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《Unit 10 Let’s go》教学设计

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《Unit 10 Let’s go》教学设计


《Unit 10 Let’s go》教学设计

  1. 知识目标:

  (1)能听说认读并运用句型:Let’s …… Shall we……? Do we have enough time/ money?



  2. 情感目标:能够合作学习,增强团结互助的意识。


  1. ppt课件





  1. 重点:能听说认读并运用句型:Let’s …… Shall we……? Do we have enough time/ money?

  2. 难点:结合本册书前几个单元所学内容进行交流对话。



  1. T: Let’s chant, ok? (图文对照,加动作)

  On Monday, on Monday, let’s go to the movies.

  By bike, by bike, lingling, go!

  On Tuesday, on Tuesday, let’s go to the museum.

  By bus, by bus, didi, go!

  On Wednesday, on Wednesday, let’s go to the supermarket.

  On foot, on foot, one two, go!

  On Thursday, on Thursday,go to the amusement park.

  It’s too far away. Oh, no!

  On Friday, on Friday, let’s go to the park.

  It’s free, it’s free. Hooray!

  2. 介绍比赛内容

  介绍比赛T: (春游图)Which place is it?(Is it a park?) Look! The children and the teachers are very happy. They are playing in the park. Where do you want to go? (男女生Team Leader各说出一个地点)T:(贴上地点图,叙述比赛) Today we’ll have a match. You answer the question, you can get a move. You can get the money, the cars, the food, the time and so on. The first, the winner.

  3. 复习课文

  T: You want to go to the … and …Do you remember, in the story, Where do Ann, Ken and Mocky go? Let’s show the story. Who can be Ann? Ken? Mocky?(学生表演课文)Do they go to the movie theater? Why? Do they go to the amusement park? Why? Oh, poor Mocky! Where do they go at last? T(带学生说Because it’s free.)

  1. Talk together对话

  T: Today Mocky and Ken want to go out again. Do you know where Ken and Mocky go? Let’s listen. (先出图,后出文字) (对话一)

  (1)听录音回答问题T: Do they go to the amusement park? What time is it?

  (2)出文字听第二遍跟读, 续结尾 OK. Let’s go!

  T: What can Ken say? (续结尾)

  (3)教师教重点句型: Let’s …Do we have enough time?

  贴板书:Let’s …Good idea. OK.time

  (4) 教师根据提示词句带学生背诵对话一


  2. T: Mocky and Ken go to the amusement park. They are very happy. Can they go to the movie theater? Let’s listen. (先出图,后出挖了空的文字)(对话二)

  (1)听录音回答问题T: Do they go to the movie theater? Why?

  (2)出文字填空,听读第二遍续结尾Let’s go to the … It’s free.

  T: What will Mocky say? (续结尾)

  (3)教师教重点句型: Shall we…? Do we have enough money?

  贴板书:Shall we …?money



  3. 扩展对话练习

  (1) T(小结比赛情况):You do good jobs today. You have lots of money, time, food now. You are great today. I have some gifts for you. Group leaders, come here, please. (发地图)Open your gift now. What’s that? Yes, it’s a map. Look at the map. I want to go out to play. Can you go with me?

  (2) 示范对话(一到两组) T: Shall we go to the amusement park? S: Good idea! T: Do we have enough time? S: Yes, we do. T: What time is it? S: It’s …. T: Do we have enough money? S: Yes, we do. T: How much is the ticket? S: It’s 30 yuan. T: Can we go there by bus? S: OK. T: Let’s go now.


  T: Now look at your map. Talk with your friends. (编对话并展示)

  (三)听力练习:Listen and number

  T: Look! They are Ann’s friends. What are they talking about? Now open your books, page 42, let’s do listen and number.

  (处理Listen and number. 听两遍核对答案)

  (四)阅读短文: Mary’s new bag

  1. 看标题预测故事T: When we go to the park, we need a big bag. We can put the food and drink in it. Right? Today we’ll read a story about Mary’s new bag. Look at the name, guess why Mary has a new bag? And what color is the bag? Open your books. Page 43. Read the story please. 读第一遍解决这两个问题。

  2. 看图读第二遍,画出与图片相关的句子,再排序。

  T: Look! There are four pictures. Read the story, draw “_______” about the pictures., and then number the pictures.


  3. 读第三遍,以寻读方式阅读短文,圈出与问题相关的关键词,并写出答句。

  T: Look! There are four questions. Circle the key words in the story, and then answer the questions.


  4. 解决问题: Is Mary’s bag new?

  5. Homework: Writing a story(图配文:写出图1为例)

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