


  Prepare as well as you possibly can, search the web and research the background of the company and the people who you think are going to be interviewing you. Learn exactly what it is they do and exactly how you would fit in with the company. Most importantly try to understand the “culture” of the company, that is to say its underlying philosophy; the HR departments often state missions and give cultural statements. You need to communicate in a way that mirrors their company standards; this will show you can fit in that organisation. Understand a little of what their competitors are doing. This will show you’ve bothered to find out where their position in the market is.


  Just as important is your own personal preparation. Think about the key things you want to communicate and why you would be ideal for the job. Think about you can sound enthusiastic, without sounding desperate; how you can sell yourself.


  During the interview, be a very good listener and if you can find some common ground with your interviewers, you will have a big advantage over your competitors. The interview is basically an interaction between two people, so how you come across as a person is of upmost importance. As soon as you enter the company building, make sure everyone you meet is left with the impression that you are a pleasant person. Sometimes an interview question might seem very simple but, don’t be deceived, there is always a reason for them asking that question. Understand what the top ten most likely questions are going to be and practice some answers. Say your answers aloud and listen to yourself or practice with a friend. If they ask you a question, such as “tell me about your CV”, and you can’t do it fluently, you will find the interviewers will lose interest and you won’t get the job.


  Generally wear a suit and tie, but it does depend on the job you are going for. You should have discovered, when you studied the company culture, what is expected. For media companies, for example, being smart but casual might be the style they want. They are looking for someone who is comfortable with himself or herself. In this case you should dress for who you are.

上一篇:五大准备让你英语面试脱颖而出 下一篇:英语面试陈述一定要有针对性

