我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-02-21 11:24:56 英语试题 我要投稿







  中国矿产资源丰富,已探明的矿藏种类约有170多种,其中有些矿产只产于中国。中国石油、天然气资源非常丰富。陆上油田(onshore oilfield)分布在东北、华北、西北等地,如大庆、胜利、辽河油田等。中国的`铁矿储量(iron orereserves) 约有500亿吨,是世界上几个少有的铁矿储备丰富的国家之一。中国的有色金属(nonferrous metals)储量丰富,品种繁多,有“有色金属王国”之称。实际上,从矿产资源总量上来计算,中国是资源大国。但是因为中国人口众多,人均资源占有量不及世界平均水平的一半。


  China is rich in mineral resources.The types of theconfirmed minerals are approximately more than170 and some types of the minerals can only befound in China.China is abundant in oil and naturalgas.Onshore oilfields are distributed in Northeast,North and Northwest China etc.,such as Daqing, Shengli and Liaohe oilfields.There are about 50billion tons of iron ore reserves in China, which makes China be one of the few countries withwealthy iron ore resources.China is rich in nonferrous metals of great variety, which enjoys areputation as“the Kingdom of Nonferrous Metals”.In feet, China is a country with rich resourcesin terms of total ore reserves.But,because of the large population, the reserve per capita isless than half of the world average level.

  1.矿产资源丰富:可译为be rich in mineral resources。

  2.己探明的矿藏:可译为the confirmed minerals。

  3.只产于中国:可译为be only found in China。

  4.铁矿储量:可译为iron ore reserves。

  5.有色金属王国:可译为Kingdom of Nonferrous Metals。

  6.不及世界平均水平的一半:可译为less than half of theworld average level。“平均水平”译为average level。




  中国是发展中国家中的大国,其工业化正在快速发展,环境问题也变得日益严峻,因此环境保护被国家视为一项基本国策。近年来,国家采取了很多措施来加强环境治理,如建立了世界著名的生态工程“三北防护林工程"(the Three-NorthShelter Forest Program)。此外,中国也在大力发展自然保护区,颁布了《环境保护法》(The law on Environmental Protection),加强环保意识和环保教育。目前,环境治理已取得明显成效,大部分城市环境和农业生态环境得到了很大改善,工业污染防治能力也大大提高。


  China is a major developing country undergoingrapid industrialization. The environmental problemin China is getting more and more serious, thusenvironmental protection has been taken as one ofthe basic national policies by the government. Inrecent years, the government has taken lots of measures to improve the environmentgovernance, such as carrying out the world famous ecological project“the Three-North ShelterForest Program”.Moreover, China has been greatly developing the natural reserves.“The Law onEnvironmental Protection”has been issued to strengthen the awareness and education ofenvironmental protection. Now, distinct achievements have been gained in environmentalgovernance.The environment in most cities and the agricultural ecological environmentaround the country have been greatly improved.The capability of preventing and controllingindustrial pollution has been highly enhanced.

  1.发展中国家中的大国:可译为a major developingcountry。

  2.变得日益严峻:可译为is getting more and moreserious或is getting increasingly serious。

  3.三北防护林工程:即the Three-North Shelter ForestProgram。

  4.自然保护区:译为natural reserves。

  5.颁布了《环境保护法》:《环境保护法》即“The Law on Environmental Protection'“颁布”可用issue—词表达。

  6.环境治理已取得明显成效:翻译该句时可使用被动语态,译为distinct achievements have been gainedin environmental governance。










