我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-01-28 18:54:13 简历表格 我要投稿




  basic material

  name: sex don't: male

  date of birth: 08-16 marital status: single

  education and training experience XX.09 to XX.07, get through middle school, high school, science, get high school graduation certificate

  work experience XX. so far on behalf of the chongqing business xx company

  working location: chongqing enterprise properties: private

  job description: sales channels to establish and maintenance the first months of the development in chongqing area the first dealer

  job type: full-time to duty time: a month

  work experience: computer operation ability: general

  language name: language skills: good

  intention position name: distribution representative, sales representatives, warehouse keeper existing salary: 2600 yuan

  intention industry: food/drink/agricultural and sideline products/cosmetics, real estate intermediary, other industry expected salary treatment: XX-3000

  skill expertise and self evaluation

  professional skill and expertise:

  self-evaluation: i bear hardships and stand hard work, self-motivated, team spirit. like sales work, because sales can make a person various aspects ability get exercise and improve. although i'm still not good enough, but i will try to do better...