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  I'll Be Bach

  Composer David Cope is the inventor of a computer program that writes original works of classical music. It took Cope 30 years to develop the software. Now most people can't __________(51) the difference between music by the famous German composer J. S.Bach (1685-1750) and the Bach-like compositions from Cope's computer.

  It all started in 1980 in the United States, when Cope was trying to write an opera. He was having__________ (52) thinking of new melodies, so he wrote a computer program to create the melodies. At first this music was not __________(53) to listen to. What did Cope do?He began to rethink how human beings compose music. He realized that composers' brains __________(54) like big databases.

  First, they take in all the music that they have ever heard.Then they take __________(55) the music that they dislike. Finally, they make new music from what is__________ (56). According to Cope, only the great composers are able to create the database accurately, rememberit, and form new musical pattems from it.

  Cope built a __________ (57) database of existing music. He began with hundreds of works by Bach. The software analyzed the data __________ (58) it down into smaller pieces and looked for patterns. It then combined the __________ (59) into new patterns. Beforelong, the program could compose short Bach-like works. Theyweren't good, but it was a start.

  Cope knew he had more work to do-he had a whole opera to write. He continued to improve the software. Soon it could__________(60) more complex music. He also added many other composers,including his own work to the database.

  A few years later, Cope's computer program, called "Emmy", was ready to help him with his opera.

  The__________(61) required a lot of collaboration between the composer and Emmy. Cope listened to the computer's musical ideas and used the __________(62) that he liked. WithEmmy, the opera took only two weeks to finish.It was called Cradle Falling, and it was a great__________(63)! Cope received some of the best reviews of his career, but no one knew exactly __________ (64) he had composed the work.

  Since that first opera, Emmy has written thousands of compositions. Cope still gives Emmy feedback on what he likes and doesn't like of her music, __________(65) she is doing most of the hard work of composing these days!

  51. A. make

  B. tell

  C. take

  D. understand

  52. A. trouble

  B. time

  C. fear

  D. pleasure

  53. A. loud

  B. peaceful

  C. classic

  D. easy

  54. A. feel

  B. look

  C. sound

  D. work

  55. A. in

  B. at

  C. with

  D. out

  56. A. added

  B. left

  C. created

  D. released

  57. A. small

  B. huge

  C. simple

  D. colorful

  58. A. cut

  B. drop

  C. broke

  D. turned

  59. A. parts

  B. programs

  C. ideas

  D. pieces

  60. A. play

  B. hear

  C. collect

  D. analyze

  61. A. stage

  B. process

  C. period

  D. application

  62. A. ones

  B. cases

  C. others

  D. sides

  63. A. loss

  B. end

  C. success

  D. rush

  64. A. when

  B. how

  C. what D. why

  65. A. but

  B. until

  C. so

  D. becasue


  51.B。题干:现在,科普的计算机写出的作品与德国著名作曲家J.S.巴赫写的作品很相似,很少有人能__________ 出其中的不同。本题考查句意和名词。四个选项分别代入后,tell the difference为固定搭配意为“分辨不同”,代入后比较符合原文的语境,故B为正确答案。

  52.A。题干:但是他__________ 创作出新的旋律,于是他编写了一个计算机软件来帮他编曲。本题考查固定搭配。Have trouble doing sth意为“做……有麻烦”,have some time/fear to do sth意为“做某事有时间/担心去”,have pleasure doing sth意为“做……有乐趣”,四 个选项分别代入后,只有have trouble比较符合语境,故A为正确答案。

  53.D。题干:最开始的时候,软件写出的乐曲并不__________ 去听。本题考查形容词和句意。根据后一句,Cope是怎么做的呢?他开始重新考虑人们作曲的方式,由此可以知道该句谈论的是最初遇到的问题,四个选项分别代入后,easy比较符合语境,表示音乐起初听起来不动听。故D为正确答案。

  54.D。题干:他意识到作曲家的大脑__________ 就像一个大数据库。本题考查句意和动词。四个选项分别代入,“工作起来像个大数据”库比较符合语境,其他几个代入后都不合逻辑,故D是正确答案。

  55.D。题干:然后他们会__________ 他们不喜欢的音乐。本题考查句意和固定搭配。take in意为“吸收”,take with意为“带上”,take out意为“拿出,取出”,不喜欢的音乐应该将其拿出,故D是正确答案。

