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时间:2022-07-23 17:46:50 计算机等级 我要投稿
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(51) 计算机网络共享的计算机资源主要指计算机硬件、软件与_____。
A) 物理网络 B) 路由器 C) 数据 D) 服务器

(52) 分布式计算机系统与计算机网络不同之处在于:分布式计算机系统存着一个能够以全局方式自动管理资源的_____。
A) 网络协议 B) 网络操作系统 C) 路由器 D) 体系结构

(53) 计算机网络从组网设备的功能上,可以分为通信子网与_____。
A) 服务器 B) 局域网 C) 数据通信网 D) 资源子网

(54) 网络拓扑反映出网络中各实体之间的结构关系,它影响着网络的性能、系统可靠性与_____。
A) 网络应用软件 B) 体系结构 C) 网络协议 D) 通信费用

(55) 计算机网络从网络覆盖范围上,可以分为局域网、广域网与_____。
A) 物理网 B) 城域网 C) 分组交换网 D) 高速网

(56) 在有随机热噪声的通信信道上传输数据信号时,信道的最大数据传输速率决定于信 道带宽与_____。
A) 信号强度 B) 噪声强度
C) 信号噪声功率比 D) 信号波形

(57) 如果调制解调器的调制速率为4800baud,采用8相调制,那么该调制解调器的数据 传输速率为_____。
A) 14400bps B) 2400bps C) 28800bps D) 600bps

(58) 与传统Ethernet采用相同的介质访问控制方法与帧结构,而只是将它的每个比特 的发送时间降低到10ns,这种局域网叫做_____。 (2分)
A) ATM B) Fast Ethernet
C) Gigabit Ethernet D) Switched Ethernet

(59) 如果互连的局域网高层分别采用SPX/IPX 协议与TCP/IP 协议,那么我们可以选择 的互连设备应该是_____。 (2分)
A) 中继器 B) 透明网桥
C) 自适应网卡 D) 多协议路由器

(60) 局域网交换机增加带宽的方法是在交换机的多个端口之间建立_____。 (2分)
A) 全连接 B) 并发连接 C) 会话连接 D) 数据连接

(61) The range of an 8bit fixed point integer numbert(no signs) is_____.
A) 0-127 B) 0-128 C) 0-256 D) 0-255

(62) Which set is a proper subset of E? _____.(2 points)
E= {0,1,2,3}
A) {x|x is a real number and x2=9}
B) { x|x is a real number and x+3=0}
C) { x|x is a real number and x2+5x+6=0}
D) { x|x is a real number and x2=-9}

(63) If p and q are statements,which of the following formulas is tautological?_____.
A) ((p→q)∧p)→q B) (q∧(p→q))→p
C) (p∨q)→p∧q D) ┐(p→q)∧q

(64) What is the number of nonisomorphic spanning trees in the following graph? _____.
A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5

(65) A sequence d=(d1, d.2,….,dn) is graphic if there is a simple nondirected graph with d as its degree sequence.Which of the following sequences is graphic?_____.
A) (2,3,3,4,4,5) B) (2,3,4,4,5)
C) (2,3,3,4,4) D) (1,3,3,3)

(66) Suppose a given binary tree has 10 leaf nodes, then the number of nodes with degree of 2 is_____.
A) 12 B) 11 C) 9 D) Indeterminable

(67) Suppose two dimensional array A[0..8, 0..9] (with element length o f 2 bytes) is stored using row major order, and the base address is 400.Then the address of element A[8, 5] is _____.(2 points)
A) 570 B) 506 C) 410 D) 482

(68) In the following kinds of graphs,which one#39;s adjacency matrix is symmetric?_____. (2 points)
A) Directed graph B) Undirected graph
c) AOV network D) AOE network

(69) To control and manage processes,which of the following data structures should be set up?_____.

