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时间:2021-02-27 08:54:24 商务英语 我要投稿




商务英语作文 篇1

  Replying to an enquiry Ex 7: Sample answer: (219words)

  Dear Mr Zampieri

  With reference to your letter dated 14 June, in which you requested information about A Cut Above, please find enclosed details about our company and the services we offer.

  Our aim is always to provide our clients with the best combination of food, entertainment and location. By choosing A Cut Above, you can relax and enjoy your special occasion while we do all the work. Events catered for by A Cut Above include corporate functions such as conversations and Christmas balls and also family celebrations such as birthdays, weddings and anniversaries.

  A Cut Above offers a variety of services from simply providing a gourmet menu to helping you choose the right venue and organise entertainment. We specialise in using our experience to meet your needs. To help us achieve this aim, we always arrange a meeting with a new client well before the date of any event in order to discuss the various possibilities.

  As you can appreciate, we are unable to give quotations before our initial briefing with a client as price per head varies with the choice of menu.

  To arrange a meeting or for any further information, please do not hesitate to contact myself or Elena Polidoro on 01623 713698.

  A Cut Above looks forward to hearing from you.

  Yours sincerely

  Sinead Welsh

商务英语作文 篇2

  Thanks for seeing me off at the airport. I really appreciate it. No problem, it's my pleasure. I am glad you had a chance to visit our headquarters, and hope you can come back soon. We should be back in about three months. We'll have another corporate meeting next quarter. Will you be in the area at that time? I should be.... Remember to let me know when your flight is coming in when you come. I'll come and pick you up at the airport. You're too kind. Here we are at the terminal, what airline are you flying with? Um...Let me look at the ticket. Oh, that's right, China Air. China Air is in terminal B, this is the international terminal, so all you have to do is walk straight through those doors and turn to your left, you should be able to see the check-in counter. Thanks again for all your help. If you're ever in the Michigan area, be sure to look me up. Yes. Let's keep in touch

  您来机场送机,我感激不尽。不客气。我很高兴您有机会来拜访我们总部,希望不久以后您能再来。我们大概三个月后会回来。下一季度我们还有一个公司会议。那时候您会在公司吗?我应该在公司。您来时请务必让我知道您的航班时间。我将在机场接机。您太客气了。我们到航站楼了。您是坐哪家航空公司的航班?嗯,我看一下机票。是中国航空。中国航空在B号航站楼。这是一个国际航站楼,所以您需要一直走至穿过那边的门,然后向左转。到时您就能看见登机台。再次感谢您的全部帮助! 如果您去密歇根,请务必来找我。好的',保持联系。

商务英语作文 篇3







  1。实用范例 (1)










商务英语作文 篇4





























商务英语作文 篇5

  International business is inseparable from the telephone, a convenient means of communication. Can your voice be courteous when your voice travels around the world through the microphone?

  The charm of intonation, answering the phone in a clear and pleasant tone, shows the professional demeanor and amiable character of the speaker. Although your partner can't see your face, your joy or irritation will come through your voice. When you call, your tone should be smooth, soft and serene. Then, if you can talk to each other with a smile, it will make your voice more friendly and enthusiastic. Never chew gum or eat while you're on the phone.

  The appropriate answer calls should be answered immediately after the second bell sound, should take the initiative to identify the company or department name and his name after politely greeting each other, do not pick up the phone and asked: “ Hello, who are you looking for? ” also, to call people need to leave a message should be clear to report the name, unit number, and a message in simple language. The end of the telephone conversation, usually made by the calling party, then politely said goodbye to each other. No matter what the reason for the telephone call, the party shall be responsible for the redial.

  Telephone calls are most common in commercial complaints and cannot be answered in a timely manner. In order not to lose every opportunity to clinch a deal, some companies even make telephone calls to be within an hour of the provisions of the reply. Generally within 24 hours of the phone message to reply, if you call back, just in case the other party is not in, but also to leave a message, indicating that you have called back. If you really can not personally call back, you should entrust others agency.

  Pay attention to the time difference. Make sure you know the time difference and the hours of work before you make a call. Don't make a phone call on the day off so as not to interfere with the rest of the day. Try not to call home even if the customer has told you the phone number at home.

  The proper use of the phone in America you can sell the goods to a person be strangers to each other by telephone, while in Europe, Latin American and Asian countries, telemarketing or on the phone for a long time to talk business on the unacceptable. The best way to develop good business relationships is to negotiate face to face with customers, while the telephone is mainly used to arrange interviews. Of course, once the two sides have met, it is much easier to communicate with each other by telephone.

商务英语作文 篇6


  Your delivery of [description of goods] which was received by us on [date] does not meet the specifications as outlined in our contract of [date] .

  Inasmuch as this merchandise does not meet our requirements, we are hereby requesting that you suspend any future deliveries as called for in our herein referenced contract and release us from that certain contract.

  Due to our contractual commitments, we must supply our customer with the appropriate goods within a specified period of time which requires that we now proceed to make our purchases from a different source.

  We would appreciate receiving your release as soon as possible.