  56.B。题干:最后再根据__________ 创作出新的旋律。本题考查固定搭配和上下文语义。根据原文的语境,他们先是吸收他们听过的所有音乐,然后去除他们不喜欢的,所以最后应该是根据留下的音乐来创作出新的旋律,因此B为正确选项。

  57.B。题干:科普根据现有的音乐建立了__________ 数据库。本题考查形容词和句意。四个选项分别代入,根据前后的句子可以发现huge比较符合语境。因此B为正确选项。

  58.C。题干:科普的软件将这些数据进行分析:首先它将音乐__________ 小的片段,从中找出固定模式。本题考查上下文语义和固定搭配。四个选项都可以跟空格后的down形成固定搭配,其中cut down意为“砍到”,drop down意为“下降”,break down意为“打破,粉碎;出故障”,turn down意为“降低音量,拒绝”,从原句的“smaller pieces”可推断出C为正确答案。

  59.D。题干:然后将__________ 组合成新的模式。本题考查形容词和句意。根据前一句,科普的软件将这些数据进行分析:首先它将音乐拆解成小的片段,从中找出固定模式。由此可知是将这些片段进行组合,故D为正确选项。

  60.D。题干:他进一步完善他的软件,不久它就能够__________ 更复杂的音乐了。本题考查动词和上下文语义。根据上下文,他进一步改善软件就是希望软件能帮助其分析和创作出更复杂的音乐,由此D选项为正确答案。

  61.B。题干:几年后,科普的软件“艾米”已经能够帮助他创作歌剧了。__________ 需要作曲家和艾米共同配合。本题考查名词词义和句意。四个选项分别代入,显然是在软件创作音乐过程中需要作曲家和艾米共同配合,故B为正确选项。

  62.A。题干:科普聆听艾米写出的音乐片段,使用了他认为好的__________ 。本题考查代词。根据原文语境,科普聆听艾米所创作的音乐片段,然后选取了他认为好的片段,因而用ones来指代所创作的音乐片段,故A为正确选项。

  63.C。题干:有了艾米的帮助,科普只用了两个星期就完成了这部歌剧,叫作《摇篮坠落》,该部歌剧是巨大的__________ 。本题考查句意和名词。从空格前的修饰语great来看,great success比较符合语境,故C为正确选项。


  65.A。题干:普现在依然会给艾米反馈,告诉她自己哪些音乐是他喜欢的,哪些是不喜欢的,__________ 现在大部分的工作是由艾米来完成的。本题考查上下文逻辑关系。原文中空格前后为转折关系,所以本题选A。


  Underground Coal Fires

  Coal burning deep underground in China, India and Indonesia is threatening the environment andhuman life, scientists have warned. These large-scale __________(51) blazes cause the ground temperature to heat up and kill surrounding vegetation, produce greenhouse gases and can __________(52) ignite forest fires, a panel of scientists told the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Denver. The resulting__________ (53) of poisonous elements like arsenic and mercury can also pollute local water sources and soils,they warned.

  "Coal fires are a global catastrophe," said Associate Professor Glenn Stracher of East Georgia College in Swainsboro, USA. But __________ (54) few people know about them.

  Coal can heat up on its own, and eventually catch fire and burn, if there is a continuous oxygen supply. The heat produced is not caused to __________ (55) and under the right combinations of sunlight and oxygen, can trigger spontaneous catching fire and burning. This can occur underground, in coal stockpiles, abandoned mines or even as coal is transported.__________ (56) fires in China consume up to 200 million tones of coal per year, delegates were told. In __________(57), the U.S. economy consumes about one billion tones of coal annually, said Stracher,.__________ (58)analysis of the likely impact of coal fires has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Coal Ecology. __________(59) underway, coal fires can bum for decades, even centuries. In the process, they release large__________(60) of greenhouse gases, poisonous fumes and black particles into the atmosphere.

  The members of the panel discussed the__________(61) these fires may be having on global and regional climate change, and agreed that the underground nature of the fires makes them difficult to __________(62).

  Ultimately, the remote sensing and other techniques should allow scientists to __________(63)how much carbon dioxide these fires are emitting. One suggested__________ (64) of containing the fires was presented by Gary Colaizzi, of the engineering firm Goodson, which has developed a heat-resistant grout (a thin mortar used to fill cracks and crevices), which is designed to be pumped into the coal fire to__________(65) the oxygen supply.

