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初一英语Unit 6 Different places测试题

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初一英语Unit 6 Different places测试题

  初一英语Unit 6 Different places测试题

初一英语Unit 6 Different places测试题

  I. Choose the different words.(辨音) (5%)

  ( ) 1. A. Canadian B. nationality C. magazine D. Japanese

  ( ) 2. A. sheep B. steep C. leave D. step

  ( ) 3. A. neighbourhood B. cook C. foot D. soon

  ( ) 4. A. glove B. boss C. hot D. bottom

  ( ) 5. A. church B. chicken C. chess D. brochure

  II.Choose the best answer. (选择题)(15%)

  ( )1.They are ______ because the basketball match between Class 4 and Class 5 is _______.

  A. excited; excited B. excited; exciting

  C. exciting; exciting D. exciting; excited

  ( )2. Dick can speak _______ French, but he knows ________about France.

  A. a few few B. few a few C. little a little D. a lot a little

  ( ) 3. There is ______ international flower show in ______ exhibition centre.

  A. a…the B. an…the C. a…an D. the…an

  ( ) 4. City life is different ______ country life.

  A. with B. from C. to D. than

  ( ) 5. It’s comfortable _________ on the sofa.

  A. sat B. sitting C. sit D. to sit

  ( )6. Sandy’s notebook is different _____ mine. Mine is ______.

  A. from, bigger B. of, bigger C. to, bigger D. between, small

  ( )7. Everyone must keep the classroom _______.

  A. cleaned B. cleaning C. clean D. to clean

  ( )8. Where is Water Bay Road ________ the map of Garden City?

  A. with B. from C. on D. in

  ( )9. My new flat is ______ the north of Old Town.

  A. in B. on C. to D. of

  ( )10. A: ______ season do you prefer, summer or winter?

  B: I like summer better.

  A. What B. Whose C. Which D. When

  ( ) 11. A: ______ will Mr Lin come back?

  B: In about half an hour.

  A. How far B. How often C. How soon D. How much

  ( )12. There are many tall trees on __________ side of the street.

  A. all B. any C. either D. both

  ( )13. Let us talk ____our friends _____the holiday plan.

  A. to…about B. with…of

  C. to…with D. with…for

  ( )14. What about ______a cup of milk? www.xkb1.com

  A. drink B. to drink C. drank D. drinking

  ( )15. You ______ park your car in front of the school gate.

  A. needn’t B needn’t to C. don’t need D aren’t able to

  III. Fill in the blanks with the words in their proper forms.(词的适当形式填空)(6%)

  1. The life in a big city is usually ______. ( excite)

  2. Don’t make so much ________. Kitty is doing homework next door. (noisy)

  3. I think living in the city is ______________ than living in the suburbs. (convenient)

  4. In autumn, you can see __________ falling from the trees. (leaf)

  5. Uncle Jack had a _________ trip last month. (please)

  6. People feel ________when they live in the country.(relax)

  IV. Fill in the blanks with the verbs in their proper forms.(动词的适当形式填空)(5%)

  1. There ___________(be) a basketball match between Class One and Class Four tomorrow afternoon.

  2. I must leave now. Somebody _____________ (wait) for me at the office.

  3. I am interested in ________(fly) kites in the park.

  4. When Mary was ten years old, she ______(prefer) fish to meat, but now she likes meat.

  5. Jimmy ________(play) with dogs for three hours.

  V. Rewrite the following sentences as required. (按要求改写句子) (12%)

  1.Tom goes to the cinema twice a month. (划线提问)

  ______ ______ ______Tom go to the cinema?

  2. There’s a lot of traffic. (改为否定句)

  There _____ _____ traffic.

  3. Alice doesn’t study well. Jane doesn't study well, either. (两句合一句)

  ______ Alice nor Jane _______ well

  4. I will spend ten more minutes typing my homework. ( 保持原意 )

  It will ________ _________ ten more minutes to _________ my homework.

  5. Tom has visited museums in that city. ( 改为反意疑问句 )

  Tom has visited museums in that city.. ________ _________ ?

  VI. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage (选择最恰当的`单词或词语,完成短文) (6%)

  Newton was a great English scientist. He was one of the ___1___ men in history.

  One morning he got up early and began to work on a difficult problem. It was time to have breakfast, ___2___he was thinking about the problem. Mary brought a pan of water and an egg to his room. She was going to boil the egg for him. But Newton wanted to do it ___3___. He said to Mary, “Please put the egg on the table. I’ll boil it.”

  Mary put the egg ___4___Newton’s watch on the table and said,” Boil it for four minutes and it will be ready.” Then she walked __5____. But when she entered the room later, guess what did she see? Newton was standing by the pan, __6__ the egg in his hand. He had put the watch in the pan and was boiling it.

  ( )1. A. great B. top C. greatest D. greater

  ( )2. A. but B. and C. or D. so

  ( )3. A. him B. his C. he D. himself

  ( )4. A. in B. for C. about D. beside

  ( )5. A. away B. on C. in D. off

  ( )6. A. held B. hold C. holding D. holds

  VII. Cloze(完形填空)(5%)

  A young man, who was very good at music, stepped one day in a busy town. He saw an empty chair. So he sat d ______ and then started to play some music. A large number of people came to l ______ to him play. But the young man liked to play old and difficult music. The people couldn’t understand the music s ______ they didn’t like it very much. They soon left. But there was one old man who stayed and listened.

  The young man finished his playing and then said to the man, “Sir, you like my music. You must be a very c______ man.” “Well,” answered the man, “I don’t understand your music and I want to go h ______ a long time ago. But you are sitting on my chair and I cannot go home without it.”

  VIII. Translate the following sentences into English (把下列句子翻译成英语): 10%

  1. 你们新街区购物方便吗?

  Is it convenient______________________________________________________________

  2. 我乘公共汽车到阳光购物中心。

  ___________________________________________________ Sunshine Shopping Centre.

  3. 这是冬天因为人们穿着暖和的衣服和戴着手套。

  It is winter _________________________________________________________________


  There is a beach _____________________________________________________________

  5. 水湾在花园城市地图的哪里?

  Where is Water Bay_______________

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