









  Would you please say something about yourself ?/Please tell me about yourself ?/Could you introduce yourself firstly ?

  My name is......My English name is....I’m now...years old .I graduated from......,majoring in.....I am very happy to meet you here .I have enough confidence in this interview .Thank you for giving me this opportunity .

  Would you please introduce the courses you learned in college ?

  My major courses are business English,foreign trade English ,international trade ,business negotiation ,international business secretary ,marketing finance .

  Have you got any licenses ?/Have you got any certificates ?/What about your computer ability ?

  I have got BEC1 and CET6 English certificates in college,which is difficult to get except hard working .

  I am familiar with computer operation .I am fluent in Windows and office 2003 software and net work .

  Could you tell me something about your job background ?/Is this your first job ?

  I am a student .This is my first job .However I think though I haven’t experience in this field ,I’m willing to learn .

  How much will I be paid ,if you don’t mind my asking ?/Can you provide accommodation for me ?/What sort of fringe benefits do you provide ?

  2、Reception & Visit

  (1)注意事项:所有的商务活动都是建立在双方相互信任大的基础上的,接待和拜访是彼此之间相互了解的第一步,为了建立良好的商务关系,必须特别关注其中的细节。问候:问候应该友好和热烈,问候老朋友时说”Hi, there!”,但与第一次见面的人打招呼,必须很正规说”How do you do?”;介绍:一般都是把男性介绍给女性,把年轻的介绍给年老的,在正式场合,通常会在姓名前添加”Mr.”、”Miss”等头衔;握手:握对方手时,力度要适中,不能太紧,也不能太松,同时要直视对方,以表示坦率和诚心;名片:与新客户见面时,应该彼此交换名片,递名片时要用双手,不能用一只手,接到对方名片时,可以先默读一遍,不确定是否读的准确,可以请教对方,如果对方忘记给你名片,可以问”How can I contact you ?”/”How can I get in touch with you ?”


  Excuse me, you must be Mr./Miss. From....?/Are you Mr./Miss.from..?

  I am ....from...., and I am here to meet you.

  This is my business card. It is a pleasure to meet you.

  It is a long trip. I think you must be very tired. Shall we go to the hotel first ?

  Did you have a pleasant flight ? The flight was smooth, and the service was good. Things couldn’t have been better./It was rather bump, and there was a lot of turbulence.

  I am sorry to put you to so much trouble.

  Good afternoon, welcome to ....hotel. Can I help you ?

  We have reserved a suite of two rooms two days ago. May I have your name, sir, please ?

  What kind of rooms would you like ? There are single rooms, double rooms,suites and deluxe suites in our hotel.

  How much do they cost ?/How much a day do you charge ?

  Our room service is available 24 hours a day.

  I wonder if it is possible for me to extend my stay at this hotel for two days.

  I am checking out of my room. Will you check and sign the form, please ?

  You are welcome to stay here again next time.

  Would you please take a seat over there, Sir ? I’ll let Mr. Know you are here.

  We greatly appreciate your hospitality and kindness.

  3、Meeting & Organization



  Well, since everyone is here, let’s get started. Hello,everyone. Thank you for coming today.

  Hi, everyone. I’m...I’ll be acting as ....’s assistant while ...is away on maternity leave.

  To begin with I’d like to quickly go through the minutes of our last meeting.

  We’re here today to..../Our main aim today is to....

  I’m afraid ...can’t be with us today./I have received apologies for absence from.....,who is in...

  Let’s stick to the task at hand, shall we ?/I’m afraid we’ve strayed from the matter at hand.

  What do you think about this proposal ?/Has anyone else got anything to contribute ?

  It looks like we’ve run out of time, so I guess we’ll finish here.

  If no one has anything else to add, then I think we’ll wrap this up.

  Before I let you go, let’s all give a big thank you to .......


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