  51.A. house B. undergroundC. skyD. water

  52.A. only

  B. even

  C. just

  D. then

  53.A. release

  B. paste

  C. consumption

  D. elimination

  54.A. happily

  B. traditionally

  C. surprisingly

  D. fashionably

  55.A. exchange

  B. regenerate

  C. disappear

  D. transfer

  56.A. Most

  B. Such

  C. Some

  D. Many

  57.A. comparison

  B. case

  C. time

  D. turn

  58.A. which

  B. who

  C. whose

  D. what

  59.A. Yet

  B. Unless

  C. Although

  D. Once

  60.A. data

  B. volumes

  C. figures

  D. images

  61.A. attack

  B. impact

  C. identification

  D. implication

  62.A. develop

  B. relieve

  C. detect

  D. supply

  63.A. estimate

  B. experiment

  C. gather

  D. illustrate

  64.A. cause

  B. method

  C. treatment

  D. rule

  65.A. take up

  B. back up

  C. run out

  D. cut off


  51.B。本题考查线索回现解题法。题干:这些大规模的__________ 火焰造成地面温度上升,杀死四周的植被,产生温室气体,__________ 能引发森林火灾。根据首句的coal burning deep underground可知,火焰(blaze)是在地下。故本题答案为B。

  52.B。本题考查副词。题干:这些大规模的地下火焰造成地面温度上升,杀死四周的植被,产生温室气体,__________ 能引发森林火灾。根据并列部分的程度,从造成地面温度上升,到引发森林火灾,四个并列成分之间是递进的关系,因此在火灾之前用“甚至”来表示程度的严重是合理的。故本题答案为B。

  53.A。本题考查名词。题干:随之而来的有害气体的__________ ,比如砷和汞,也会污染当地的水资源和土壤。煤燃烧之后有害气体会被释放,从而污染各种环境,因此release是最佳答案。

  54.c。本题考查上下文语义。题干:但是令人__________ 的是,几乎没有人知道他们。前一句讲到有专家提示“煤火是全球性的灾难”,而空格后的意思是“几乎没有人意识到这一点”,两者语义形成了强烈的反差,因此此处应该使用surprisingly。

  55.C。本题考查语义。题干:产生的热量不会__________ ,在阳光与氧气的结合下,能自动起火并开始燃烧。该句是对上一句的进一步解释,上一句的意思是:煤炭能持续发热,并在有持续氧气供应的情况下最终自燃。因此,该句中“热量不会消失”与上文“持续加热”语义走向是一致的,故本题选disappear。

  56.B。本题考查有指示含义的修饰语。题干:中国__________ 的火势每年会燃烧掉多达2亿吨煤炭。前文描述的是煤炭自燃所引起的燃烧,该句顺承上文的意思,用“这样的”火势来承接语义。故本题答案为such。

  57.A。本题考查固定搭配。题干:萨切尔说,__________ ,美国经济每年耗费煤的总量为1亿吨。__________ 关于煤炭引发燃烧可能出现的影响的分析已经在《煤炭生态学国际期刊》上得以发布。此处很明显在对比美国和中国对煤炭消耗的情况,因此用in comparison表示对比。

  58.C。本题考查从句引导词。题干:萨切尔说,相比之下,美国经济每年耗费煤的总量为1亿吨。__________ 关于煤炭引发的燃烧可能出现的影响的分析已经在《煤炭生态学国际期刊》上得以发布。从句中主干是完整的,analysis需要的是定语,加之先行词为Sthacher,因此可判断从句讲的是“萨切尔的分析”内容,证明此处应该是能指代Sthacher’s的关系代词。只有whose有此功能,故本题答案为C。

  59.D。本题考查逻辑关系。题干:__________ 在地下,炭火可以燃烧几十年,甚至几百年。这里需要一个副词来表示炭火燃烧几十年甚至上百年的条件,只有once符合这个要求。 unless等于“if…not”,用在本句中逻辑关系不通顺。

  60.B。本题考查固定搭配。题干:在这个过程中,这些炭火释放出大__________ 温室气体,有毒的火焰以及黑色的颗粒物质进入到大气中。large volumes of的意思是“大量的”,属于固定搭配。

