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时间:2021-01-15 13:55:10 办公室英语 我要投稿


  Women in some developing economies arejoining the top ranks of business management at the same pace as those inwestern countries.



  This is particularly true in the largestemerging markets, says Saadia Zahidi, head of gender and employment initiativesat the World Economic Forum.

  世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)的性别和就业计划主管萨阿迪亚•扎赫迪(Saadia Zahidi)表示,在几个最大的新兴市场尤其如此。

  The body’s annual GlobalGender Gap Index uses economic, educational, health and political indicators torank 145 economies on how well they are using their female talent pool.

  该组织的年度全球性别差距指数(Global Gender Gap Index)采用经济、教育、健康和政治等方面指标,对145个经济体进行排名,以评估它们利用女性人才储备的情况。

  You have a group of highly skilled women inthe higher and middle income brackets who are doing incredibly well and in manycases better in terms of the gender gap and leadership than in [some] developedcountries, says Ms Zahidi.


  Notable examples include SomruedeeChaimongkol, chief executive of Thailand’s Banpu, one of Asia’s largestenergy companies, and Siza Mzimela, a former South African Airways chiefexecutive who now owns her own airline.

  突出的例子包括亚洲最大能源公司之一泰国万浦集团(Banpu)首席执行官Somruedee Chaimongkol以及南非航空(South African Airways)前首席执行官、如今拥有自己的航空公司的西扎•姆兹米拉(Siza Mzimela)。

  Ms Zahidi says that with 21 per cent ofsenior company positions held by women, China’s proportion isslightly higher than the US’s 20 per cent.


  In some places, legislative changes havehelped.


  Countries such as Kenya, India and Malaysiahave introduced quotas for women on corporate boards.


  In economies where many businesses arefamily-owned, it is becoming more acceptable for daughters to take up the reinswhen leadership is passed to the next generation.


  A key reason for the growing success ofbusinesswomen in emerging markets is the increased educational opportunity forwomen, at least those who can afford a university education.


  In Asia, the number of top universities isgrowing.


  In the 2016 Times Higher Education WorldUniversity Rankings, 289 Asian universities made it on to the list of 980universities and 19 —including China’s Tsinghua —are in the ranking’s top 200.

  在2016年泰晤士报高等教育世界大学排行榜(Times Higher Education World University Rankings)上,有289所亚洲大学上榜,其中19所排在前200名之列,包括中国的清华大学(Tsinghua)。该榜单全部上榜大学为980所。

  Meanwhile, more women in developingcountries are seeking business training.


  It depends on the region, but certainly inthe last 10 years there’s been an increasing number of women in business education,says Guy Pfeffermann, founder and chief executive of the Global Business SchoolNetwork, a non-profit organisation that supports management education indeveloping countries.

  非盈利组织全球商学院网络(Global Business School Network)创始人兼首席执行官盖伊•普费弗曼(GuyPfeffermann)表示:各地区情况不同,但过去10年接受商科教育的女性数量确实不断增多。该组织为发展中国家的管理学教育提供支持。

  In recent decades, women have eitherachieved parity with men or are the majority in universities in emergingmarkets, says Ms Zahidi.


  And we’re seeing thepay-off of that in mid-level and senior positions.


  Companies are playing a role, too.


  For example, Goldman Sachs’10,000Women programme provides underserved women around the world with business andmanagement education, as well as mentoring, networks and access to capital.

  例如,高盛(Goldman Sachs)旨在支持1万名女性的巾帼圆梦计划(10000 Women)为全球各地资源匮乏的女性提供商业和管理教育、导师和人脉以及融资渠道。

  Some companies in emerging markets areallocating investments to support women’s participation in business, just liketheir counterparts in rich countries, thanks to the growing recognition of thebusiness benefits of gender diversity in the workplace.


  Carmen Niethammer sees this at work amongthe clients of the International Finance Corporation, the World Bank’s privatesector arm.

  卡门•尼特哈默尔(Carmen Niethammer)是世界银行(World Bank)旗下私营部门机构国际金融公司(IFC)性别秘书处的就业负责人,她看到这种做法在IFC的客户中发挥了作用。

  You have companies that are buildingchildcare centres in rural areas where infrastructure is not there, says MsNiethammer, who is head of employment at the IFC’s GenderSecretariat.


  She points to India, where companies areinvesting in childcare facilities.


  The IT industry is at the forefront ofthis, she says.


  Even so, when it comes to the inclusion ofwomen among the ranks of senior executives, some regions are advancing fasterthan others, particularly when it comes to corporate governance.


  In 2015, the African Development Bank (ADB)found that while the percentage of board directors who were women in Africanblue-chip companies (14 per cent) lagged behind the EU’s 18 per cent and the USFortune 500’s 17 per cent, they did better than those in Asia-Pacific (10 percent) and Latin America (6 per cent).


  Meanwhile, at middle management level, itis Latin America where women are making most gains, says Ms Niethammer.


  They have started to bring [women] intomiddle management, she says.


  In the 2016 When Women Thrive report fromMercer, the human resources consultancy, Latin America is the only region ontrack to achieve gender parity in professional-level positions and higher by2025.


  It found women in the region were morelikely than men to be promoted from every level, and twice as likely to bepromoted from senior management.


  Women in these markets still face obstaclesto advancing their careers, including the need to care for children and otherfamily members.


  One of the biggest barriers to womenparticipating in the paid economy is the amount of unpaid work they have to do,says Radhika Balakrishnan, director of the Center for Women’s Global Leadershipand professor of women’s and gender studies at Rutgers University.

  阻碍女性参与到有偿经济中来的最大障碍之一是她们不得不做很多没有报酬的工作,罗格斯大学(Rutgers University)女性全球领导力中心(Center for Women’s Global Leadership)主任、从事女性和性别研究的拉蒂卡•巴拉克里什南教授(Radhika Balakrishnan)表示。

  However high up the ladder you are, thatstill lands on the woman.









职业生涯十年规划 实例访谈总监晋升之路01-25

