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时间:2022-11-03 00:42:02 职称英语 我要投稿
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  1.We are sure that he will get over his illness .

  A. certain

  B. aware

  C. happy

  D. determined

  2. The policemen acted quickly because lives were at stake.

  A. in despair

  B. in danger

  C. in misery

  D. in pain

  3 If headaches only occur at night, lack of fresh air is often the cause.

  A. start

  B. begin



  4.The ice is not thick enough to bear the weight of a tank.





  5.A small number of firms have ceased trading.

  A. completed

  B. finished

  C. fulfilled


  6.She was sent a box of chocolates along with a letter saying she was fired.

  A. killed

  B. shot

  C. dismissed

  D. murdered

  7.The mountains look glorious at sunrise.


  B. magnificent



  8 It seems highly unlikely that she will pass the exam.


  B. completely

  C usually

  D. mostly

  9 Their parents once lived under very severe comditions.





  10.Michael is now merely a good friend.





  11.Have you talked to her lately?





  12. While we don't agree, we continue to be friends.





  13.You should take into consideration the fact that we have been very busy recently.

  A. thought

  B. account

  C. mind

  D. brain

  14. You must shine your shoes.





  15. The policeman worte down all the particulars of the accident.






  1.A 2.B 3. C 4.D 5.D

  6.C 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.C

  11.D 12. C 13.B 14.A 15.B



  Osteoporosis and Men

  Mention the word osteoporosis in the manly world of testosterone, professional basketball and the XFL, and you 're likely to get a wave of the hand and a dismissive "That 's a woman 's disease." Not so. More than 2 million American men have been found to have the thinning bones and skeletal weakness of osteoporosis, and an additional 3 million are at an increased risk of developing them.

  It's true that osteoporosis strikes women with much greater frequency than men - in some studies as much as four to six times as often. But that's no reason to brush it off as "their" disease. It's a mere stroke of gender luck that men's bones tend to grow larger, stronger and denser. Also paying dividends are those spots that boys (and, increasingly, girls) play as children - running up and down basketball courts, soccer and baseball fields. As it happens, physical activity is one of the more important ways to increase bone density and protect bone health.

  But even the most active men cannot ignore certain facts of life. All of us build up our bones during the first three decades of life, typically reaching peak bone mass in the early 30s. Around the age of 35, we begin gradually to lose some of this bone mass. Women ultimately give up between 30%. Though mass loss in men is lower, it still makes us vulnerable to back pains and bone fractures. In fact, this year alone American men will suffer as many as half a million osteoporosis-related breaks, mostly in the spine, hip and wrist. These are not only painful; thousands die each year from fracture-related complications.

  For many of us, however, there's still time. Of all the side effects of aging, osteoporosis is one of the more preventable, through diet, exercise and changes in lifestyle. The two key nutritional substances for bone health are calcium, which makes bones stronger, and vitamin D, which helps the body absorb the calcium.

  Exercising is also important, with emphasis on weight-bearing activities in which bones and muscles work against gravity. Lifting weights and working out on resistance machines can help preserve bone density.

  Be careful about what's in your medicine cabinet. Prolonged use of some medications, such as steroids, can weaken your bones. Smoking and drinking are both bad for bones, as is prolonged weightlessness, for anybody who plans to work on the space station.

  1 Men are justified in thinking that osteoporosis is a woman's disease.

  A Right

  B Wrong

  C Not mentioned

  2 Most women also think that osteoporosis is a woman's disease.

  A Right

  B Wrong

  C Not mentioned

  3 The kind of sport that boys often play as children is good for the build-up of their bones.

  A Right

  B Wrong

  C Not mentioned

  4 You are prone to bone breaks if you suffer from osteoporosis.

  A Right

  B Wrong

  C Not mentioned

  5 In general, men and women reach peak bone mass at the age of 35.

  A Right

  B Wrong

  C Not mentioned

  6 Exercising is an important way to protect bone health.

  A Right

  B Wrong

  C Not mentioned

  7 Weight loss is also bad for your bones.

  A Right

  B Wrong

  C Not mentioned

  答案:1. B  2. C  3. A  4. A 5. B 6. A  7. C


  阅读下面这篇短文,短文后有2项测试 任务:(1)第1-4题要求从所给的6个选项中为第2-5段每段选择1个正确的小标题;(2)第5-8题要求从所给的6个选项中选择4个正确选项,分别完成每个句子。

