
  Implications of ipsilateral spatial neglect after stroke


  Lastupdated: Tuesday 7 October 2014 at 1am PST

  Stroke researchers have confirmed that damageto the right frontal-subcortical network may cause ipsilateral spatial neglect.

  Among individuals withipsilateral neglect, a much greater proportion had frontal subcortical damagethan anticipated by the investigators - 83% vs the expected 27%.

  A difference was alsoseen in spatial bias, ie, the type of spatial errors among this group tended tobe 'where'(perceptual-attentional) rather than 'aiming' (motor-intentional)errors.

  "IpsilesionalNeglect: Behavioral and Anatomical Correlates was published online ahead ofprint by Neuropsychology.

  The study was conductedin 12 patients with ipsilateral neglect.

  A computerizedline-bisection task was used to evaluate spatial errors of 'where' and 'aiming'"Little is known about ipsilateral neglect, which is much less common thancontralesional neglect," noted Dr. Barrett. "Our findings confirmthat of prior studies showing that these patients tend to have lesions of thefrontal-subcortical network.

  An unexpected findingwas the spatial bias toward 'where' errors in this group.

  Weneed further investigation to determine the differences in functional deficitsbetween ipsilateral and contralateral neglect, and the clinical implications ofthose differences for rehabilitation interventions."

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