我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-02-20 10:27:46 英语六级 我要投稿





  中国国家博物馆(the National Museum of China)位于天安门广场东部和东长安街以南,在人民大会堂(the Great Hallof the People)对面。国家博物馆的前身是两个博物馆:中国历史博物馆和中国革命博物馆,二者均在一个建筑群中。国家博物馆和人民大会堂同时完工,都在中国10周岁国庆献礼的“十大建设”之列。中国历史博物馆主要呈现了三个重要时期的中国历史。中国革命博物馆重点关注过去150年的历史,特别是中国共产党的历史。国家博物馆经常更新,以反映现代政治史的发展。


  The National Museum of China sits to the east ofTiananmen Square and south of East Chang'anStreet, opposite to the Great Hall of the People. Thepredecessors of the National Museum are twomuseums the Museum of Chinese History and theMuseum of Chinese Revolution, which shared the same building complex. Finished at the sametime, The National Museum of China and The Great Hall of the People were both among the "TenGreat Constructions" completed for the 10th birthday of the PRC. The Museum of ChineseHistory displays three critical periods of Chinese history. The Museum of Chinese Revolutionfocuses on the history of the past 150 years, in particular the histoiy of the Communist Partyof China. The National Museum is frequently updated to reflect the developments of modernpolitical histoiy.

  1.位于:可译为sit to,还可译为lie to.

  2.在……对面:可译为opposite to…

  3……的前身:可译为the predecessor of…

  4.二者均在一个建筑群中:可译为定语从句which sharedthe same building complex.

  5.过去150年的历史:可译为 the histoiy of the past 150years.

  6.特别是:可译为in particular,还可以用especially来表达。



  东方明珠广播电视塔(the Oriental Pearl TV Tower)坐落于上海陆家嘴浦东园区。东方明珠东北是杨浦大桥,西南是南浦大桥,构成“二龙戏珠”的画面。这幅壮观的画面常年吸引着成千上万的游客。这座468米高的电视塔是世界上第三高的电视广播塔。整个电视塔建造在茂盛的绿草地上,像玉盘里的一颗珍珠一样闪闪发亮。这座超现代的'电视塔将古老的概念,如球形的珍珠,和21世纪的技术、商业、娱乐、教育和会议设施相结合,真是很神奇。


  Located in Pudong Park in Lujiazui, Shanghai, theOriental Pearl TV Tower with the Yangpu Bridge inthe northeast and the Nanpu Bridge in thesouthwest, creates a picture of "two dragons playingwith a pearl”.This magnificent scene attractsthousands of visitors all year long. This 468-meter-high tower is the world's third highest TVand radio tower. The entire structure rests on rich green grassland and gives the appearanceof a pearl shining on a jade plate. It is amazing that this ultra-modern TV tower combinesancient concepts such as the spherical pearls, with technology, commerce, recreation, educational and conference facilities of the 21st century.

  1.坐落于:即be located in,还可以用be situated in,这类词组在介绍位罝的文章中经常用到。

  2.二龙戏珠:可译为two dragons playing with apearl.

  3.这幅壮观的画面:可译为this magnificent scene.其中的magnificent还可以用spectacular,glorious,fabulous等词。

  4.建造在茂盛的绿草地上:“茂盛的绿草地”即“富饶的绿草地”,故译为rest on rich green grassland.

  5.像玉盘里的珍珠:“像……”可以用give the appearance of…来表达,还可以用look like或seem like表达,其后加名词,如果没有like则要加形容词。






  In the 1970s, Chinese people were proud of owningan imported shirt and an imported electronic watch. At that time, domestic products were inferior toproducts of foreign brands both in appearance andfunction. The idea of worshipping and having blindfaith in foreign things has been deeply rooted in the Chinese consumers. With the developmentof modern science and technology, economy and national strength in China, domestic productsat present have made a leap in appearance, quality, elements of science and technology. Manydomestic products are even superior to the similar products in foreign brands. Chinesepeople's attitude toward foreign products has changed from admiration to objectiveness, andfinally even to contempt. The psychology of consumers is changing and people are graduallycoming back to rational consumption.

  1.以……而自豪:可用be proud of…表达。

  2.逊色于:可译为be inferior to.其反义词组为besuperior to,表示“优胜于”。

  3.得到了飞跃:可译为have made a leap in.其中leap意为“激增,剧增”,可表达“飞跃”之意。










