

  Neglecting talking points


  When President Bush walks into a press conference, he doesn't worry what journalists are going to ask him because he already has the answers he's going to provide —— no matter what the questions are. Such answers are called talking points.


  Politicians want to frame an issue, so they listen to a question and then decide which of their talking points they'll use to answer that question. In this way, each question they're asked is an opportunity to get their own points across.


  I once had a media trainer teach me how to stick to talking points, and it works for a wide range of situations —— including job interviews.


  You control what five topics you want to discuss, so you should pick five things about yourself that you want to get across in an interview, and each point should come with some sort of story or example. You listen to each question and then figure out which point fits in well for a particular question.


  You're not George W. Bush, though, so you can't totally ignore questions that don't have pat answers. But you'd be surprised how often you can answer an interview question with one of the five answers about yourself that you've prepared. This is a way to control an interview and make sure the focus is on your strengths.


  A great resource for helping you understand how to frame your answer for any question is the "The Complete Q & A Job Interview Book" by Jeffrey Allen.

上一篇:英语面试中的问题及回答技巧 下一篇:英语面试官最常用的基本句型表达

