
  1. Why? Questions like "Why did you close down your parts business rather than try to find a buyer for it?" or "Why did you decide to move to a product-based organization structure?" — which it sounds as if you're already asking — not only show you've done your homework on the company and put some thought into it, but are open-ended enough to spark an interesting conversation. As a rule, Sobel advises avoiding any question someone could answer with a "yes" or "no."

  1. 为什么?比如“你们为什么选择关停零配件业务,而不是尝试将它出售?”或者“你们为什么决定向以产品为导向的组织结构转变?”你应该已经提过这种问题。这不仅能展示你对公司情况作了功课并进行了思考,而且说明你是以相当开放的姿态来进行一次饶有趣味的探讨。索贝尔建议,要避免提出别人可能只回答“是”或“不是”的问题,这已是经验法之谈。

  2. What has been your experience here? Without asking anything intrusive, you want to form a connection based on some understanding of the interviewer's situation.

  2. 询问面试官本人在该公司的工作感受。 你希望了解面试官的一些背景情况,从而与其建立良好关系,但请勿让对方感到被冒犯。

  Sobel recommends something like, "I understand you joined the company five years ago. With all the growth you've had, how do you find the experience of working here now compared to when you started?" Or try: "What do you like most about working here?"

  索贝尔建议,可以这样问,比如“我知道您五年前就已经进入现在这家公司。在此期间,公司取得了长足的发展。您认为,跟您刚开始时相比,现在的工作体验跟当初比起来怎么样?” 或者你也可以问:“在这里工作,您最喜欢的是什么地方?”

  3. Show your value. In the interest of making the discussion a two-way street, think about mentioning a technique or process you've learned from your current job that a prospective employer might benefit from adopting. Obviously, with this approach, you have to be careful not to reveal proprietary information or give away any secrets.

  3. 展示自身价值。 为了创造一种双向的谈话模式,可以考虑在面试中提及你在目前工作中学到的. 可能对未来的雇主有益的技术或流程。显然,采用这种方法的时候必须谨慎,以免泄露专利信息或者其他机密。

  4. Focus on the future. Ask something like, "You've achieved large productivity gains in the past three years. Where do you believe future operational improvements will come from?" or "Looking ahead to the next couple of years, what are the potential growth areas that people in the company are most excited about?" Not incidentally, the answers could give you a sense of where your own career path could lead if you get hired.

  4. 关注未来。此类问题比如“贵公司的生产力在过去三年中获得了很可观的改善。您认为未来在业务运作层面还有哪些地方具有提升的空间?”,“未来几年,有哪些潜在的增长领域最让公司上下兴奋和期待?”显然,通过招聘者对这些问题的回答,你也能了解到如果应聘成功,你今后的职业生涯将如何发展。

  5. Find out about the culture. You can learn a lot about what it would be like to work at a company, Sobel says, by asking, "What are the most common reasons why new hires don't work out here?" or, conversely, "What kinds of people really thrive in your organization?" Along similar lines, "Why do people come to work for you rather than a competitor, and why do you think they stay?" could yield some valuable insights.

  5. 了解企业文化。索贝尔表示,通过提问能了解到这家公司的工作氛围。你可以问“导致新员工表现不佳的最普遍原因是什么?”或者反之,“什么样的人能在贵公司取得成功?”以及一些类似的问题,比如“为什么人们来这里工作,而不是去竞争对手的公司?您认为他们留在这里的原因是什么?”这些问题都能够引出一些很有价值的见解。

  6. What are the interviewer's selection criteria? Sobel says you should ask, "If you were to narrow the field to two final candidates for this job, with equal experience and skills, how would you choose one over the other?" You may not get a totally candid answer (the truth might be, for example, that the candidate with the lower salary requirement would win out), but you still might learn something worth knowing.

  6. 面试官的选择标准是什么?索贝尔表示,你应该问“如果把选择范围缩小到最后的两名求职者,他们具有同等经验和技能,您最终会如何选择?”虽然招聘者给你的回答可能不那么直接(真相可能是薪资要求较低的求职者胜出),但仍然能获得一些有价值的信息。

  The right questions, Sobel says, "allow you to demonstrate your knowledge without sounding arrogant, and they greatly improve your chances of hearing the best question of all — 'How soon can you start?'"






上一篇:英语面试开场的对话 下一篇:英语面试不可涉及的八大问题

