语言能力Language Abilities面试英语篇

  面试英语:语言能力Language Abilities篇

  Language Abilities

  I: How many languages canyou speak?

  C: Three. Besides Chinese, my mother tongue, I can also speak English and French. / Two. Chinese is my native language and English is my second language.

  I: What foreign languages can you speak?

  C: I can speak English and German as well. / I can only speak English as far as foreign languages are concerned.

  I: What's your second language in addition to Chinese?

  C: English, of course.

  I: Which band of College English Test have you passed?

  C: Band Four (Six).

  I: Do you think you're proficient in both written and spoken English?

  C: Yes, I think l'm quite proficient in both written and spoken English?

  I: Can you speak English fluently?

  C: Yes, I can.

  I: Do you think you speak English quite fluently? Tell me about your English education.

  C: Yes, I think I speak English quite fluently. I got a high score on TOEFL. I majored in English at college.

  I: Can you make yourself understood in English without too much difficulty?

  C: Yes, I think my oral English is fairly good.

  I: Do you think you can make yourself understood in Englishwith ease?

  C: Yes, I think I can in ordinary circumstances?

  I: One of the most important things for this job is English proficiency. Can you use English freely?

  C: Yes, I think so. I can communicate with foreigners easily. They say my English is quite good.

  I: You would be mainly using English in this job. Can you manage English conversation?

  C: Yes, I'm sure I can.

  I: Employees in this company have to have a good command of English. Tell me about your ability in speaking and understanding English.

  C: Ithink I speak English quite fluently. I attended an evening class for EngHsh conversation for two years after my graduation from the university. And I often read books in English and "China Daily" in English edition. In this way my ability to understand English is very strong.

  I: The English competency is very important here. How is your English proficiency?

  C: As you may learn from my resume, I studied biology in Canada for two years. So I may say that I am quite competent in listening to, speaking, reading and writing English.

  I: Can you speak standard sentry?

  C: Yes, I can. Though I'm a Cantonese, I've been learning sentry ever since I was a primary school pupil becauseall the teachers spoke sentry in class.

  I: Can you speak Cantonese?

  C: Yes, I can. Although I come from Hunan Province , I've gained mastery of Cantonese since I've been living in Guangdong, for ten years. / Only a little, because I've been in Guangzhou for less than three years. / I'm sorry, I can't. But I can speak Hakka.

  I: Can you speak the Shanghai dialect (Pekingese)?

  C: Of course, I can. I'm a Shangbai lander (Pekingese) / No, I can't.

  I: Do you understand the local dialect?

  C: Yes. I'm a native here. / Sorry, sir. I don't. I'm a newcomer here.

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