  English and English Community

  1 There is no doubt that English is a useful language.The people who speak English today make up the largest speech community in the world with the exception of speakers of Chinese.

  2 A speech community is similar to other kinds of communities.The people who make up the community share a common language.Often they live side by side, as they do in a neighborhood (街坊),a village,or a city.More often they form a whole country.National boundaries,however,are not always the same as the boundaries of a speech community.A speech community is any group of people who speak the same language no matter where they happen to live.

  3 We may say that anyone who speaks English belongs to the English speech community.For convenience(方便),we may divide the speakers into two groups: one in which the speakers use English as their native language, the other in which the speakers 1earn English as a second language for the purpose of education,commerce,and so on.

  4 Learning a second language extends one's vision and expands the mind.The history and literature of a second language record the real and fictional(虚构的)lives of people and their culture;a knowledge of them adds to our ability to understand and to feel as they feel.Learning English as a second language provides another means of communication through which the window of the entire English speech community becomes a part of our heritage.

  23 Paragraph 1___________ .

  24 Paragraph 2___________ .

  25 Paragraph 3___________ .

  26 Paragraph 4___________ .

  A Threat Posed by English

  B Definition of a Speech Community

  C Benefits of Learning a Second Language

  D Advantages of Learning Chinese

  E Two Groups of the English Speech Community

  F A Widely Used Language

  27 Overall there are more speakers of Chinese than of ___________

  28 The boundaries of a speech community may be different from ___________ .

  29 People who live in different places may belong to ___________ .

  30 Many people learn English as ___________ .

  A a second language

  B the same language

  C the same speech community

  D any other language

  E national boundaries

  F a part of one's heritage

  答案: F B E C D E C A



  Heat and Health

  Extremely hot weather is common in many parts of the world.Although hot weather just makes most people hot,it can cause medical problems-and death.

  Health experts say that since the year 1900,extremely hot weather has killed more people in the United States than any other natural event.One year-the unusually hot summer of 1980-heat caused about 1,700 deaths in the United States.In 1995,more than 600 people died in a similar heat wave in one city-Chicago.

  To measure extreme heat,govemment weather experts have developed the Mean Heat Index.It measures the average of how hot it is felt all day on an extremely hot day.Experts say it is the total heat of a hot day or several hot days that can affect health.Several hot days are considered a heat wave.Experts say heat waves often become deadly when the nighttime temperature does not drop much from the highest daytime temperature.

  The most common medical problem caused by hot weather is heat stress.Usually,it also is the least severe.For most peoople,the only result of heat stress is muscle pain.The pain is a warning that the body is becoming too hot.Doctors say drinking water will help the pain disappear after the body again has the right amounts of water and salt.For some people,however,the result is much more serious.

  For example,doctors say some people face a greatly increased danger from heat stress.These people have a weak or damaged heart,high blood pressure,or other problems of the blood system.Severe heat can help cause a heart attack or stroke.Health experts say this is the most common cause of death linked to hot weather.

  1.How many people died from heat in Chicago in 1995?

  A.About 1700.

  B.Nearly 1900.

  C.Around 1100.

  D.Over 600.

  2.What can people learn from the Mean Heat Index?

  A.The average temperature of an extremely hot day.

  B.The highest temperature of an extremely hot day.

  C.The lowest temperature of an extremely hot day.

  D.The nighttime temperature of an extremely hot day.

  3.A heat wave is a period of time during which

  A.the weather is much better than usual.

