
  Snow: What are your strong points?

  Tom: I have very strong powers of observation. I can generate interesting ideas from minor things and once the idea is formed, I have strong urge to put it into action.

  Snow: What is your weakness?

  Tom: I always give each job my best, so when others are not pulling their weight, I become frustrated.

  Snow: Are you more of a follower or a leader?

  Tom: I don't try to go ahead of people and lead them. I'd rather cooperate with everybody else, and get the job done by working together.

  Snow: How do you deal with those who you think are difficult to deal with?

  Tom: I stick to my principles and keep to the rules. Sometimes, they just lack enthusiasm and I get them involved with something constructive. Some of them later change their attitudes.


  1. What are your strong points? 也是询问“你的优点是什么?”

  2. What is your weakness? 和What are your weak points?一样。回答这个问题的时候,大家不要傻傻地把自己的缺点就说出去了,说的不好可能就此毁掉了一个好offer。在选择缺点的时候,要选择那些正面看是优点、反面看是缺点的。比如Tom回答的他工作太勤奋、太忘我,对于一个公司来说,员工工作勤奋肯定是会受到肯定的,勤奋带来的小小问题公司也能够理解,至少不会在面试的时候就把你pass掉。





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