1. Yech...it is a beautiful day out. And here I am stuck inside the office with all this paper work.
2. How am I to know what I#39;m supposed to do if there#39;s no organization around here?
3.The company is so cheap we have to sharpen our pencils until they#39;re down to little stubs like this.
4.Now where did my eraser go this time?Don#39;t take things off other people#39;s desks without asking them,O.K.?
5.I want you to stop hogging my desk space,all right?
6.Turn the other way when you smoke,so I won#39;t have to breathe it,all right?
7.Don#39;t talk to me while I#39;m in the middle of calculating.
8.Ah,heck!Another mistake.The staff here can#39;t even use their calculators right!
9.Oh,why did he have to give me this rush job now thatit#39;s almost time for my lunch break!
10.I know I made a mistake.I just wish he wouldn#39;t keep hammering away at it.
11.Doing this mindless work all day is going to drive me crazy.
12.Why do I have to do all these extra needless little jobs anyway?
13.How come everyone in ourcompany is middle-aged stuffy?
14.Everytime he gets drunk,he goes intoh is lousypreaching routine.
15.I don#39;t understand what#39;s going on inside these young people#39;s heads.
16.Say,don#39;t you think Miss Black is using the phone too much for personal calls?