我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2023-01-01 04:59:31 职场英语 我要投稿
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11. anxious,eager,keen这一组词都有“渴望、急切、关注”之意,都可接不定式: 此外,be anxious/eager 后面的从句须用虚拟语气should + do
Mary is anxious that her husband should accept the offer. “玛丽迫切希望她的丈夫接受这条建议。”
eager:“热切的、渴望的”,指包含有热情的强烈兴趣,着重指进取的热情或指由于其他因素而急不可待。常用词组:be eager for (after,to do) sth. 对……热切的。
I'm eager that he should give me something to read. “我急切希望她给我点读物。
keen :“切望的、热心的”,指因强烈的兴趣而渴望做某事。另外,还有激烈、敏锐之意。常见词组:be keen on( about,to do) sth,对……热心的。
I put the suggestion to him , but he didn't seem very keen about it. 我向他提出这份建议,但他似乎不太热心。
12.apparent,distinct,evident,obvious 这一组词均有 “明显”之意。
apparent:显然的、表面的”,指经过一定推敲从证据中得出的结论,着重指经过某种推理过程,如:归纳、演绎等而领悟到的事物,常作表语;作定语时,常译为: “表面的”。
The apparent cause of his failure to pass the exam was illness ,but the real cause was lack of knowledge. ”他考试不及格的表面原因是生病,实际原因是所知不足。”
It was apparent that he knew nothing of what had happened. " 他对究竟发生了什么事,显然一无所知。'
He gave a distinct account of everything that occurred yesterday in the city hall. 他对昨天发生在市政厅的每件事都作了清晰的叙述。”
evident:“明显的、显然的” 指肉眼可见的所有迹象都能导出的结论,也可指感觉不到但可从外部迹象推断出的事物。
It must be evident to everyone that someone has been here.有人到这里来过,这是人人可见的极明显的事。
obvious:“显而易见的” 指易于发现或说明,常指某事物显而易见或掩蔽得并不成功的事物。
The mistakes are so obvious that even a little boy can point them out. ”这些错误如此明显,甚至小孩子也能指出。
13. appropriate ,fit,proper,suitable 这一组词均含有 “恰当、适宜” 之意。
appropriate:“非常适合的”,具有一种与该人或该事物相匹配的适宜性。常用短语:appropriate to /for。
He always tried his best to give the appropriate examples to illustrate the usage of an expression.”他总是尽力举出恰当的例子来说明词语的用法。”
fit: “合适的、恰当的”,指具有为了达到某项目的、或完成某项任务、或适合于某种用法所需的品质,有时也指人具备所需要的资格或能力。常用短语:be fit fur/to do。
I should say she wasn’t fit to do anything of the sort. 我得说她不适合做任何这类事情.
We are here to see that the houses are fit for human habitation.“我们来此要使这些房子适合入住。”
proper: “合适的、适宜的”,指该事物依照某种惯例或情理是无可非议的,或强调通过逻辑思维、推理所确定的事物的适宜性和合理性。常用短语:proper for /to do。
When a child has mastered a difficulty after persistent efforts, praise is a proper reward. “当孩子经过坚持不懈的努力,驾御了一件困难工作时,最合适的报偿是夸奖。
It was proper to say that most Americans belong to the middle class. “说大多数美国人属于中产阶级是正确的。”
suitable: 适合的、适宜的、恰当的,用于指人或事物能够与某种场合、环境、要求相适应。常用短语:suitable for。
There's no denying that his speech is suitable to the oceasion.“毋庸置疑他的言辞合时宜。”
Do you think this present suitable for the boy of his age?“你觉得这份礼物送给他那个年龄的男孩合适吗?”
