train, go, go, go. It’s going past a hospital.

  (3) practice: Olympic torch. It’s going past ××(课件播放传递圣火的动画)


  5. Now, The train is stopping at the station. (播放小火车进站并停止的动画)

  (1) Question:” What’s the train doing?” Learn new word ”stopping”

  (2) Question: “Where’s the train stopping?”

  Learn the new word ”station” “at the station”

  (这句话出现了两个新单词,是本课的难点。因而采用了分割式的教学方法,先学The train is stopping再学station, at the station.一半一半训练突破。)

  6. 小火车开了半天,谁坐在火车上旅行呢?要去做什么呢?

  Let’s listen and repeat again.

  Now answer the question:

  (1) Who is on the train? The girl

  (Girl together) “Hello! I’m on the train now.”

  (2) Where’s the train going? The station

  (3) Who is at the station? The boy

  (Boys together) “Good! I’m at the station.”


  7. 经过长途跋涉,小女孩终于见到了小男孩,他们高兴的说:

  “I can see you.” “And I can see you, too”

  8. Listen again, find “going up”, “going down”, “going past”, “stopping” and underline.



  1. Today we have learnt so many words, let’s review them, OK?

  (1)(课件按顺序出现新词train, hill, hospital, station)

  (2) Who is missing?

  (再次认读课文中出现的新单词,图文并茂吸引学生的注意力,在“Who is missing?”的游戏中巩固训练学生对单词的掌握程度。)

  2. Game: We are a train.

  Train, Station, Hill, Hopital, School, Zoo

  Look! A car! Who wants to be a driver and leads our to travel?



  1. 看图说出火车的行驶路线(全班完成)

  2. 画图并描述一次乘坐某种交通工具(公共汽车、小汽车、飞机)的行驶过程


  五、Board Writing

  Module 8 Unit 1

  going up

  going down

  going past

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