  B.the nights are much longer than usual.

  C.the weather is much hotter than usual.

  D.the days are much longer than usual.

  4.Muscle pain in hot weather means that your body needs

  A.more exercise.

  B.more water.

  C.less oxygen.

  D.less sugar.

  5.For people who are in extremely poor health,heat can be





  答案:D A C B A



  The Roadrunner

  The roadrunner (走雀) lives in the desert zone of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. _____(1) People gave it its name because they usually see it running across a road, but of course, it spends more time among the plants of the desert than it does on roads.

  The roadrunner is quite a large bird - about 45 centimeters long and 25 centimeters high. _____(2) It holds its head straight out in front and its tail sticks straight out in back. It takes long steps and can run 30 kilometers an hour.

  It eats an amazing variety of food. Although it eats plants once in a while, it is mostly a meat eater. Most of its diet is insects, but it also catches birds, mice, and other small animals. It is even brave enough to catch snakes and black widow spiders (蜘蛛).

  _____(3) When he finds one, he gives her presents - a snake to eat or a tiny branch of a tree to use in building a nest. Then they build their nest, the female lays eggs, and they raise their young.

  _____(4) One couple in Arizona feeds a pair of roadrunners that come once at a time every day and make a noise outside the window. If someone doesn't give the bird a piece of hamburger immediately, the bird knocks on the window with its beak (喙). Roadrunners are not shy.

  _____(5) They will stand on a chair or table and watch television, and they seem really interested in what is happening on the program.

  A Roadrunners can also become friendly with people

  B People laugh when it runs because it looks so funny

  C It is a bird, but it can only fly about as much as a chicken can

  D In early spring, the bird doesn't eat anything

  E Another couple feeds a pair of roadrunners that go right into the house

  F In the spring, a male roadrunner begins looking for a female as a mate.

  答案:1. C  2. B  3. F  4. A  5. E



  Health Insurance(保险)

  Most Americans are responsible for their own medical costs.These can be extremely high if a person gets very(1)or has an accident.So people buy a health insurance plan to make sure these costs will be(2).

  Most American colleges and universities have(3)health centers.There may even be a teaching hospital that can treat more serious(4).

  Some medical services may be included in the cost of attending a school.But health insurance is usually needed for extra services.(5)most full-time college students must have insurance.

  Students may already be protected under their family's health plan.If not,many colleges offer(6)own plans.

  The University of Michigan will be our example.Students pay a health service fee.Then there is no extra charge when they are treated for minor(7)problems at the University Health Center.But the school wants students to have health insurance to pay(8)other services.

  The insurance plan(9)by the university costs about one thousand seven hundred dollars a year.Such health insurance(10)generally pay for hospital services,emergency room care and visits to doctors.They(11)do not pay for care of the teeth.And they usually do not pay for treatment of medical conditions that existed(12)the student arrived at school.

  International students at the University of Michigan have two(13).They can buy the university health plan.Or they can(14)private insurance that is approved by the university.

  The school also offers a special International Student Insurance Plan.This pays for most of the services offered(15)the University Health Center that are not included in the health service fee.

  1.A.rich B.poor C.sick D.old

  2.A.laid B.paid C.made D.said

  3.A.family B.woman C.man D.student

  4.A.services B.problems C.needs D.solutions

  5.A.So B.But C.Yet D.Though

  6.A.our B.its C.his D.their

  7.A.personal B.medical C.learning D.travel

  8.A.at B.on C.for D.in

  9.A.taken B.taught C.offered D.accepted

  10.A.dollars B.centers C.plans D.schools

  11.A.usually B.luckily C.suddenly D.carelessly

  12.A.after B.if C.before D.since

  13.A.choices B.conditions C.terms D.cases

  14.A.have B.reject C.invest D.borrow

  15.A.on B.for C.to D.by


  1.C 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.A

  6.D 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.C

  11.A 12.C 13.A 14.A 15.D