14. ashamed,shameful,shameless 这组词均含有 “无耻的、可耻的” 之意。
ashamed “羞耻的、惭愧的” 主要指因自己或他人的无耻、不礼貌的动作,行为而感到窘迫和羞耻。常用词组:be ashamed of, be ashamed of oneself for…,be ashamed to do sth. 因……而羞愧。
You should be ashamed of yourself for telling such lies. 你应为你说出如此谎言而感到惭愧。
Evading taxes or taxation is a shameful conduct,which should be condemned by the whole society. “偷税、漏税是应受到全社会谴责的可耻行为。
shameless: “无耻的、厚颜无耻的” 修饰事物或行为时译为“无耻的”修饰人时译为“厚颜无耻、不知羞耻”。
We cannot stand such a shameless person being still at large. 我们无法容忍这样一个无耻之徒逍遥法外。
15. attentive,careful,cautious 这组词含有 “小心的、谨慎”之意。
attentive : “专心的、留意的” 从精神上注意,有聚精会神之意,尤指人为了理解、乃至改善事物而 “留心、留意的”。
As a member of parliament, he is attentive to the needs of his constituents. 作为议会成员,他关注选民的需要。
careful: “小心的” 着重行为的谨慎,指为了避免出差错或受伤以及受坏的影响而对某事 “仔细的,行动上 “小心的”。
When doctors were making an operation , they wouldn't be too careful. 医生在施行手术时再小心也不过分。
cautious: 谨慎的、小心的, 指为了提防可能遇到的危险,或为了避免失败而提前做周密的打算和安排。
You must be cautious not to do such a foolish thing again.你一定要小心,别再干这样的蠢事了。
16. Aware,conscious这一组词均含有“知道、意识到” 之意。
aware“知道、意识到” 一般指通过感官或别人提供的情况对外界事物有所了解。
Though clearly aware of the danger ahead, he accepted the task without fear. “尽管清楚地知道前面有危险,他还是毫不畏惧地接受任务。”
He grew painfully aware that the family was divided in its attitude. 他痛苦地意识到一家人意见有分歧。
conscious“知道的、有意识的、自觉的”,一般指内心所意识到的感觉或感受,. 也可做定语,指“有意识的。”
Having obtained a Doctor's degree in Oxford University , he is deeply conscious of his superiority in his academic field.获得了牛津大学的博士学位,他深知自己在学术方面的优势。
He was aware that someone was talking, but not conscious of what was said. 他觉察到有人在说话,但不知道说的是什么。
17. awful,dreadful,fearful这组词均有 “害怕”或“恐惧”之意。
The lightning bolt struck the tree with an awful sound. “闪电带着可怕的声音打中了那棵树。”
dreadful:“令人惊骇的、可怕的” 意为强烈的、持续的恐惧,多指怕鬼、怕死。如:可怕的战争、怪物、风暴、噩梦、结果、权力筹,有时也指不喜欢或不愿接受的事物。
The play which was performed last night turned out to be just dreadful.昨晚上演的剧简直坏透了。
fearful“害怕的、担心的、可怕的” 指因多虑、危险、不幸或想象而造成的恐惧。常见词组:for fear that 后接虚拟:(should) + 动词原形。
The writer was fearful that the opening night of the play would be a failure.剧作家担心首场演出会出错。
He handled the instrument with care for fear that it should be damaged. 他小心地动那仪器,生怕把它弄坏。
18. basic,elementary,fundamental,primary 这组词均含有“基本的、基础的”之意。
basic:“基础的、基本的、根本的” 常有“起点”性质,可用来修饰抽象概念,也可用来强调确切、具体的基础或根基。
At least, you should have taken into account the plan in its basic aspects. 至少,你本应考虑到此项计划基本方面。
elementary: “初步的、基础的”,着重指基本的或开始的事物,也指初步的概念和原则、必要的因素及组成部分。
John learned addition and subtraction in elementary arithmetic.“约翰在初等数学中学习了加减法。”
How can you expect to succeed without even the elementary knowledge of the field?没有这一领域的最基本知识,你怎能指望成功呢?
