我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-02-06 08:18:51 留学指南 我要投稿




  As the year winds to a close, many law school applicants are finishing up their application essays, filling out remaining forms and gathering all the other elements of their application for final submission. For those of you who aren’t quite ready to submit your applications, don’t worry. You still have plenty of time.


  But even if you have uploaded your transcripts and recommendations and completed all your applications, essays and other written responses, you are not done yet. Below are four important steps you should take before submitting your applications.


  1. Conform essays to length requirements: Since law school applications are generally similar, most students will use the same essay for each school’s personal statement and may use the same essay for other written responses as well.

  1. 申请文书达到规定字数:因为法学院的申请步骤都很相似,学生会用同一篇自我陈述申请每个学校也会用作其他书面材料。

  Although this is the approach I recommend to our counseling clients, it is important to keep in mind that schools often differ greatly in the length requirements for their personal statements and other essays. If you are applying to several schools with different personal statement length requirements, make sure that the personal statements you submit to each school conform to that school’s length requirements.


  2. Be school-specific: Many schools require applicants to submit a statement of interest. This can be either a short answer in the application itself or a separate essay. In this statement of interest, be sure to include specific programs, journals, clinics and other academic and extracurricular opportunities the school provides that you think you would want to participate in and are in a good position to contribute to.

  2. 以学校为导向:一些学校会让学生会提交一份个人兴趣爱好的文书,可以使申请的回答或者一篇单独的文书。在这边个人兴趣的文书里,要包含具体的课程,履历,实习经验和其他学校提供的,你认为对你申请有利的科研活动或者课外活动。

  3. Submit the correct recommendations: Just as you should be sure to be school-specific in your applications, there may also be opportunities to be school-specific in your letters of recommendation. Recommenders who are alumni of schools to which the applicant is applying will often be willing to write a modified version of their recommendation letter to present a more personal case to their alma mater’s admissions committee.

  3. 提交正确的推荐书:正如在申请中要以学校为导向,推荐信也要以学校为导向。如果你找的推荐人正好是你申请的学校毕业的校友,他会很乐意为你写一封量身打造的推荐信给他的母校招生委员会。

  4. Proofread, proofread and proofread again: Proofreading everything that you have written should be the last thing you do before submitting any application. Remember that you are applying to enter a profession that very highly values precise language and attention to detail.

  4. 校对,校对再校对:在提交之前,把你写的东西校对一遍。谨记你申请的专业是需要高度重视的.,要用精确的语言并且注意细节。

  Admissions officers will notice if any of your written materials contain misspellings or seemingly trivial typographical errors, not to mention any grammatical mistakes. Although such errors will not significantly affect your candidacy, they are completely avoidable and error-free applications and essays will be noticed and will reflect well on your commitment to the application process, your commitment to your legal education and career and your attention to detail.