  61.B。本题考查句意。题干:研究组成员讨论了这些炭火可能对全球及地区气候变化带来的__________ ,并且都认为这些地下火焰的性质使得他们很难被__________ 。煤引起的燃烧对气候变化一定会有很大的影响,这是自第一段开始便在不断被提及的事情,因此此处填入impact最符合句意。

  62.C。本题考查句意。题干:研究组成员讨论了这些炭火可能对全球及地区气候变化带来的影响,并且都认为这些地下火焰的性质使得他们很难被__________ 。鉴于炭火是在地下燃烧,因此很难被“发现”是正常的语义搭配,detect是最佳答案。

  63.A。本题考查句意。题干:最终,遥感技术和其他技术可以允许科学家们__________ 这些燃烧排放了多少二氧化碳。前文讲到由于地下燃烧的特性让探测燃烧变得困难,因此科学家们利用的技术也只能是预估大体的情况,因此用estimate是正确的。

  64.B。本题考查句意。题干:来自Goodson公司的Gary Lolaizzi提供了一种阻碍这些燃烧的__________ ,这家公司开发了一种抗热材料,这种材料被设计用来灌注到煤火中以__________ 氧气供应。专家提供的是解决问题的办法,只有method符合句子的含义。

  65.D。本题考查句意和词组搭配。题干:来自Goodson公司的Gary Lolaizzi提供了一种阻碍这些燃烧的办法,这家公司开发了一种抗热材料,这种材料被设计用来灌注到煤火中以__________ 氧气供应。前文讲到地下煤火燃烧的条件之一是有持续不断的氧气供应。该句的前半部分提及专家提供了如何灭火的方法,第二个which引导的定语从句则也是在解释将火扑灭的办法,即切断氧气的供应。因此cut off是符合语义要求的。


  Why India Needs Its Dying Vultures

  The vultures (秃鹰) in question may look ugly and threatening, but the sudden sharp decline in three species of India's vultures is producing alarm rather than celebration, and it presents the world with a new kind of environmental problem. The dramatic__________(51) in vulture numbers is causing widespread disruption to people living in the__________(52) areas as the birds. It is also causing serious public health problems __________(53) the Indian sub-continent.

  While their reputation and appearance may be unpleasant to many Indians, vultures have__________(54)played a very important role in keeping towns and villages all over India __________(55) It is because they feed on dead cows. In India, cows are sacred animals and are__________ (56) left in the open when they die in their thousands upon thousands every year.

  The disappearance of the vultures has __________(57) an explosion in the numbers of wild dogs feeding on the remains of these__________ (58) animals. There are fears that rabies (狂犬症) may increase as a result. And this terrifying disease may ultimately (最终) affect humans in the region, __________ (59) ild dogs are its main carriers. Rabies could also spread to other animal species, __________(60) an even greater problem in the future.

  The need for action is __________ (61), so an emergency project has been launched to find a solution to this serious vulture problem. Scientists are trying to__________ (62) the disease causing the birds' deaths and, if possible, develop a cure.

  Large-scale vulture__________(63) were first noticed at the end of the 1980s in India. A population survey at that time showed that the three species of vultures had declined__________ (64)over 90 per cent. All three species are now listed as "critically endangered". As most vultures lay only single eggs and__________ (65) about five years to reach maturity, reversing their population decline will be a long and difficult exercise.

  51.A. increase

  B. threat

  C. risk

  D. decline

  52.A. small

  B. different

  C. same

  D. safe

  53.A. above

  B. with

  C. across

  D. through

  54.A. rarely

  B. long

  C. recently

  D. seldom

  55.A. dangerous

  B. clean

  C. smelly

  D. beautiful

  56.A. immediately

  B. occasionally

  C. hardly

  D. traditionally

  57.A. acted as

  B. led to

  C. come from

  D. slowed down

  58.A. dead

  B. strange

  C. wild

  D. endangered

  59.A. when

  B. so

  C. whether

  D. since

  60.A. improving

  B. causing

  C. predicting

  D. finding

  61.A. frequent

  B. regular

  C. urgent

  D. sudden

  62.A. identify

  B. prove

  C. test

  D. check

  63.A. injuries

  B. deaths

  C. arrivals

  D. attacks

  64.A. in

  B. on

  C. along

  D. by

  65.A. waste

  B. consume

  C. take

  D. adopt


  51.D。考查词汇。题干:秃鹰数量的急剧__________ 给生活在__________ 地区的人们带来破坏。从上下文语境来看,通篇文章都在叙述秃鹰濒临灭绝对印度环境的负面影响,而且文章的标题中的dying vultures也提供了线索。decline符合上下文的意思,意为“秃鹰的数量在急剧减少”。increase与上下文的意思相反。故D为正确答案。