fundamental:“基础的、根本、首要的” 主要修饰无形的、抽象的事物,多用于正式的文体。常用词组:be fundamental to 对……十分重要。
The fundamental cause of the development of a thing is not external but internal.“事物发展的根本原因不在事物的外部而在事物的内部。”
We were relieved to hear that his disease was still in its primary stage. 得知 他的病仍处于初始阶段,我们感到很宽慰。
19.better, preferable, superior
better,preferable,superior这一组词均含有比其他人或事物“更有价值或令人喜欢” 之意。
better:“更好的、较好的” 最常用作good 的比较,指某个人或物的品质超过、胜过另一些人或物。还指情况或健康改善,常与ill相对而与well有关。常用短语:had better 最好,for the better ( 变得) 更好,know better than to do 不至于蠢到去干……
The result of the investigation was much better than might have been expected.调查的结果比原来想像的要好得多。
You should know better than to go out without an overcoat on such a cold day. 你不应该糊涂到在这样的冷天不穿大衣就出去。
preferable:“更好的、较好的” 意指经过比较两者之间选择称心如意的东西,其含义弱化而几乎不用,常跟介词to连用动词为prefer,常用短语prefer…rather宁愿……也不愿……A to B ,比起B更偏爱A。
Health without riches is preferable to riches without health. 健 康而无财富较有财富而无健康为佳。
He prefers to take the whole blame himself rather than allow it to fall on the innocent. 他宁可自己承担全部责任,也不愿把责任推到清白 ( 无) 的人身上。
superior:“优良的、上等的、高级的” 此词还强调地位、质量或价值的高度,与介词连用。
No one doubts that modern ways of travelling is superior to those of older time. 无人怀疑现代旅行方法较往昔优越。
20.certain,positive,sure 这组词均有“肯定的、确切的”之意。
certain:“确切的、肯定的”,指确信无疑或不容置疑,比sure更确定地表明有客观的理由和证据支持这种确信。主语不一定是人,常用词组:for certain 肯定;常用句型:It’scertain that…
I am perfectly certain that he appreciated every item of this performance.我完全相信他欣赏这次演出的每个节目。
There aren't many seats left for this concert so you'd better make certain that you get one ticket.音乐会的座位不多了,你最好今天订妥一个。
It's no use just telling me to do it;give me positive advice as to how to do it. “仅仅告诉我做这件事是不够的,应就如何做给我一些建设性的意见。”
sure:“一定的、确信的” 强调主观上的信念或肯定,其后所跟的句型要求较为严格。常用词组:sb.be sure of/to do (对) 有把握,for sure 肯定地,sure enough 果真,to be sure当然 ( 作插入语) 。
As we have been practising regularly,we are sure of winning the game this time.“我们一直在练习,这次有把握一定赢。”
He glanced over his shoulder to make sure that there was nobody listening.他向后瞥了一眼以确信没有人在听。
chief:“主要的、首要的”强调在顺序、等级、重要性、价值方面高于其他所有同类事物,用于人时指 “地位最高”,用于物意为 “最重要的”。
The chief reason for the great changes in the cultural field is the development of economy.经济发展是文化领域内发生巨大变化的主要原因。
main:“主要的”,只用于物,强调事物的某一部分、分支的重要性、大小及潜力优于其他部分、分支,或表示该部分在整个事物中占有显赫的地位。词组:in the main 基本上、大体上。
His main reason for going to the library was to look up the book he spoke of yesterday.他到图书馆去的主要原因是去找他昨天谈到的那本书。
major :“重大的、主要的”,指在规模、数量重要性方面超出同类的其他事物。
John has also played a major part in the improvement of the paper.“约翰在改进这份报纸的工作中也起了较大的作用。”