(70) In a tree directory of a file system, relative path nam can be used to find files for improving directory retrieval. To do this,which directory of the followings should be set up?_____. (2 points)
A) parent directory B) child directory
C) working directory D) home directory

(71) Which of the following commands is not one for communication among users_____. (2 points)
A) mail B) write C) telnet D) nice

(72) Of the items listed below,which one(s) should be saved into the process control block?_____. (2 Points)
Ⅰ.Process name and process number
Ⅱ.Process running information
Ⅲ.Current opened file information
A) Ⅰ and Ⅱ B) Ⅰ and Ⅲ C) Ⅱ and Ⅲ D) Ⅰ,Ⅱ and Ⅲ

(73) The DOS command which reads and changes properties of a file is_____.

(74) In the following statements about functional dependency, which one is incorrect?_____. (2 Points)
A) If X→Y and Y→Z, then X→Z.
B) If X→Y and Y#39;ìY, then X→Y#39;.
C) If X→Y and X#39;ìX, then X#39;→Y.
D) If X#39;ìX, then X→X#39;.

(75) Which of the following is not responsibility of DBA(Data Base Administrator)?
_____. A) Database management system design
B) Database schema definition
C) Database schema modification
D) Integrity constraint specification

(76) Which of the following is not among the basic features of a relational database?
_____. A) It does not matter what order the rows are in.
B) It does not matter what order the columns are in.
C) Different columns should have different column names.
D) Different columns should have different data types.

(77) Which of the following statements about ORACLE is (are) correct?_____.
Ⅰ. ORACLE follows SQL standard
Ⅱ. ORACLE database defines two logical types: table and view
A) Ⅰ only B) Ⅱ only C) Ⅰ and Ⅱ D) none of the above

(78) The task of the general design stage in structured life circle method is, to build what kind of software system structure?_____.
A) program structure B) general structure
C) module structure D) function structure

(79) The software structure is an expression of the relationship among software modules. In the following phrases, which are not the relation among software modules? _____.(2 Points)
Ⅰ. calling relation
Ⅱ. belonging relation
Ⅲ. Execution relation
Ⅳ. process relation
A) Ⅰ and Ⅱ B) Ⅱ and Ⅲ C) Ⅲ and Ⅳ D) none

(80) N-S diagram can used to substitute conventional program flow chart. In the following phrases, which does not belong to the basic control structures that contain?_____.
A) sequence structure B) condition structure
C) selection structure D) execution structure

(81) M.Jackson suggested the data structure oriented software design method. Which of the following structure can be introduced by using input/data structure?_____. (2 points)
A) algorithm structure B) procedure structure
C) code structure D) program structure

(82) Software testing is acomplicated procedure.In the following testing method,which is the basic test lf software testing?_____.
A) system testing B) effective testing
C) element testing D) integrated testing

(83) Typical MISD (multiple-instruction single-datastream) computing mode is_____.
A) Pentium Ⅱ B) Alpha C) Systolic D) Staran

(84) Local bus can reduce the occupation time of CPU. For the PCI local bus, commonly the time can be reduced to_____.
A) 46% B) 26% C) 16% D) 6%

(85) There are many page replacement algorithms in page management.The most frequently used algorithm is_____.

(86) The technology for carrying out multiple processing by means of multiple pipeline is called _____.(2 points)
A) Superscalar B) Superpipeline
C) Multiple pipeline D) Very long instruction word

(87) In most WANs ,the network contains numerous cables or telephone lines, each one connecting a pair of_____.
A) hosts B) routers C) servers D) networks

(88) Three concepts are central to the OSI model:Service,Interface and_____.
A) Iayers B) Applications C) Protocols D) Networks

(89) The underlying technology that makes B-ISDN is called_____.
A) ATM B) Frame relay
C) SDMS D) X.25 Networks

(90) URLs have three parts: the DNS name of machine on which the page is located,then a local name uniquely indicating the specific page and_____. (2 points)
A) protocol B) IP address
C) Network name D) Server namehttp://jianlimoban.c321.cn/





全国计算机等级考试一级ms office试题08-09