  52.C。考查固定搭配。题干:秃鹰数量的急剧减少给生活在与鸟__________ 地区的人们带来破坏。从上下文语境来看,秃鹰数量的急剧减少不仅是这些鸟类的灾难,对当地居民同样也是如此,the same as意为“和……一样”,为固定搭配。故C为正确答案。

  53.C。考查介词。题干:这也给__________ 印度次大陆带来了公共健康的问题。从上下文语境来看,四个选项中只有across the Indian sub.continent(整个印度次大陆)符合题干,故C为正确答案。

  54.B。考查副词。题干:虽然它们的声誉和外观可能对许多印度人是不愉快的,但是秃鹰__________ 在维护印度城镇和乡村的__________ 方面扮演了非常重要的角色。从上下文语境来看,四个选项代入后,long意为“长期以来一直起作用”,合乎上下文的意思,故B是正确答案。

  55.B。考查词汇。题干:虽然秃鹰的名声不好,许多印度人也讨厌其长相,但是长久以来,秃鹰在维护全印度的城镇和乡村的__________ 方面扮演了非常重要的角色。因为秃鹰是以死牛为生。四个选项分别代入后,B选项clean(清洁的)符合题干要求,其他选项dangerous意为“危险的”,smelly意为“有臭味的”,beautiful意为“漂亮的”,均不符合题干要求,故B是正确答案。

  56.D。考查词汇。题干:在印度,牛是神圣的动物,因而死后__________ 露尸户外,任其腐烂。露尸户外是印度的传统,所以此处填traditionally“传统地”。选项immediately意为“立即地”,occasionally意为“偶尔地”,hardly意为“几乎不”,都不通,因此D为正确选项。

  57.B。考查固定搭配。题干:秃鹰的消失—__________ 以__________ 动物为生的野狗数量暴增。表达的是因果关系。“the disappearance ofthe vultures”是因,“all explosion in the numbers of wild dogs feeding on the remains ofthese dead animals”是果,四个选项中只有lead to(导致)能表达这种因果关系,使题干很通顺。因此B为正确选项。

  58.A。考查词汇。题干:秃鹰的消失导致以__________ 动物为生的野狗数量暴增。从上下文语境来看,应该是死的动物,因此A为正确选项。

  59.D。考查状语从句。题干:这种可怕的疾病最终会影响当地的居民,__________ 野狗是狂犬病的主要携带者。前后是因果关系,四个选项中只有since(由于,因为)能表达这种因果关系。因此D为正确选项。

  60.B。考查词汇。题干:狂犬病也可能传播到其他生物,__________ 更大的问题。从上下文语境来看,前后为因果关系,所以B选项causing(导致)为正确答案。

  61.C。考查词汇。题干:采取行动的需求是__________ 。从上下文语境来看,空格后提到了“启动了应急项目”,可以推断要选的形容词是urgent(紧迫的),意为“采取行动已刻不容缓”,故C为正确选项。

  62.A。考查词汇。题干:科学家们正试图__________ 导致秃鹰死亡的疾病,如果可能的话,找到治愈该病的方法。四个选项分别代入后,identify(确定)比较符合语境,故A为正确选项。

  63.B。考查词汇。题干:在印度,人们注意到秃鹰的大批__________ 最早是在20世纪80年代。根据上下文语境,deaths可使全段的意思连贯,故B为正确选项。


  65.C。考查词汇。题干:由于大部分秃鹰每次只产一只蛋,幼鹰__________ 大约5年的时间才能成熟,因此,若想遏制住秃鹰数量的下降会是一项长期的、艰巨的任务。“花费或用多少时间”英语的常用的表达法是“take…days/months/years”,其他三个选项都不合适,故C为正确选项。