I'd like to have a talk with.the principal persons concerned.我很想同有关的主要人员谈一谈。
22. common,general,universal这组词都含有 “共同的、普遍的” 之意。
common:“普通的、共同的” 指为群体、全体成员所共享、使用或参加的,有时也指有关的事物在品质或品德上无杰出的、特殊之处。常用介词:among,between,in,to,with等。常用短语:in common with 与……有共同之处。
The lack of manpower and material resources is often a defect common among the newly established companies. “缺乏人力和物力往往是初创公司的不足之处。
general:“一般的、普通的 指接近全体或大部分,即含有例外较少的意思; 指语言、意见或观念时,含有意义不精确的意思。
According to the general practice , it should be approved by the managing director. “按照一般惯例,此事应由常务董事批准。
universal “普通的、全球性的” 主要用在逻辑或哲学中,指毫无例外地涉及整体中的每个个体。常被用来修饰真理、原理、法则等。
The threat of universal extinction hangs over all the world. 全球覆灭的威胁笼罩着全世界。
23.complex,complicated,sophisticated 这组词都有 “复杂的”之意。
complex :“复杂的、难以理解的”,指由相互联系且相互作用的部分组成,要想解决处理这样的问题,必须有一定的专业知识或经过专门研究。常用来形容观点、生活等。
His political ideas were too complex to get support from ordinary people. “他的政治观点太复杂,因此得不到普通人的支持。”
complicated: “复杂的、难懂的、难弄的”,形容非常复杂,因此很难理解,解决、解释的问题或事物,语气比complex更强。反义词为simple;强调事物内部交错在一起,不易辨认其相互关系,常指事件、机械构造等。
I must confess that this is the most complicated case I have ever handled. 我须承认这是我处理过的最为复杂的案子。
sophisticated :“复杂的、不易懂的”,指机械、设备、武器装备等的结构复杂或技术高、精、尖。另外,也指人的世故老练或心灵活动的复杂高深。
The company has spent millions of dollars developing this sophisticated electronic equipment. “该公司花费了数百万美金研制这套复杂的电子设备。”
considerate:“周到的、体贴的”,指对他人的感情或处境考虑周到,能设法减轻他人的悲伤或分担他人的苦恼。常用句型:It’s considerate of sb. to do;常用词组:be considerate towards/about sb. 对……体贴。
It was very considerate of you not to play the piano while your mother had headache. 你在母亲头痛得很厉害时不弹钢琴,真是考虑得非常周到。
thoughtful:“体贴的、关怀他人的”,指无私地关心他人,为他人的安逸、舒适着想,能推测了解到别人的愿望或需要。常用句型:It's thoughtful of sb. to do sth;常用词组be thoughtful abotu\for 对……(考虑) 周到的。
It was very thoughtful of you to make all the necessary arrangements for us. 你们考虑得很周到,为我们做好了一切必要的安排。
26. contradictory,contrary,opposite 这组词均含有 “相反的”之意。
contradictory :“矛盾的、对立的”,指两个事物相互排斥,即一方正确或成立,另一方就必然不正确或不成立,因而语气较强,用介词:to,of。
Reports of the result of the battle were so contradictory that we didn't know which side had won.战果的报道是如此相反,我们不知到底是何方胜利。
contrary :“相反的、对立的” 指分歧极深、无法调和或相互冲突的事物,如: 设想、动机和见解等。当指事物的两个极端时,不具有互斥性,即可以有其他可能性。常用短语:
contrary to与……相反:on the contrary 恰恰相反;to the contrary 意思相反地、不同地。
If you act contrary to the doctor's advice,you won't get well again. 如果你不听从医嘱,你便不会康复。
I shall continue to believe it until I get proof to the contrary. 在我获得相反的证据之前,我会继续相信它。
opposite:“相反的”,普通用词,着重指两个彼此对立的抽象事物,如: 观点、性质等;也可指两者在方向、位置、趋势方面不同,而不强调相互排斥。常用介词:to
Those two men have opposite opinions on how to make a business run. 那两个人对于怎样经商的看法完全相反。










