

  Be professional.

  Looking businesslike is the first step to acting businesslike, and people will take you more seriously if you are well-groomed. This also applies to body language, so always make eye contact and keep good posture, or you may appear to lack confidence.

  (表现职业化 。衣着职业化是体验你是否专业的第一步,如果你注意修饰的话,人们对待你总是更认真一些。 这还适用于肢体语言,要经常和别人进行眼神交流并保持好的身体姿势,否则会看起来象没有自信的样子。)

  Make it personal.

  Remember people’s names and they will remember you. Do everything you can to avoid addressing a message “Dear Sir/Madam”. Remember that business is about building relationships.


  Be formal but not stiff.

  If you are too formal, people won’t be at ease around you. Act too casual and people may not take you seriously. Aim for the middle ground!

  (正式而非拘谨。 如果你表现的太正式了,别人呆在你身边就觉得很不自在。表现的太过随便,人们又可能不认真对待你。表现要适当!)

  Be clear and concise.

  Get to the heart of the matter quickly and don’t waste words. On the other hand, don’t assume that the person you’re talking to knows who you are and why you are contacting them - they may need a reminder and some background.


  Keep quiet!

  Communication is a two way street. Listen to the opinions of others, don’t interrupt people when they are speaking, and don’t ignore criticism. Also, people will be more willing to listen to you if they see that you’re listening to them!

  (保持安静! 交流是双向的事。耐心听别人的意见,别人说话时不要打岔,而且不要忽略批评意见。并且,如果别人觉得你认真倾听他们的话,他们也会更乐意听你的话!)


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